19 应试题型图表作文类 2022 年中考英语万能黄金作文模板(通用版) 第一部分 应试题型图表作文类体裁解读及写法点拨 体裁解读 图表作文通常要求同学们根据题目所提供的图表、数据等进行分析、研究,通过一定的文字说明,弄 清信息之间的关系,提炼要点,然后组织语言进行写作,有时候还要加入作者自己的观点。这是考试中较 为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文形式多样,可综合提供题目、数据、图像、 提纲等,但同学们在写作时一般是从五个方面入手,即描述图表、说明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、提出 建议等,考试会从这五个方面中选出两到三个方面。主要考查学生把图表信息转换成文字的能力, 数据分析和材料归纳的能力以及写作能力,想象能力等。 写法点拨 1.认真读取信息,弄清信息间的关系。一般情况下,题目会提供多个信息或者多组数据等,我们要认 真分析每一个信息和每一组数据,找准信息间的逻辑关系,把握信息的要点,点明主题。有时候,我们可 以借助题目的文字说明来帮助我们理清信息。 2.初步构思,拟定提纲。把握了信息间的关系和要点之后,我们要在脑海中形成一个基本的框架,确 定文章的体裁,是说明文还是议论文,或者是记叙文等。 3.连词成句,连句成文。根据内容要点使用恰当的单词表达文章信息,同时要突出信息之间的关系, 然后拓展成句子。通过适当的过渡词或过渡句,把这些句子串联成文,使文章连贯、自然。 第二部分 应试题型图表作文类万能黄金模板 万能模板 1 ① Nowadays, it is reported that there are more and more ②According to the graph/pie chart,we can see that (比例)results from ,while ③ All the statistics suggest that it's time for 。(引出问题) .(揭示图表反映的主要问题) (比例)is . to do something to .In my opinion,everyone should .(做法一)Besides,we should .(做法二) 注 ① 点明问题 ② 详细分析图表给出的细节信息 ③ 得出结论,提出建议 模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。 万能模板 2 ①We have done a survey and found that (现象二). (数据) ②In my opinion, (数据) (现象一). . (数据) .(现象三) (根据现象谈自己的感受或认识) 注 ① 列举数据,进行解读 ② 提出建议 模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。 第三部分 必备词汇与套用句型 必备亮点词汇 table n.表格 chart n.图表 bar chart n.柱形图 figure n.数据 show v.表明 tell v.显示 represent v.代表 soar v.飞涨 decline v.下降 drop v.下降 reduce v.减少 increase v.增长 percent n.百分比,百分数 information n.信息 suggest v.表明,显示 investigation n.调查,研究 necessary adj.必要的 perform v.做,执行 compared to/with...与······相比 on the contrary 相反 in contrast to 相比之下 as...as...和······一样······ increase by...增加了······ be similar to...与······相似 a survey on...关于······的调查 经典套用句型 increase to...增加到······ a quarter of...四分之一的····· be different from...与······不同 闪亮篇首句 Recently,I did a survey on...最近,关于··..··我做了一个调查。 From the graph above,it can be seen that...从以上图表可以看出······ According to the graph,we can see/find that...根据图表,我们能够看到/发现··.·.· The graph shows the changes in the number of... over the period from...to...该图表展示了(某事物)从······到······ 这段时间数量上的变化。 The bar chart describes great changes in the...该柱形图描述了······的显著变化。 According to a recent survey made by...根据(某人、部门等)最近开展的一个调查···..· The chart reflects several trends.这个表格反映了几种倾向。 出彩篇中句 According to the pie chart,several factors contribute to the accidents. 根据饼状图,有几个原因导致了这些事故 。 图解 The number sharply went up to...数字猛升到了······ The figure has nearly doubled, compared with that of last year.与去年的数据相比,今年数据几乎已经翻倍。 The figures reached the peak/bottom...数值到达顶峰/低谷······ From the graph,we can see that there were two peaks of...in...从图表看,我们能看到(某事物)在······有两个高 峰期。 One peak was in...with the number of...The other was in...with the number of...一个高峰出现在······,数目达到······. 另一个高峰出现在······,数目达到······ As is vividly described in the table above...上面的表格生动地显示了······ From the above chart/graph, it can be seen that...从上面的图表/曲线图,可以看到······ The graph shows the general trend in...该图描述了······总的趋势。图解 The answer to this question involves many factors.这一问题的答案涉及多方面因素。 精彩篇尾句 There is plenty of evidence to show that...有充足的证据表明······ According to the latest study, it can be predicted...由最近的研究可以预测······ Besides,we should not ignore that..此外,我们不能忽视。。。。·· Though we are in basic agreement with...,yet...即使我们在。·····方面彼此基本认同,然而。·.·· In my opinion,everyone should remember that safety comes first.在我看来,每个人都应该记得,安全第一。图 解 第四部分 模板范文演练 模板 1 (成都)请根据以下交通事故因素(factors)统计图表,以“Major causes of traffic accidents”为题,用英 语写一篇简短的分析报告,向学校英语报投稿。 注意:1.报告需逐条陈述下面 pie chart 和 bar chart(柱状图)中呈现的主要内容。(至少 5 点) 2.提出你对交通安全总的看法。(至少 2 点) 3.词数:100 词左右,所给标题不计入总词数。 Major Causes of Traffic Accidents 万能模板套用分析 首先,引出话题。→引言 其次,具体分析图表。→分析 最后,提出建议。→主题 满分范文 Major Causes of Traffic Accidents Nowadays, it is reported that there are more and more traffic accidents. According to the pie chart, we can see that several factors contribute to the accidents.① 85% results from(短语优先原则。)driver factors,while 5% is vehicle factors and 10% is road environment factors. Among them, it's quite evident that driver factors mainly cause the accidents. ② Another bar chart shows more details on driver factors, including speeding which is 50%, drunk driving which holds 15%,tired driving which takes 26% and not using safety belts which takes 25%.(句式多变原则,句中包含了四个 which 引导的定语从句。) All the statistics suggest that it's time for everyone to do something to reduce traffic accidents. In my opinion, everyone should keep safety first in mind(短语优先原则。)。③ Besides(一二三原则,使用了过渡词。), we should try our best to obey the traffic rules. Only by doing so can we keep safe on the road. 你也可以

doc文档 19 应试题型图表作文类 2022年中考英语万能黄金作文模板(通用版)

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