7B 第三单元检测 I 卷 (共 60 分) I.单项选择。(每空 1 分,共 25 分) ( ) 1. ----Hello. May I speak to Daniel, please? ---- Yes,__________. Who’s that? A. ( I am B. I’m C. this is D. speaking ) 2.---Is ________ ready for the trip? ---No. we still need to buy a map before we start the trip. A. ( anything B. something . You see, I have to get ready for my coming party. A. Thank you B. I'd love to C. I am afraid not D. All right ) 4. "Take this medicine and it will make you __better soon," the nurse says to the __ boy. A. feel; sick ( D. nothing ) 3. ---Will you come to join us in the trip? --- ( C. everything B. to feel; sick C. feeling; ill D. feels; ill ) 5. ---I’m not feeling ________ these days, so I go to see a doctor. ---But ________, you still do well in the exam. A. good, luckily ( B. well, unluckily C. good, lucky ) 6. ________ young men in Beijing are ________ the housing problem now. A. Most of; worried B. Many; worrying about C. Most, worry ( D. well, luckily D. Many of; worried about ) 7. ---Do you have time tomorrow? ---________. I’m busy ________ my design for my new home. A. Yes, of course; doing B. I’m afraid not; with C. like; like D. like; likes ( ) 8. Why ________ him to your home and have a chat? A. not invite B. not inviting C. don’t you invite D.A&C ( )9. My father has an interesting _______ and he _________. A.work, works hard B. job, works hard C. job, works hardly D. work, works hardly ( )10---Do you know Weifang? ---Yes, it’s ________ kites. A. famous for B. famous to C. famous as D. famous in ( ) 11. The book isn’t _________. It belongs to ________. A. her; my B. yours; mine C. his; me D. hers; mine ( ) 12. The music sounds ________. I don’t like it at all. A. badly B. well C. good D. terrible ( ) 13. ________ mothers can’t come to the meeting because they go to Beijing. A. Sally’s and Jane B. Sally and Jane’s C. Sally’s and Jane’s D. Sally and Jane ( ) 14.---_______pencil case is it? ----It must be _________. A. Who’s; Tom B. Who’s; Tom’s C. Whose; Tom’s D.Whose; Tom ( ) 15.----I am thinking of what to buy ______my mother _____a Women’s Day present. ----Some flowers are OK. A.for; as ( B. to; for C. for; on D. as; for ) 16.---_________is it from your home to school?-----Only 10 minutes’ ride on a ride. A. How long B.How often C. How far D. Where ( ) 17. ---There are so many books . Will you please ask some students ______me _____them to the classroom? A. help; carry ----OK. B. to help; carry C. helping; to carry D. to help; carrying ( ) 18. Each of us is looking forward ________ a good result. Let’s do it more carefully. A. to get B. for getting C. to getting D. for get ( ) 19. ---I will meet you at the school gate. Don’t be late! ---OK!__________. A. You are welcome. B. That’s great. C.I will. D. I won’t. ( )20. ---There is lots of homework for me _________every day. ---- How long does it usually take you ________ every day? A. do; doing B. to do; doing C. doing; to do D. to do; to do ( ) 21. My brother always drives me ____there _____some shopping in the town centre. A. to ; to do B. to; doing C. /; to do D. /; do ( ) 22. Jack with his friends _______going to _______their English teacher tomorrow. A. are; visit B. is; visit C. is; visiting D. are; visiting ( ) 23. It’s a good idea ______ too much food at night. A. eating B. to eat ( ) 24. ---Do you go to school _____bus? A. by; on B. by; by C. not to eat D. not eating ----No, I go to school ______my bike. C. on; on D. on; by ( ) 25. This online shop sells _________clothes at very good prices. A. Child and men’s B. children and men’s A. children’s and men D. children’s and men’s II.完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your 26 carry message(信息). People talk with words. Do you think you can talk 27 words? A smile 28 your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears(眼泪) in your eyes tell 29 that you are sad. When you put up your hand 30 class, the teacher knows you want to say something 31 ask questions. You shake(摇 头)your head, and people know you are saying “no”. You nod and people know you are saying 32 . Other things can also give some 33 .For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus 34 . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you 35 to go. Do you find that there are a lot of signs 36 you and that you get

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