初二下英语期末专攻—————B 卷十二选十 短文填空专练 1(2021 金牛区期末) angry; down; hour; interest; meet; no; rest; save; tiring; thank; up; useful Once, there was a huge tree in the middle of some dry land. The tree was a good ____1____ point for travelers from towns and villages to discuss something. And it also gave them a good place ____2____. One day, two travelers reached the tree after ____3____ walking. They wanted to go to one of the towns nearby. It was a hot and sunny day, and the travelers were very happy to take a rest under the tree. They were really ____4____, so they lay under the tree. They slept for a while, enjoying the cool shade(阴凉处). When they woke up, one of the travelers got hungry. They had no food with them. The hungry traveler looked ____5____ at the tree, to see if there was any fruit. Finding ____6____, he began to say some bad words to the tree. “Oh, this tree has nothing to feed us, not even some fruit or even nuts! It is of no ____7____!” The other traveler stopped him and asked him to stay cool. However, the hungry man continued shouting at the tree, full of ____8____. The tree could not stand the bad words from the traveler. It said in a sad but strong voice, “You are so impolite. I offered you a cool and comfortable place. I ____9____ you. If I were not here, you would have died now!” The traveler realized his mistake and said sorry to the tree. “When eating bamboo sprouts(竹笋), remember the man who planted them.” Please be _____10_____ for everything that we get. 1.meeting 6.none 2.to rest 7.use 3.hous’ 8.anger 1/9 4.tired 9.saved 5.up 10.thankful 短文填空专练 2(2021 锦江区期末) a be begin cheap common end left no see surprise though well The “Double Eleven” Shopping Festival is one of the largest shopping festivals in China. Last year, the biggest winner, Alibaba, alone ____1____ 498.2 billion yuan in trade. Many people believe such large shopping festivals can help them save lots of money. After all, many customers do buy some goods the ____2____ in a year. But if you take a careful look at the sales prices, you’ll find that many of them ____3____ in “9”or “99”. In our everyday life, we hardly say, “Just give me 5.99 minutes.” Or it’s ____4____ to say,“Just give me 59 minutes.” We get used to saying,“Just give me six minutes.” and “Just give me 60 minutes.” Why do stores choose the other way round? According to Lee E. Hibbett, an expert of marketing, this pricing skill ____5____ around for a century. No one knows who invented it. It’s clear that stores all like it. Prices that have “99” and “9” simply sell ____6____. The skill is based on (基于) how we read. On a price tag, we can easily remember the number on the far ____7____. We can remember the “5” most ____8____5.99 yuan is pretty close to 6 yuan. Something that sells for 5.99 yuan just seems like a better deal than the one that sells for yuan. In a 2016 study, Hibbett asked a clothing company to raise the price of one of its dresses. He and his workmates all thought fewer people would buy the dress, but the result actually ____9____ them. Sales were up by a third when the price was raised from $34 to $39. However, raising the price from $34 to $44 made ____10____ difference. So be careful with prices with “99” and “9”. They may make you spend more money but not save some! 1.saw 6.better 2.most cheaply 7.beginning 3.end 8.though 2/9 4.uncommon 9.surprised 5.has been 10.no 短文填空专练 3(2021 高新区期末) among change consider except include little outdoor population protect rise step surprise With her eyes feeling tired, 16-year-old Sun Run went to the hospital with her parents. ___1___, she found out that her eyesight(视力) dropped from 5.0 to 4.6 in only half a year. In fact, poor eyesight ___2___ Chinese primary and high school students ___3___ from 59.2 percent to 70.6 percent in the first six months of 2020, according to the Ministry of Education. By 2050, half of the world’s ___4___ will be nearsighted(近视) according to a study in the journal Ophthalmology. The main reason for this is that people’s lifestyles ___5___ over the years. They spend less time outdoors and more time looking at screens. ___6___ students’ eyesight, Chinese government has taken some ___7___. For example, schools should make sure that students have at least two hours of ___8___ activities a day. So many schools begin to have more P.E. classes. Besides, the size of text in students’ textbooks should be no smaller than nine-point(小五 号). And the lights in classrooms should give off as __

doc文档 四川省成都市2021-2022学年八年级英语下学期期末B卷十二选十专练

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