九年级上册 Modules 9~ 10 一、词汇运用 按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 1.(2021·吉林长春中考改编)If you ________(借入) books from the library, give them back on time. 2.When they went into the forest, the small animals ran in all ________(方向). 3.—What a ________(magic) effect her words have on us! We are sure to complete the work. —OK. Let's start right now. 4.(2021·浙江杭州模拟改编)Tera just hid behind her ________(课本) and never said anything in class yesterday. 5.His grandfather ________(brush) his dog's fur every morning. 6.(2021·天津河北区期末改编)________(印刷) was invented in China during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. 7.—What does he look like? —He is of medium ________(high) and he has small eyes. 8 . (2021· 湖 北 黄 冈 中 考 改 编 )For children's ________(develop), their courses at weekends should be cut down. 9.Before glasses were invented, writers, scientists or teachers ________( 连接词) could not see properly had to memorise everything. 10 . The completed Beidou will be ________(power) than any other positioning system. 二、完形填空 (2021·山东潍坊中考)Space suits don't just make astronauts look cool. Without these 1 suits, astronauts wouldn't be able to leave their spaceship. That is to say, they wouldn't be able to 2 on the Moon or work outside the International Space Station. Space is a 3 place for human beings. Firstly, there is no air to breathe. Secondly, space also has high levels of radiation(辐射), energy that can pass through our bodies and make us 4 . Thirdly, some parts of space are really cold 5 other parts are very hot. So astronauts could die in just a few seconds if they 6 outside their spaceship without their suits. With a space suit, though, astronauts can move around in space for several hours. Space suits keep astronauts 7 sealed(密封的) inside. A backpack sends O2 in to let astronauts breathe normally. At the same time, the CO 2 8 astronauts breathe out is sucked away. The suit also protects them from harmful radiation and fastmoving space dust. 9 the space suit is another suit that looks like a pair of tight pajamas(睡衣) with little pipes running through them. Water runs through these pipes to 10 astronauts because wearing a space suit can make astronauts very hot! 1.A.private B.special C.plastic D.expensive 2.A.run B.walk C.live D.surf 3.A.funny B.natural C.beautiful D.dangerous 4.A.sick B.bored C.strong D.relaxed 5.A.after B.since C.before D.while 6.A.rushed B.jumped C.stepped D.escaped 7.A.safely B.quickly C.quietly D.terribly 8.A.who B.this C.that D.whether 9.A.Above B.Under C.Behind D.Between 10.A.wash away B.warm up C.cool off D.clean out 三、阅读理解 (2021· 山 东 德 州 中 考 )We see humans all around us. But when was the first human seen? Early humans did not leave behind any written records. However, they left behind many paintings on the walls of the caves( 洞穴) where they lived. These paintings tell about their life, and we know these early humans walked on four limbs(四肢) like apes(猿). Also, they did not live at one place but moved from place to place in search of food and water. Without any tools, early humans used stones, bones of animals, and sharp pieces of wood to dig, hunt and cut their food. They also used these to protect themselves from animals. Since stones were used to make tools, this age was called Stone Age. With time going, tools made of bones and stones were replaced with metal(金属 的 ) ones which were stronger, sharper, and longlasting. Metals were also used for farming and making knives. Copper(铜) was the first metal to be used. The first fire that early humans noticed was natural fire caused by lightning( 闪 电 ). With fire, early humans could now light up dark caves. They could keep themselves warm during cold weather and cook meat. Also the fire could drive animals away. Early humans noticed new trees growing from the seeds( 种子 ) that fell to the ground from the fruits. This gave them the idea that they could make their own food by planting seeds, which led to farming. With the beginning of farming, early humans began to settle down(定居). They moved out of the caves and lived on farms and near their fields together, and then the first villages came up. Raising animals was a big event in human history that changed the life of early humans. The wild dogs were probably the first animal to be raised. As time went by, goats, sheep, cows, donkeys and horses were kept, too. This led to herding( 畜牧业). Milk, meat and wool came from these animals. 1.Early humans' paintings don't tell us ________. A.when

doc文档 2022年外研版英语中考考点训练 九年级上册 Modules 9~10

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