2021 高考英语全国乙卷真题深度解读 真题解读: 试卷导航 语篇 阅读理解 A 阅读理解 B 阅读理解 C 阅读理解 D 阅读七选五 完形填空 语法填空 短文改错 书面表达 话题 世界最大的体育馆 澳大利亚座机调查 用塑料制作雕塑 研究表明 70 分贝环境最适合创造性工作 在晚会上受关注的方法 女患者表达感激之情 介绍新兴生态旅游的概念、起源及原则 做家务主题发言 Be smart online learners 体裁 应用文 说明文 说明文 说明文 说明文 记叙文 说明文 记叙文 应用文 词数 248+72 342+123 299+133 363+120 288+85 264+188 220 105 100(左右) 试 题 解 读 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) A The Biggest Stadiums in the World People have been pouring into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the world’s best known stadium and continues to inform contemporary design. Rome’s Colosseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 people. However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people. These days, safety regulations-not to mention the modern sports fan’s desire for a good view and comfortable seat—tend to keep stadium capacities(容量) slightly lower. Even soccer fans tend to have a seat each; gone are the days of thousands standing to watch the match. For the biggest stadiums in the world, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites. All these stadiums are still functional, still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport. ·Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, Pyongyang D.P.R. Korea. Capacity: 150,000. Opened: May 1,1989. ·Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U. S. Capacity: 107,601. Opened: October 1, 1927. ·Beaver Stadium, State College, Pennsylvania, U. S. Capacity: 106,572. Opened: September 17, 1960. ·Ohio Stadium, Columbus, Ohio, U. S. Capacity: 104,944. Opened: October 7,1922. ·Kyle Field, College Station, Texas, U. S. Capacity: 102,512. Opened: September 24, 1927. 21. How many people could the Circus Maximus hold? A. 104,944. B. 107,601. C. About 150,000. D. About 250,000. C. Ohio Stadium. D. Kyle Field. 22. Of the following stadiums, which is the oldest? A. Michigan Stadium. B. Beaver Stadium. 23. What do the listed stadiums have in common? A. They host big games. C. They were built by Americans. B. They have become tourist attractions. D. They are favored by architects. 关键词 主旨概要 语篇解读 Biggest Stadiums,World,World Atlas 世界最大的体育馆 五一体育场 容量:114000 人 国家:朝鲜 这座球场从 1986 年兴建,1989 年就完工了,作为朝鲜的国家体育 场,也是国家竞争的产物,为了对汉城奥运会的回应而兴建。 百科知识 密歇根球场 容量:107601 人 国家:美国 密歇根球场兴建于 10 世纪 20 年代,原本为密歇根大学田径队使 用,现在是橄榄球队密歇根狼獾队的主场,球场外号“大房子”。 海狸体育场 容量:105720 国家:美国 球场兴建于 1960 年,最初只有 3 万个作为,1969 年改建后就达到 了 4.6 万个座位,该球场是 NCAA 美国大学体育协会“宾夕法尼亚 州立大学尼塔尼雄狮队”主场。 俄亥俄体育场 容量:104944 国家:美国 球场列属于“ 俄亥俄州立大学七叶树队”,该队也是美国大学橄榄 球队“十大联盟”之一。 凯尔菲尔德 容量:102733 国家:美国 球场建设于 20 世纪 20 年代,目前拥有者为德州农业与机械大学 , 重难点词 重难点词块 是德州农工大学农夫队的主场。 语言知识 Stadiums(体育馆),capacities(容量)funtiona1(功能的;机能 的;职责上的) tend to 倾向于,that was small fry 那微不足道,permanent capacity 永久容量, However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people. 然而,那跟能容纳 250,000 人的城市 Circus Maximus 比起来,还是 微不足道的。 These days, safety regulations-not to mention the modern sports fan’s desire for a good view and comfortable seat—tend to keep stadium 长难句 capacities(容量) slightly lower. Even soccer fans tend to have a seat each; gone are the days of thousands standing to watch the match. 答案与解 析 21. D 事实细节题 根据第一段最后一句,However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people. 可知,Circus Maximus 的容 量是大约 250,000 人。 22. C 事实细节题 根据最后一部分五个体育馆的开馆时间可知答案。 23. A 推理判断题 根 据 第 四 段 All these stadiums are still functiona1, still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport.可知答案。 B When almost everyone has a mobile phone, why are more than half of Australian homes still paying for a landline(座机)? These days you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Australia over the age of 15 who doesn’t own a mobile phone. In fact, plenty of younger kids have one in their pocket. Practically everyone can make and receive calls anywhere, anytime. Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey ( 调 查 ) . Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that it’s not really necessary and they’re keeping it as a security blanket — 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case of emergencies. I think my home falls into that category. More than half of Austral

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