 What do you think the performers are doing on the stage?  What can you say about the place where they are giving the performance?  What do you think the performers are doing on the stage? The performers are all playing instruments as part of an orchestra.  What can you say about the place where they are giving the performance? The place where the performance is being given looks like somewhere built especially for such performances. Their seats are arranged on different levels so the conductor can see everyone in the orchestra. Music is the universal language of mankind. 音乐是人类通用的语言 。 H.W.Longfellow In this quote, he suggests that music is the one language that all humans, regardless of their different languages and cultures, can all communicate and find common ground through. Music has the power to step beyond language, to communicate feeling and emotion to all people. H.W.Longfellow Reading and Thinking Learn about experiencing music online THE VIRTUAL CHOIR Teaching aims  To discuss the influence f the Internet and computer technology on music;  To practise discussion to express advantages and disadvantages of virtual choir; 课文词句自测 ① virtual adj. 很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的 ② virtual choir 虚拟合唱团 ③ composition n. 成分; ( 音乐、艺术、诗歌的 ) 作品 ④ opportunity n. 机会;时机 ⑤ perform vi.& vt. 表演;履行;执行 ⑥ studio n. 演播室; ( 音乐的 ) 录音棚;工作室 课文词句自测 ① award vt. 授予  n. 奖品 ② composer n. 作曲者;作曲家 ③ conductor n. ( 乐队、合唱团等 ) 指挥; ( 公共汽车的 ) 售票员 ④ fall in love with 爱上 ⑤ original adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的  n. 原件;原作 词句自测 • Whatever ________ ( 阶段 )of life you're at, you'll create stage positive changes in a poor community. • Your life since then must have seemed very ________ ( 普通 ordinary 的 ). opportunity • There was no ________ ( 机会 )for further discussion. • You're miles better than most of the performers we see nowadays ________ ( 目前 ). virtual • I see people living and working in a ________ ( 虚拟的 )world. 词句自测 • In spite of all the problems, several of the players produced excellent ________ (perform). performance • Ludwig van Beethoven was a German ________ composer(compose)and pianist. • There have been many unreasonable phenomena ________ (phenomenon)in land use. • She was a success both as a pianist and as a ________ conductor(conduct). • She stepped down from the train ________ onto the platform. band instrument musician music album 相关词汇 conductor stage studio lyrics composer What are the ways for you to enjoy music? The CDs The live concert The Internet The radio The deskmate The TV THE VIRTUAL CHOIR virtual choir reality choir 700 名儿童组成的虚拟合唱团表演《今夜无人入 睡》 Before you read, discuss the question in groups. How can computers and the Internet help us experience music differently? Computers and the Internet can help us experience a wide range of musical genres. The Internet gives us access to millions of songs from many different genres, so we can find exactly what we like. Computer technology today can also help us create the sound of an orchestra on our home computer! They can also help us change music to something new. Scan and circle the information in the text. Scan a text to find important information such as dates, numbers, and names. TIPS: Scan Scanning is reading a text quickly to find specific information, such as names or figures. Run over the whole text and focus on the information. It is important to emphasize that not every word has to be read to get the information. Limit your time looking at the text, only focus on looking for the target information.

ppt文档 5.2 Reading and Thinking -2021-2022学年高一英语单元同步优质课件(人教版2019必修第二册)

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