Unit 4 Don’t eat in class——Section B 3a-Self Check 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Our school has a lot of ___________ (rule). 2.Are these music ___________(player)yours? 3.Don't run in the ___________(hallway). 4.What can you do on ___________ (weekend)? 5.There are a lot of ___________ (thing) you can do in this club. 6.There are too many ________(vegetable) in the kitchen. 7.Our school has a lot of ___________ (rule). 8.We have nany music ___________(player). 9.You can’t run in the ___________(hallway). 10.How about having an English party in the_________(hall)? 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.这次会议我们每个人都不能迟到。 Every one of us can’t        the meeting. 2.我们每天必须按时吃早饭。 We       eat breakfast       every day. 3.玛丽,做作业的时候不要听音乐。 Mary,don’t       music when you do your homework. 4.在地铁上,你必须保持安静。 You          on the subway. 三、补全对话 A:Morning,Clark. B:Morning,Amy.Your school is great.1.   A:Yes,we have many school rules. B:2.   A:OK.For example(例如),we must wear school uniforms on school days,we mustn’t run in the hallways and we mustn’t fight with our classmates. B:Can you eat in the classroom? A:3.  We must eat in the dining hall. B:4.   A:Yes,we must.We can’t be late for school. B:5.   A:At 7:30 a.m. B:Oh,I see. A.Yes,we can. B.No,we can’t. C.What are the rules? D.Do you have any school rules? E.Must you arrive at school on time? F.What time do you usually go to school? G.Can you tell me some of your school rules? 四、阅读理解 Rick: I live in Chengdu and I go to No. 3 Middle School. I go to school by bike every day, because the roads (路) in Chengdu are nice and it is easy for me to ride a bike. But sometimes when it rains (下雨), I take a bus to school. Joe: My name is Joe Smith. I’m from Miami, the USA.I take the school bus to school and it’s easy for students. After school, I still take the school bus home. What about you? Carol: My name is Carol. I live in a village in Yunnan. Truly speaking, I don’t really like going to school, because my school is far from my home. And there are two rivers between my home and school. I need to take a boat to school. Julie: Hi, I am Julie. I live in Beijing. My parents are teachers in a middle school and I’m a student in their school. Every morning, my father drives my mother and me to school. And after school, my father drives us home. 1.How does Julie go to school? A.By bike. B.By car. C.By bus. D.By subway. C.Yunnan. D.Beijing. 2.Where is Joe from? A.America. B.Sichuan. 3.Why doesn’t Carol like going to school? A.Because she has no car. B.Because it always rains in Yunnan. C.Because her school is far from her home. D.Because there is no nice road in their village. 4.We can see that ________. A.Joe’s last name is Brown B.Rick goes to No. 1 Middle School C.Julie’s parents work in the same school D.there is a river between Carol’s home and school 5.What do they talk about? A.Where they live. B.How they go to school. C.Where their parents work.D.When they go to school. 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.rules 2.players 3.hallways 4.weekends 5.things 6.vegetables 7.rules 8.players 9.hallways 10.hall 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.be/arrive   late   for  2.have   to  on   time  3.listen   to  4.must   be   quiet  三、补全对话 1-5 DGBEF 四、阅读理解 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B

doc文档 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section B 3a-Self Check课后检测练习 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册

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