备战 2022 中考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练 (中考真题+各地模拟题) 专题 02 新冠病毒 Passage 1 (2021·广西玉林·中考真题) In the fight against COVID-19, many national heroes have become well-known to the public. On August 11, 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping commended(表彰)four of them for their outstanding contribution(杰出的贡献). Zhong Nanshan was given the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章). He has been leading the Chinese government’s efforts in the fight against COVID-19. The old expert got a result that COVID-19 could be spread between humans. “The People’s Hero” was given to three others. They are Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei. Zhang Boli is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) expert. He has been in charge of(负责) the research of COVID-19 treatments(治疗)connecting TCM with Western medicine. Zhang Dingyu was the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital in 2020. He got an illness in 2018. However, he chose to stay with his partners in Wuhan to save lives. Chen Wei is a professor. She has made great achievements in the research on COVID-19. She is also one of the key leaders in China’s Ebola vaccine(埃博拉疫 苗)research. The purpose of giving the nation’s top honors to these people was to show the great courage and the spirit of working together of the Chinese people. 1.How many people was given “the People’s Hero” by Chinese President Xi Jinping? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four. 2.Who got an illness in 2018 according to the passage? A.Zhong Nanshan. B.Zhang Boli. C.Zhang Dingyu. 3.Which of the following is right in the passage? A.Chen Wei is the head of Wuhan’s Jinyintan Hospital. B.Zhang Dingyu is a traditional Chinese medicine expert. D.Chen Wei. C.Zhong Nanshan got a result that COVID-19 could not be spread between humans. D.Zhang Boli has been in charge of the research connecting TCM with Western medicine. Passage 2 (2021·广西贺州·中考真题) The winter of 2019 seemed longer and colder than that in any other year because of COVID-19(新冠肺炎). By Thursday, March 5th, 2020, over 30,000 medical workers have gone to Wuhan. They were fighting in a special “war”. Not only the patients but also the doctors and nurses faced the risk of life. One of them is Dong Jie, a doctor. He did a good job during the 2003 SARS, so he went to this new war. He said he could share his experience in SARS with the doctors and give them confidence. He often showed the medical workers how to wear special clothes properly and better protect themselves. He also taught them how to treat patients. In order to prevent the illness from spreading, all the public services must be closed. There were three special barbers with masks (口罩) in Hefei. They have helped hundreds of people cut hair since February 15th. They were busy visiting different places in the city as well as the countryside and offering free service from 2 p.m. till evening every day. Zheng Wenyu and Ye Qiangiu are students. They tried their best to call on everyone to raise money for Wuhan. Many teenagers gave away their pocket money and lucky money. They raised about 120,000 yuan after two days. They used it to buy 60 tons of vegetables from local farmers and sent them to Wuhan. All the Internet people called them heroes and they set a good example. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 4.What is Dong Jie’s job? A.He is a student. B.He is a teacher. C.He is a doctor. D.He is a barber. 5.What does the underlined word “They” in the third paragraph refer to? A.The doctors. B.The volunteer barbers. C.The students. D.The patients. 6.What can we know from the fourth paragraph? A.Zheng Wenyu and Ye Qianqiu are two teachers. B.Many teenagers gave away their money to Wuhan. C.Zheng Wenyu and Ye Qianqiu gave away about 12,000 yuan. D.The local farmers bought 60 tons of vegetables and sent them to Wuhan. 7.What is the best title of the passage? A.How to fight against COVID-19. C.How to be a good doctor. B.The heroes in fighting against COVID-19. D.How to raise money for Wuhan. Passage 3 (2021·青海·中考真题)It’s been over a year since COVID-19 first appeared and the virus continues to be a problem in many parts of the world,scientists have realized the development of vaccines (疫苗) is a solution to the pandemic. A global effort to vaccinate as many people as possible would be needed, since vaccines typically take years to develop. On Dec 2, 2020, the first COVID vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine, was approved (批准) by UK health department. However, these vaccines must be stored at very low temperatures, which is not possible everywhere. In response, Chinese companies like

doc文档 专题02 新冠病毒-备战2022中考英语阅读理解热点话题+体裁分类训练(中考真题+各地模拟题)

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