7AU1-U11 重点词汇整理 Unite 1 1. relatives in Beijing 北京的亲戚 2. plan – planned – planned – planning 计划 3. a trip to Beijing 一次北京之旅 4. get a letter from ... 从...得到一封信 5. invite v. – invitation n. 邀请 v. 请帖 n. 6. invite sb. to a place 邀请某人去某处 7. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人去做某事 8. get an invitation from sb. 从某人处得到一张请帖 9. send an invitation to sb. 送一张请帖给某人 10. talk to sb. / talk with sb. 和某人交谈 11. get some brochures 拿到一些小册子 12. a travel agent 一位旅行代理人 13. send us some photographs 寄给我们一些照片 14. send – sent – sent 寄,送 15. send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. 送给某人某物 = 把某物送给某人 16. three months and a half = three and a half months 三个半月 17. It takes sb some time to do sth. 花了某人一段时间做某事 18. at the travel agent’s 在旅行社里 19. at the end of February 二月底 20. in early August 八月上旬 21. in late September 九月下旬 22. take-took-taken 花费;带; 23. stay with sb. for two weeks. 和某人待两周 24. The Lis are planning a trip to Beijing. 李先生一家打算去北京旅行。 25. The Li family has arrived in Beijing. 李先生一家已经到达北京了。 26. at the Palace Museum 在故宫博物馆 27. inside the Summer Palace 在颐和园里面 28. a long wall with towers on it 一座长长的带有烽火台的城墙 29. a huge open area 一片巨大的开放场地 30. a place with many ancient buildings 一个有着许多古建筑的地方 31. raise the national flag. 士兵们正在升国旗。 32. The national flag is rising. 国旗正在冉冉升起。 33. build it with bricks and stones 用砖块和石头建造 34. see beautiful mountains from the wall 从城墙上看见美丽的山脉 35. the history of China = the Chinese history 中国的历史 36. in the north-west of Beijing 在北京的西北部 37. swim on the lake 在湖里游泳 38. come back / be back / return from Beijing 从北京返回 39. enjoy one’s trip 旅途愉快 40. meet sb. at the airport 在机场迎接某人 Unit 2 1. an SPCA officer 一位动物保护协会的官员 2. prevent – prevention 防止,阻止 3. prevent animals from danger / save animals from danger / keep animals from danger 保护 动物远离危险 4. at the SPCA 在动物保护协会 5. cruel – cruelty 残忍 6. be cruel to sb. 对...残忍 7. leave these puppies in the street 把这些小狗遗弃在街上 8. have no food or water 没有食物和水 9. be hungry and thirsty 又饥又渴 10. keep one as your pet 收留一只作为宠物 11. prefer A to B = like A better than B 比起 B 来更喜欢 A 12. prefer doing A to doing B 比起做 B 来更喜欢做 A 13. prefer – preferred 更喜欢 14. the yellow and brown one 黄褐相间的 15. be in danger 处于险境 16. be dangerous to 对...危险 17. care for = take care of =look after 照顾,照看 18. help homeless animals 帮助无家可归的动物 19. give them a booklet to read 给他们一些小册子看 20. Feed him/her 3-4 times every day. 每天喂他/她 3、4 次。 21. special dog food for puppies 特殊的小狗粮 22. Give him/her a bowl of water to drink. 给他/她一碗水喝。 23. Give him/her hard dog biscuits to chew. 给他/她硬的狗饼干咀嚼。 24. Give him/her a basket to sleep in. 给他/她篮子睡。 25. Give him/her a blanket to keep him/her warm. 给他/她毯子保暖。 26. Hold him/her carefully with both hands. 用双手小心的抱他/她。 27. Take him/her to a park for a walk every day.每天带他/她去公园散步。 28. don’t need to do sth. / needn’t do sth. / don’t have to do sth. 不必做某事 29. a kitten / a young cat 小猫 30. be kind to sb. be unkind to sb. 对…和蔼可亲 对…不友善 31. help sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 32. promise (not) to do sth. 承诺(不)做某事 33. clinics for sick animals 收治生病动物的诊所 34. the vets in the clinics 诊所的兽医 35. play with kittens 和小猫玩 36. junior members of the SPCA 动物保护协会的初级会员 37. help sb. by doing sth. 通过做某事来帮助某人 38. collect old blankets 收集旧毯子 39. raise money for … 为…筹钱 40. be useful to ... 对…有用 41. live in a cave 住在洞穴里 42. hunt for food 猎食 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Unit 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. life guards 救生员 guard the houses 守卫房屋 a blind man 一位盲人 in different ways 用不同的方法 on the farm 在农场 cross the road safely 安全地过马路 find missing people 找到失踪的人 catch a thief 抓小偷 make a display 制作展板 catch thieves 抓捕小偷 save v. –safe a. –safely ad. – safety n. 挽救 v. 安全的 a. 安全地 ad. 安全 n. friends from other countries 来自其他国家的朋友 foreign a. foreigner n. 外国的 a. 外国人 n. for example 例如 a crowded city = a busy city 一个拥挤的城市 be crowded with / be filled with / be full of 挤满了,充满了 walk across the crowds 穿过人群 over = more than 超过 Germany – German(s) 德国 -- 德国的,德国人 nation n. national a. international a. nationality n. 国家 n. 国家的 a. 国际的 a. 国籍 n. What is your nationality? = What nationality are you? = Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你是什么国籍?= 你来自哪里? read about sth. 阅读与…有关的… in magazines and newspapers 在杂志和报纸上 far away from 离…远 in another country 在另一个国家 in other countries 在其他国家 know about sth. 了解… favourite subjects 最喜爱的学科 male and female 男性和女性 be interested in 对…感兴趣 show great interest in 显示极大的兴趣 penfrieds from different countries 来自不同国家的笔友 nowadays =today 如今 make frien

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