[见《基础闯关练》P19] Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1.The honey is __sweet__(甜的),and please put some into your tea. 2.—How much is your __scarf__(围巾)? —Fifty dollars. 3.—Do you like your new Tshirt? —Yes. It feels very __soft__(柔软的). 4.The boy pounded(重击)the nails(钉子)into the __board__(木板). 5.Let's tell Danny that the __bear__(熊)got out of the zoo. 6.My grandmother has a bad __memory__(记忆力). 7.There are three __bedrooms__(卧室)in his house. 8.Mary is __honest/truthful__ (诚实的),and everyone here believes her. 9.There's something wrong with my iPad.I need to ask someone to __check__(检 查)it. 10.Uncle Martin held a __yard__(庭院)sale.But no one came because the weather was so bad. Ⅱ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 clear out;play with;to be honest; as for;for a while;do with 1.__To__be__honest__, she doesn't like bananas at all. 2.We've been walking for hours.Let's rest here __for__a__while__. 3 . The twin brothers have been __clearing__out__ a lot of things from their bedroom. 4.My daughter __played__with__ the soft toys almost every week when she was a child. 5.__As__for__ me,an unforgettable(难忘的)experience of mine is the time when I joined the Red Cross(红十字会). 6.What are you going to __do__with__ the money you get? Ⅲ.阅读 Section A 3a 的课文,根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容 (每空不超 过 3 个单词) My kids are growing up 1.__fast__.As they get bigger,they haven't played with their toys for 2.__a__long__time__ now.We decide to have 3.__a__yard__sale__ because we have 4.__too__many__ things in the house and don't seem to have enough space for the children.We want to give the money from the sale to a children's home.We are going to 5.__sell__ some of the old things , such as the toys and football shirts at the yard sale. To be 6.__honest__ , at first , my son felt 7.__quite__sad__ to lose his toy monkey.Because when he was a child,he couldn't go to sleep without it.My daughter was a bit more understanding , 8.__although/though__ it was hard for her to 9.__part__with__ her toys.As for me,I haven't played football for 10.__a__while__ now,so I will sell my football shirts. Ⅳ.阅读下列句子,用 for 或 since 填空 1.My aunt has lived in Australia __for__ 15 days. 2.Margaret is in her office.She has been there __for__ 7 hours. 3.India has been an independent country __since__ 1947. 4.The bus is late.We've been waiting __for__ 20 minutes. 5.Nobody lives in those houses.They have been empty __for__ many years. 6.Mike has been ill __for__ a long time.He has been in hospital __since__ October. 7.—How long have you been like this? —__Since__ last night. 8 . He has worked in the city __since__ three years ago , while his wife has been here __for__ only one month. Ⅴ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 . The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008 , and they __have__lived__(live)there since then. 2.So far,many students in the school __have__won__(win)a lot of prizes in this field. 3.The volunteers __have__offered__(offer)a lot of help to the community for nearly ten years. 4 . There __have__been__(be)great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years. 5.My grandpa __has__been__dead__(die)for sixteen years. [见《基础闯关练》P20] Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1.I found her letter __among__(在……中)the newspapers. 2.They sat at __opposite__(对面的)ends of the table,refusing to talk. 3.He lay on the grassland and __counted__(数数)the stars in the sky. 4.Most people __nowadays__(现今)have realized the importance of a healthy eating habit. 5.A map will be useful in the forest,__especially__(尤其)if you get lost. Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Remember to speak __softly__(soft)when we are in the reading room. 2.The mother __held__(hold)the baby in her arms and kissed him gently. 3.He feels like __searching__(search)the Internet day and night.Tell him not to do it again. 4.Everyone has a good dream.My dream is to be a movie __maker__(make). 5.People all over the world are looking forward to having a __peaceful__(peace)life. 6.His __third__(three)film marked a great achievement in Hong Kong films. 7.—Tina, please help __yourself__(you)to some bread. —Thank you. Ⅲ.从方框中选择合适的单词填空 1.Have you had lunch __yet__? 2.Chinese people have been celebrating the MidAutumn Festival __for__ centuries. 3.The boy has had a bad cold __since__ last night. 4.He has __already__ finished his homework. 5.—Have you __ever__ been to Hainan? —No, I have __never__ been there. 6.We couldn't go home __unless__ we cleaned the classroom. Ⅳ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The hospital __has__been__(be)there for 15 years.It __is__(be)the tallest building in our town. 2.Mike __has__had__(have)this phone since last September.He __bo

doc文档 2020春(杭州专版)人教新目标八年级英语下册基础过关练:Unit 10

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