时文阅读|《觉醒年代》绘历史画卷 《觉醒年代》是以 1915 年《青年杂志》问世到 1921 年《新青年》成为中国共产 党机关刊物为背景,展现了从新文化运动到中国共产党建立这段波澜壮阔的历史画卷 , 讲述了觉醒年代的百态人生。该剧再现了一批名冠中华的文化大师和一群理想飞扬的 热血青年,以及他们演绎的一段充满激情、燃烧理想的澎湃岁月。 阅读短文并回答问题 Can red TV dramas awaken a strong desire in young people to learn about China’s revolutionary history? The answer is yes. Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which narrates the story of how the Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in 1921, ended several months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media, where discussion shows that it has played a positive role in educating young people about China’s revolutionary history. The TV series celebrating this year’s 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC has won high praise online. The stories of the young people in the drama — who gave everything, even their lives, to the revolution — have touched a large number of viewers. The storytelling in the show has also been hailed by viewers for successfully showing the depth of the CPC’s history and spirit, as well as the warmth of China and every family in the country. Many audiences were inspired to find background information about the series and commented that this is their first time to voluntarily learn the history about the founding of the Party and the country. “I read many of Lu Xun’s novels such as A Madman’s Diary when I was in elementary school, but I couldn’t understand why he wrote them or the angry feelings hiding in the characters. After watching the drama, I read these novels again and found that I can now understand what they wanted to convey to readers,” said Li Lin, a 29-year-old viewer. Some school teachers have been showing video clips(片段)from the series in classes to arouse students’ interest in the time period and help them learn more about history. A junior high school teacher from Taiyuan, in north China’s Shanxi Province, said that this has proven effective as some students told her after class that the show had left a strong impression on them. 1. What can we know about Awakening Age according to paragraph 1? A. It inspired many students to join the CPC. B. It described the establishment of the CPC. C. Many famous actors starred in the drama. D. It reached the most viewers among TV series. 2. Which of the following could replace the underlined word “hailed” in paragraph 2? A. recorded B. recalled C. proven D. praised 3. What did watching the drama help Li Lin acquire? A. A firm decision to be a good writer. B. The strong desire to be a CPC member. C. A better understanding of related works. D. The determination to be a successful actor. 4. What words could best describe the drama? A. Instructive and touching. B. Historical and delightful. C. Informative and entertaining. D. Imaginative and inspiring. 【参考答案】1-4 BDCA 生词 1. narrate v. 讲(故事);叙述 2. voluntarily adv. 自愿地;主动地 语块 Communist Party of China (CPC) 中国共产党 leave a strong impression on sb. 给……留下深刻的印象 长难句 Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which narrates the story of how the Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in 1921, ended several months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media, where discussion shows that it has played a positive role in educating young people about China’s revolutionary history. 【分析】本句由 but 连接的两个并列句组成,句子主干为“ Chinese TV drama Awakening Age ended several months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media” 。“which narrates the story...founded in 1921”为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“Awakening Age”;“where discussion shows...revolutionary history” 为 非 限 制 性 定 语 从 句 , 修 饰 先 行 词 “ social media”,其中“that it has played…revolutionary history”为宾语从句。 【译文】中国电视剧《觉醒年代》讲述了中国共产党于 1921 年成立的故事。该剧已于 几个月前播完,但仍然是社交媒体上的热门话题。在社交媒体上的热烈讨论表明,这 部电视剧在提高年轻人对中国革命历史的认识方面发挥了积极作用。 知识拓展 A Madman’s Diary 《狂人日记》是鲁迅创作的第一个短篇白话日记体小说,也是中国第一部现代白 话文小说,写于 1918 年 4 月。该文首发于 1918 年 5 月 15 日 4 卷 5 号的《新青年》月 刊,后收入《呐喊》,编入《鲁迅全集》第一卷。该小说揭示了封建礼教的“吃人”本质, 表现了作者对以封建礼教为主体内涵的中国封建文化的反抗。 扫码关注英语学科网服务号,第一时间获取资源更新通知 关注英语学科网服务号,提供一对一优质人工服务,减少资源检索时间。

doc文档 专题21 《觉醒年代》激励当代年轻人-2022届高考英语时文阅读系列

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