2017-2021年中考满分作文精选 专题 06 邀请信 【 2021·浙江省丽水市中考真题 】 外教Steve 爱好艺术,喜欢运动。他想在任教期满前再体验一次中国文化。假设你是李华,请根据 下面的要点,写一封邮件,邀请他到你家过周末。 内容要点 参考词汇 sports (or music/drawing) paint, play basketball, …. experience of Chinese make jiaozi, write with a Chinese cultures brush, … weekend plan/activities 注意: (1)文中必须包含上表中的两个要点,可适当发挥; (2)文中不得出现真实人名、校名和地名等相关信息; (3)词数:80~100;开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 To Subject Steve@mail.com Weekend Plan Hi, Steve! I’m Li Hua. I hear you’d like to experience some more Chinese cultures before going back. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Yours, Li Hua 参考范文 内容 Hi, Steve! I’m Li Hua. I hear you’d like to experience some more Chinese cultures before going back. So why not come to my home for the weekend? I have a good plan! As both of us like sports, let’s play basketball in the gym around my home in the morning. After that, we can practice writing with a Chinese brush together. It’s not easy, but it makes us peaceful. You can also sense the beauty of the Chinese characters. To experience more, we are going to make jiaozi, one of the most traditional foods in China. It must be meaningful to have jiaozi made by yourself. I am sure you will have great fun. Wait for your reply! Yours, 考题解析 Li Hua 内容 1.题干解读:本文是一篇邮件作文。要求根据提示内容,写一封邮件,邀请Steve 来家里过周末。注意要点 齐全,可适当发挥。 2.写作指导:写作时要以第一和第三人称来介绍,时态用一般现在时。作文可分为三段,第一段发出邀请; 第二段介绍二人可以在周末做什么;第三段收尾。要保证语言连贯,无语法和拼写错误。 【 2021·浙江省台州市中考真题 】 假如你是李华,请给你的外国好友 Andrew 写一封电子邮件,介绍你校美食文化节(food festival )的相关内容及举办目的, 并邀请他参加此次美食节。邮件内容包括: Time 2: 00 p.m. Friday, June 25th Place the school playground Activities cook, have something delicious ... Aims experience Chinese food culture, raise money for charity. 注意: (1)邮件必须包括表格中的所有信息,可适当发挥; (2)邮件中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数:80-100。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 To: Andrew From Li Hua Hi, Andrew How is it going? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to your reply. Li Hua 参考范文 内容 Hi Andrew, How is it going? Knowing that you are fond of food. I’m writing to invite you to attend our school food festival. The festival will begin at 2:00 on Friday afternoon, June 25th on the school playground. We are glad to have something delicious like dumplings and zongzi. We can also cook food and sell it to our schoolmates to raise money for charity. The festival will surely offer us a good chance to show and experience Chinese traditional food culture. Besides, it is a good time for us to share happiness, love and team spirit. It’s a great pleasure to have you here with us. Looking forward to your reply. Li Hua 考题解析 内容 1.题干解读:本题为电子邮件写作,写作时应注意电子邮件标准格式。根据题目所给提示,学生要在电子 邮件中介绍学校美食节、其举办目的以及邀请Andrew 参加该活动。 2.写作指导:写作时人称应用第一、三人称,时态应用现在时或将来时。表格所给要点要写全,切勿遗漏, 还可适当进行拓展。拓展的内容应与全文内容紧密衔接,并能很好地串联起来。此外还应注意英语的表达 问题,语句表达要符合英语表达习惯和语法,不要出现单词拼写及语法时态使用错误。 【 2021·浙江省金华市中考真题 】 假如你叫 Daming,本周六你们班要去浙江大学开展研学活动(study tour)。请根据下列表格中 的内容,给外籍教师 Mike 发一份邮件,告知你们的计划,并邀请他一同前往。 注意: 1. 文中必须包含所给的内容要点,可

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