2021-2022 学年度上学期期末考试 六年级英语试题 本试卷分四部分,共 10 页。总分 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。 注意事项:请将选择题答案填写在“选择题答题栏”中,其它答案直接写在答题纸上。 第一部分听力. (一)听录音,选择你所听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。 1.A.things B.think C.thank 2.A.Jack B.Jake C.jacket 3.A.uncle B.aunt C.our 4.A.three B.thirteen C.thirty 5.A.then B.their C.they (二)听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 6.A.You are welcome. B.Thank you. 7. A.Four Yuan. B.For boys. 8.A.Salad. B.Schoolbag. 9.A.Excuse me? B.Thank you. 10.A.Great. B.Girls. C.Yes,please. C.OK,thank you. C.Family. C.Good.. C.Green. (三)听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有 20 秒钟的时间阅读下面 5 个小题。 11. What color is Mary's bike? A.Black. B.Red. 12.Does the woman have fruit for lunch? A. I don't know. B.Yes,she does. 13. What's Mike's sister's name? A.Gina. B.Mary. 14.How old is Peter's friend? A.11. B.12. 15.How much will the woman pay(付钱)? A.11 yuan. B.22 yuan. C.White. C. No,she doesn't. C.Jenny. C.13. C.20 yuan. (四)听两段长对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。听每段对话前你将有 10 秒钟的 时间阅读对应的问题。 听第一段对话,回答 16、17 小题。 16.What color does the woman's son like? A.Yellow. B.Blue. C.White. 17.What kind of(类型) shirt does she take? A.Long. B.Small. C. I don't know. 18-20 听第二段对话,回答 小题。 18.What can they see on the desk? A.Apen. B.A pencil box. C.Abook. 19.Who is Mary? A.Helen's classmate. B.Helen's sister. C.Helen's friend. 20. Where is Helen's schoolbag? A. On the chair. B.On the table.. C.On the desk. (五)听对话,填写空缺的单词。对话读两遍。你将有 20 秒钟的时间阅读下面信息。答 题完毕后,请将答案填写在答题纸相应位置。 W:Look,David! The white sweater is on(21)___________Do you like it? M: Oh, no! Mom. I like the black sweater. W: OK.Let's have a look. It's too (22)___________for you. M:What about the blue sweater? W:Well,the blue(23)___________is just OK for you. How much is it? M:Look at the price.It's(24)___________dollars. W:OK.Let's(25)___________it. 第二部分 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出能填入短 文相应空白处的最佳选项。 I have 26 uncle. He likes 27 very much. He 28 soccer, baseball, volleyball,basketball, and so on. He plays baseball and basketball very 29 He likes to 30 the sports games 31 TV.He plays sports 32 .He often says,“Let's 33 .” He has a sports collection.He 34 12 tennis bats, 10 baseballs, 3 volleyballs,2 basketballs and one soccer ball. Do you want to know 35 ? 26.A.a B.an C.the 27.A.sports B.books C.music 28.A.loves B.have C.joins 29.A.much B.more C.well 30.A.play B.plays C.watch 31.A.in B.on C.to 32.A.all day B.some day C.every day 33.A.plays B.play C.playing 34.A.has B.have C.had 35.A.he B.his C.him 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节 阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Fruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr. and Mrs. Green like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs. Green goes to buy some fruit in the supermarket near her house. The man in the supermarket knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruits there, such as apples, pears, oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is not the same, sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs. Green wants to buy cheap ( 便 宜 的 ) fruit. But Mr. Green likes bananas only. She buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself. 36.Where does Mrs. Green buy fruit? A.In the supermarket near her house. B.In the town. C.Near the supermarket. D. In the school. 37.Mrs. Green buys _________for Mr. Green every week. A.pears B.apples C.bananas D.strawberries 38. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Fruit is good for people. B.Mrs. Green buys apples for herself. C. Mrs. Green can buy all kinds of fruit. D. Mr. Green likes bananas. 39. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is _________. A.the same B.not the same C.high D.low B Alice is a nice girl. She is 25 years old. She has a clothes store. It's small but nice. The store has clothes in many colors. Please come to her store now! 40.How much are two pairs of black shoes and a blue skirt? A.$15. B.$50. C.$65. D.$115. 41.What can't you see on the clothing list(清单)? A.T-shirt. B.Skirt. C.Hat. D.Jacket. 42.If you have $ 100,what can you buy? A. One jacket and three skirts. B. Four T-shirts and a sweater. C.Three sweaters. D.One skirt and two pairs of trousers. C Bill has a volleyball and some ping-pong balls. “Let me play with your volleyball, Bill,”Tony says. “No. You can make it dirty(脏的).” “Let me play with your ping- pong balls, Bill,”Frank says. “No.You can lose them.” Now no one plays with Bill. He plays with his balls aione. It's boring. After school, Bill sees Frank and Tony playing soccer. “Come and play with us, Bill,” Frank says to Bill. “Thanks, but I can't play soccer

docx文档 山东省肥城市(五四学制)2021-2022学年上学期期末考试六年级英语试题

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