2021 备考中考冲刺语法教案第十二讲 语法专题 12:宾语从句 【中考精选---课前小测】 ( )1. —Do you know___________ to see the Beijing Opera? —Yes,you can go to Mei Lanfang Theatre. A. where can we go B. where we can go C. when shall we go D. when we shall go ( )2.—Do you know__________? —At 9:00 tomorrow morning. A. when the video meeting began B. when did the video meeting begin C. when the video meeting will begin D. when will the video meeting begin ( )3. —Dear friends, do you know___________? —By working together! A. when we can make the Chinese Dream come true B. when can we make the Chinese Dream come true C. how we can make the Chinese Dream come true D. how can we make the Chinese Dream come true ( )4.— Do you know_________? —Yes.They’ll go there by train at8:30 tomorrow morning. A. how would they leave for Beijing B. how will they leave for Beijing C. how they would leave for Beijing D. how they will leave for Beljing ( )5.—Lily, could you tell me_________? — About ten minutes. A. how far is it from your home to school B. how far it is from your home to school C. how long does it take you to walk to school D. how long it takes you to walk to school ( )6. —Excuse me, could you please tell me___________? — At nine o’clock. A. where you have your art lesson B. where do you have your art lesson C. what time you have your art lesson D. what time do you have your art lesson ( )7.— Dear friends, do you still remember_________ three years ago? —To realize our dreams! A. why you came here B. why did you come here C. how you came here D. how did you come here ( )8.—I wonder__________. —Someone who can make me a better person. A. when you often meet your friends B. how you make your friends happy C. who you want to make friends with D. where you spend weekends with friends ( )9. —Could you tell me_______ for the fruit? — By paying over the Internet. A. how much will I pay B. how much I will pay C. how will I pay D. how I will pay ( )10. Rose is wondering__________. A. what is Matt doing B. where has Jason gone C. when will Aaron leave D. who did the washing ( )11. —Excuse me, I am doing a survey. May I know___________ to pay? —About five times a week. A. when you choose Wechat B. whether did you try Wechat C. how often you use Wechat D. why do you prefer Wechat ( )12.— Do you know____________? — We can try to produce less waste, reuse or recycle things. A. why can we live a green life B. how can we live a green life C. why we can live a green life D. how we can live a green life ( )13.—I’m so sorry about yesterday. —Don’t worry about it. It’s never just one person’s fault. We should think about__________ better next time. A. how can we do it B. how we can do it C. how can they do it D. how they can do it ( )14. Mr Jackson hasn’t decided_________ this weekend. A. where he will have a picnic B. where will he have a picnic C. where he had a picnic D. where did he have a picnic ( )15. Could you tell me___________a moment ago? A. what were they talking about B. what are they talking about C. what they were talking about D. what they are talking about 考题点评:历年中考宾语从句的重点都在于考查宾语从句的引导词、语序和时 态。 考点小结 做宾语从句的考题时最好以宾语从句的四要素为依据,用排除法把不正确的三 个选项逐一排除。 句型:主句+连接词+从句 一、宾语从句四要素 1.连接词:陈述句作宾语从句由 that 引导;一般疑问句作宾语从句由 if 或 whether 引导;特殊疑问句作宾语从句由特殊疑问词引导。 (1)that 无实义,常可省略 (2)直接引语改为间接引语时,若直接引语是一般疑问句,连接词可以用 if 或 whether;但句中出现了 or 或 or not 时,只用 whether,不能用 if。 2.语序:全部从句要用陈述句语序(主语+谓语+其他成分)。 (1)疑问句中原有的助动词(do,does,did)要去掉,并按实际情况作出相应的变 化。don’t ,doesn’t,didn’t 以及其他助动词或情态动词则不能去掉,要放在从句 主语后面,并按实际情况作出相应的变化。 (2)句子的标点符号要与主句统 一。 3.时态:主句是一般现在时和一般将来时,从句时态可根据需要用任何时态。主 句是一般过去时,从句时态要改为过去的对应时态。 (1)如果直接引语是表示客观真理,变为间接引语时,即使主句用了一般过去时, 从句时态仍然保持不变,则一般现在时不用改为一般过去时。 (2)以 Would you 或 Could you 提问的主句只是表示语气的委婉,并不表示一般 过去时,所以从句时态仍然保持不变。 4.人称:一主二宾三不变 直接引语的人称如果是第一人称,随主句的主语变化;直接引语的人称如果是第 二人称,随主句的宾语变化;直接引语的人称如果是第三人称,则不用改变。 二、宾语从句和状语从句的区分 (1) I want to know if she can arrive on time. (2) We will go on a picnic tomorrow if it doesn't rain. 分析:句(1)中 if 引导的是宾语从句,充当谓语动词 want to know 的宾语。句(2) 中 if 引导的是条件状语从句。这个从句表示“(我们去野餐的条件是)如果明天不 下雨”,修饰主句。 判断方法: 1.可以从整个句式看。状语从句一般可以放在主句的前面或后面 (个别除外), 宾语从句只能放在主句谓语动词之后。 2.从引导词看。if 充当宾语从句的连接词时,相当于 whether,词义为“是否”, 充当状语从句的连接词时,词义为“如果”。when 充当宾语从句的连接词时,意 为“什么时侯”,充当状语从句的连接词时,意为“....的时候”。 3.从时态看。if 和 when 作连接词时,引导宾语从句要注意从句的谓语动词的时 态应根据主句的时态作相应的变化。if 和 when 充当从属连词时,引导条件和 时间状语从句,若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,则从句的时态应用一般现在时 表示将来。 【趁热打铁---考点精练】 ( )1. Excuse me,sir.Could you tell me____________? A. where is the book shop nearest B. where is the nearest book shop C. where the nearest book shop is D. the neares

doc文档 2021年备考中考冲刺语法练习(含讲解)第十二讲 宾语从句 (含中考精选题,考点总结,考点精练)(牛津深圳版)

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2021年备考中考冲刺语法练习(含讲解)第十二讲 宾语从句 (含中考精选题,考点总结,考点精练)(牛津深圳版) 第 1 页 2021年备考中考冲刺语法练习(含讲解)第十二讲 宾语从句 (含中考精选题,考点总结,考点精练)(牛津深圳版) 第 2 页 2021年备考中考冲刺语法练习(含讲解)第十二讲 宾语从句 (含中考精选题,考点总结,考点精练)(牛津深圳版) 第 3 页 2021年备考中考冲刺语法练习(含讲解)第十二讲 宾语从句 (含中考精选题,考点总结,考点精练)(牛津深圳版) 第 4 页 2021年备考中考冲刺语法练习(含讲解)第十二讲 宾语从句 (含中考精选题,考点总结,考点精练)(牛津深圳版) 第 5 页
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