第 01 讲: 名校高中自主招生词汇——语篇填空专练 词汇语篇填空样题以及答案分析 Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. 词汇样题 A A. shape B. encourage F. dramatically G. really C. global H. squeeze D. trend I. nature E. extreme J. harvest K. necessarily The world is facing an increasing rise in the number of old people, and they will live longer than ever before. Over the next 20 years the ___1___ population of those aged 65 or more will almost double, from 600 million to 1.1 billion. The experience of the 20th century, when greater longevity (寿命) translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work, has persuaded many observers that this shift will lead to slower economic growth, while the rapidly expanding number of retirees will ___2___ government budgets. But the concept of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new ___3___: the growing gap between the skilled and unskilled. Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people, but older skilled folk are working longer. The divide is most ___4___ in America, where well-educated older people are putting off retirement while less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce. Policy is partly responsible. Many European governments have abandoned policies that used to ___5___ people to retire early. Rising life expectancy ( 预期寿命), combined with the shrinking pension plans ( 养 老 金 计 划 ) means that even the better-off people must work longer to have a comfortable retirement. But the changing ___6___ of work also plays a big role. Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to ___7___ rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than their parents and grandparents. Technological change may well strengthen that shift: the skills that are mainly displayed in computers, from management to creativity, do not ___8___ decline with age. This trend will benefit not just fortunate older people but also, in some ways, society as a whole. Growth will slow less ___9___ than expected: government budgets will be in better ___10___, as higher earners pay taxes for longer. Rich countries with lots of well-educated older people will find the burden of ageing easier to bear than places like India, where half of all 55-to-64-year-olds did not complete primaryschool education. 答案分析 1. 答案为 C。名词 population 前的空格应填形容词,作定语。形容词 global 意为“世界的”句子译文:未来 20 年,世 界 65 岁以上的老年人口几乎要翻一番,从 6 亿增至 11 亿。 2. 答案为 H。will 加动词原形构成一般将来时,空格应填动词。动词 squeeze 意为“挤压”。句子译文:20 世纪人类的 寿命延长了,从而延长了退休岁月,并不是工作年限,许多观察家认为这个变化将导致经济增速放缓,与此同时, 退休人口迅速膨胀还将挤压政府预算。 3. 答案为 D。形容词 new 修饰名词,空格应填名词。名词 trend 意为“趋势”。句子译文:但是,人们的观念常常将忙 碌的青年和休闲的老年人作截然划分,却无视一个新趋势:拥有技能者和缺乏技能者之间日益扩大的差距。 4. 答案为 E。most 修饰形容词,构成形容词最高级,空格应填形容词。形容词 extreme 意为“极端的”。句子译文:在 美国两极分化特别明显,受过良好教育的老年人一再延迟退休,缺乏技能的青壮年却早早退出职场。 5. 答案为 B。used to do sth,空格应填动词原形,构成动词不定式。动词 encourage 意为“鼓励”。句子译文:许多欧 洲国家的政府放弃了原先鼓励人们提早退休的策。 6. 答案为 I。现在分词 changing 作定语修饰名词,空格应填名词。名词 nature 意为“性质”。句子译文:但是,不断变 化的工作性质也起着很大作用。 7. 答案为 J。continue to do sth,空格应填动词原形,构成动词不定式。动词 harvest 意为“收获”。句子译文:受过高 等教育人群的薪资迅速增长,即使进入老年依然收入颇丰,因为现在受过良好教育的老年人创造的效益远高于他们 的父祖辈。 8. 答案为 K。副词修饰动词 decline,作状语,空格应填副词。副词 necessarily 意为“一定地”。句子译文:科技革新 使转型更加巩固:主要在企业管理和科技创新领域得以展现的计算机能力并不一定随年纪变老而退步。 9. 答案为 F。less 修饰副词,构成副词比较级,修饰动词 slow,空格应填副词。副词 dramatically 意为“急剧地”。句 子译文:经济增长不会如预期的那样急速放缓。 10. 答案为 A。better,形容词比较级,修饰名词;be in sth,介词 in 后接名词,空格应填名词。名词 shape 意为“形态; 状况”。句子译文:随着高收入者纳税年限延长,政府预算状况将更趋良好。 词汇样题 B A. tragic B. heroic F. zones G. end C. universal H. means D. desire E. sense I. conditions J. fascination K. familiar What is it about the wreck of the R. M. S. Titanic? Why, a century later, do people still spend so much brainpower and technological ___1___ upon this graveyard of metal more than two miles beneath the ocean surface? Why, like Pearl Harbor, ground zero, and only a few other disaster ___2___, does it make such a magnetic impact on our imagination? For some Titanic’s destruction lies at the heart of its attraction. This has always been a sensational story: A ship so strong and so grand, sinking in water so cold and so deep. For others the Titanic’s ___3___ begins and ends with the people on board. It took two hours and 40 minutes for the Titanic to sink, just long enough for 2,208 ___4___ performances to unfold, with the ship’s lights flooding. One man is said to have made for the lifeboats dressed in w

docx文档 01:名校高中自主招生词汇—词汇填空专练-2022年上海名校高中自主招生英语直通车

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