Unit 1 基础测试卷-2021-2022 学年下学期人教版七年级英语 下册 一、听力(略) 二、单项选择(10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) ( )16.—Can you play ___ piano,Lisa? —No. But I can play ____ football. A. the;the B. the;a C./;the D. the; ( ) 17. My friend Jill usually helps me ____my English after school. A. at B. in C. for D. with ( ) 18. Would you like to play chess ____go to the movies,Lisa? A. and B. but C. or D. then ( ) 19. Peter thinks you can help ____with his subjects after school. A. he B. him C. his D. her ( ) 20.—Do you think Liu Huan is a great_____? —Yes. He can write music and sing very well. A. musician B. teacher C. sports star D. player ( ) 21.—Can you __ funny stories in English,Jane? —Sure.I'm good at English,you know. A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say ( ) 22.I know you can _,so you can join our __ club. A. swim;swim B. swim;swimming C. swimming;swim D. swimming;swimming ( ) 23.—Let's go to watch the FIBA Basketball World Cup ___,Bill. —Sounds great. But I must ask my parents first. A. on weekend B. in weekends C. on the weekend D. in the weekend ( ) 24.—Why do you want to join the music club,Grace? —Because I want to ___. A. play chess B. play basketball C. play computer games D. play the violin ( ) 25.—I want to watch a new movie tonight. Can you go with me after dinner,Mike? — _____. Because I must help my mother in the evening. A. Yes,I can B. Sorry,I can't C.OK,I can't D. Yes,sure 三、完形填空(10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) My name is Alice Brown.I am twelve. There are five people in my family. My father is a_ 26 _. He can play the piano and the drums,He can also sing and dance. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a_ 27 _. She can _ 28 _ English very well. She is good _ 29 _ her students and they all like her. “I'm a middle school student. There are many clubs in our school like the swimming club,the art club and the chess club. They are very _ 30 _.I am good at playing chess, so I want to join the chess club. My brother Peter is fifteen. He likes playing sports. He _31 _ plays sports with his friends after school. He can play basketball and volley-ball. But he can't swim _ 32 _ draw. So he wants to join the sports club in his school. He thinks he can _ 33 _ new friends there. My sister is only five and she is a_ 34 _ girl. She likes to draw and play games with_ 35_.I like her very much. ( ) 26.A. musician B. worker C. doctor D. sports star ( ) 27.A. library B. school C. hospital D. store ( ) 28.A. speak B. tell C. talk D. say ( ) 29.A. at B. with C. for D. of ( ) 30.A. boring B. bad C. difficult D. interesting ( ) 31.A. never B. seldom C. hardly D. always ( ) 32.A. and B. but C. or D. so ( ) 33.A. make B. help C. need D. want ( ) 34.A. bad B. nice C. sorry D. poor ( ) 35.A. them B. him C. me D. her 四、阅读理解(10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) A Name Lisa Jill Peter Can do Play the guitar, sing Draw,dance Speak English, tell stories Bill Play soccer and tennis ( )36.Lisa wants to join______. Can't do Play chess Club Music Sing,play balls Speak Chinese Art Swim Sports English A. the music club B. the art club C. the sports club D. the English club ( ) 37.___ can speak English. A. Lisa B. Jill C. Peter D. Bill ( ) 38. Jill can __. A. sing and dance B. play chess and the violin C. play balls D. draw and dance ( ) 39. If you are not good at telling stories, you can ask ___ for help. A. Peter B. Lisa C. Jill D. Bill ( ) 40. Bill wants to join the sports club, because _ A. he can dance B. he can't play soccer C. he likes ball games D. he wants to draw B Jenny is happy today. She is learning about the Silk Road this month in school. Her class is planning a trip around China with Li Ming's school. Some of her classmates will go to China and travel on the Silk Road. Jen-ny thinks the Silk Road must be beautiful and amazing. She wants to go on the trip. So she takes a note from her school. Her father and mother read the note. They think it is a good chance for her. Jenny is very excited and she will send an e-mail to Li Ming and tell him the good news. ( ) 41. Who is planning a trip to China? A. Jenny's mother. B. Jenny's class. C. Li Ming. D. Li Ming's father. ( ) 42. Where will they travel in China? A. On the Silk Road. B. In Xi'an. C. To the Yellow River. D. On the Great Wall. ( ) 43. What does Jenny think of the Silk Road? A. It's amazing. B. It's boring. C. It's interesting . D. It's special. ( ) 44. The word“it”in the passage refers to(指代)“_____”. A. the note C. the trip on the Silk Road D. the trip to Li Ming's school ( ) 45. How does Jenny feel when

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