人教版 英语 七年级下册 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Section B 3a-Self Check Warming up—Pre-writing—While-writing—Post-writing—Exercises —Summary—Homework Learning goals 1. Curriculum words: life 2. Functions: ① 能简单谈论日常作息习惯 ② 能就日常活动的时间进行问答 3. Grammar: 能正确运用 what time 和 when 引导的特殊疑问句; 掌握常见频度副词的基本用法 4. Writing: Write a passage about your daily routine Warming up Game time taste 八点钟 sometimes 品尝 take a walk never 连连看 广播电台 通常地 只能英汉相连。且只能在中间没有阻隔 either...or... 做作业 radio station usually 的情况下相连。游戏规则同电脑上的连连看。 有时 洗淋浴 eight o’clock 散步 从不,绝不 take a shower do homework 要么…… 要么…… Warming up I either watch TV or Fast reaction When does What time do 我从不这么早起床。 I usually eat breakfast It’s not good for her. But it tastes good. play computer games. 英汉互译,遇到炸弹,大声说“ bomb” he exercise? you get up? 他有一份有趣的工作。 at 7:15. Warming up Exercising is good for us. Do you think so? Do you usually exercise? When do you usually exercise? Pre-writing Read these sentences and understand their meanings. I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven. 从……到…… I always get up at six. After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. 放学回家 I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. I have a very healthy life. /laɪf/ n.(pl. lives /laɪvz/) 生活;生 命 I have dinner at seven thirty. 我过着非常健康的生活。 I go to bed at ten. Pre-writing 3a Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine. ___I 3 usually exercise from six fifteen to seven. ___I 2 always get up at six. ___After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. 5 ___Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. 4 ___I 6 have lunch at a quarter to twelve. ___I 7 get home from school at half past four and do my homework. ___I 1 have a very healthy life. ___I 8 have dinner at seven thirty. ___I 9 go to bed at ten. Pre-writing Read the passage. My daily life I have a very healthy life. I always get up at six. I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven. Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. I have dinner at seven thirty. I go to bed at ten. Pre-writing Read the passage in 3a. Then fill in the chart. Title( 标题 ):______________________ My daily life Beginning( 开头 ):______________________________ I have a healthy/happy/busy... life. Time line( 时间线 ): get up(6:00) exercise(6:15) go to school(8:00) ____________________________________________ ... have lunch(11:45) ... go to bed(10:00) ____________________________________________ Conjunctions( 连接词 ):_________________________ then, after that, and, but, so... Sentence structure: ____________________________________________ I+ usually/often...+ 动词短语 +at+ 时间 . Pre-writing Language points 1. I have a very healthy life. 我过着非常健康的生活。 ( 教材 P12 3a) Point1 healthy adj. 健康的 【用法详解】 healthy 的反义词为 unhealthy( 不健康的 ) 。 keep healthy 意为“保持健康”。  We should eat more healthy food to keep healthy. 我们应该多 吃健康食品来保持健康。 【拓展延伸】 health 作不可数名词,意为“健康”。 be in good/poor health 意为“健康状况良好 / 不好”。  My grandpa is in poor health. 我爷爷健康状况不好。 Pre-writing Language points 1. I have a very healthy life. 我过着非常健康的生活。 ( 教材 P12 3a) life n. 生活;生命 【用法详解】 (1)life 在此处作名词,意为“生活”, have/live Point2 a(n)...life 意为“过着……的生活”。  Now, we Chinese have/live a happy life. 现在,我们中国人过 着幸福的生活。 (2)life 作名词时,还可意为“生命;一生”, in one’s life 意为“在 某人的一生中”。  My parents are the most important people in my life. 父母 是我一生中最重要的人。 While-writing 3b Write about you own daily routine. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________ While-writing Writing guidance 审题 体裁 记叙文 话题 介绍日常活动 时态 一般现在时 人称 第一人称 开篇点题 段落 描述一天 布局 的活动 This is my/a(an)...day. 上午 : get up; eat my breakfast; go to school; have classes 中午 : eat lunch… 下午 : go home; play basketball 晚上 : do homework; go to bed While-writing 素材准备 短语 句子 get up 起床 1. I always…every day. 每天我总是…… take a shower 洗淋浴 2. I usually... at... 我通常在…… get dressed

ppt文档 Unit2第5课时(SectionB 3a-Self Check)-【高效备课】2020-2021学年七年级英语下册课件+素材(人教新目标)

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