Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 2 How about exploring Tian'anmen Square? Review Look at the pictures and make sentences with while or when. have a class / climb read / come in run / swim watch / ring dance / sing write / knock at Pre-listening National Museum Look at the pictures and guess the Chinese meaning Great Hall of the People Tian'anmen Rostrum Monument to the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall People’s Heroes 2 A. Listen and number the pictures. 3 2 National Museum October, 1959 _________________ 1 While-listening Monument to the People’s Heroes April, 1958 ____________ Great Hall of the People ___________________ September, 1959 Chairman Mao Memorial Hall May, 1977 ____________ 4 B. Listen again and write down the time when people built these buildings. While-listening 1b Listen to 1a and underline the information about Tian’anmen Square. Then complete the table with key words. Locatio in the center of Beijing city n Area Length 440 000m 880m 2 Width Great buildings Meaning Key points of a topic will help you to express better. 500m the Monument to the People’s Heroes, Tian’anmen Rostrum quite meaningful to all Chinese people Watch the flash and learn key points . While-listening cover v. 遮盖、覆 盖 hold v. 容纳、装得 下 can't wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 …… 的成立 /建立 found v. 成立、建立 还可做动词 find 的过去式,找到、 发现 be meaningful to 对……意义重 大 how far 多远,用于询问距离 /路 Post-listening Fill in the blanks according to 1a. center of Beijing City. It’s the  Tian’anmen Square is in the _______ _______ 440 000 square meters. It’s largest square in the world. It covers _______ 880 meters long from north to south and _____ 500 meters wide from ______ east to west.  There are many _______ great _______there, buildings such as the Great Hall of the People, the Monument to the People’s Heroes, and so on.  It will take Kangkang and his friends about _________ 1.5 hours to ride there. Match the names with the buildings on the map. Then read the direction words and the name of each great building. 3a B A. Monument to the People’s Heroes B. Tian’anmen Rostrum A C. Chairman Mao Memorial Hall E D D. Great Hall of the People E. National Museum C North Northwest Northeast ★ West East Southeast Southwest South Beijing is in the north of China. Taiwan is to the southeast of Fujian. Shangdong is on the northeast of Henan. How to use of “in”, “on” and “to” ★ Beijing is in the north of China. in the + 方位名词 + of … A 在 B 的范围之内; A 受 B 管辖。 A B Shangdong is on the northeast of Henan. on the + 方位名词 + of … A 在 B 的范围之外; A 、 B 相互接壤但互不管 辖。 A B Taiwan is to the southeast of Fujian. to the + 方位名词 + of … A 在 B 的范围之外; A 、 B 互不接壤且互不管 辖。 Make more sentences with the map. A B 3b Fill in the blanks with the correct direction words in 3a. Then read the sentences aloud. north 1. Tian’anmen Rostrum is in the_________ of Tian’anmen Square. south of 2. The Monument to the People’s Heroes is in the __________ Tian’anmen Square. west of the Monument to 3. The Great Hall of the People is to the _________ the People’s Heroes, and the National Museum is to the __________ east of it. southeast 4. The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall lies to the ____________ of the southwest of the National Great Hall of the People while it lies to the _________ Museum. We learn ♥ New words and phrases: north, east, west, wait ♥ Directions and positions: in / on / to the east of…, in the center of…, We can ♥ Describe directions and positions: It’s in the center of Beijing City. In the north of the square, we can see… ♥ Describe the area, length and width: It covers 440 000 square meters. It’s 880 meters long …. It’s 500 meters wide …. Summary Homework 1. Review the key points in Section B. 2. Talk about the positions of the provinces of China by using the map. 3. Preview Section C.

ppt文档 2020-2021学年仁爱八年级下册Unit 6 Topic 2 Section B课件

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