M1 重点 习英语好方法 M1 重点 来,动副词组,代词放中间 M1 重点 某人(不要)做某事 样改善英语 M1 重点 句:虚拟语气,谓原形 M1 重点 M1 重点 ill improve your speaking English soon. ood idea to speak English as much as possible. o watch English programs. remember some good sentences and passages every day. d to share my advice on practising speaking English with you. M1 范 得越来越大越来越繁华 M2 重点 较级的词有 :much/even/far/rather/ some day / 过去) (将来)某一天 M2 重点 a little/a lot/a bit M2 重点 身携带一把伞 年中的任何时间 意葱葱的乡村 M2 重点 M2 范 , everyone! Now let me tell you something abou e town, Ba Yuquan. It's in the ast of China and it has a population of five d thousand. There is a sea around the town. people go fishing and swimming there in summ etown is famous for Moon Lake andShiji . People here are very friendly and they always others. The weather in my home town is warm i and cool in summer. Lots of visitors come to my own to go sightseeing every year.I love my wn very much. My home town 有项目的票 视上观看奥林匹克 晚上的网球比赛 M3 重点 往常一样 M3 重点 M3 重点 入组织、团体。 M3 重点 M3 重点 more you go jogging,the healthier you will feel. 适的运动服 M3 重点 贵 / 不贵的方式 M4 重点 M4 重点

ppt文档 各模块重点短语及范文课件辽宁省2021-2022学年外研版八年级上册

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