正确形式填空 一 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句 子。每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 1. My cousin likes to collect __________in his spare time. (stamp) 2. Look! The_______lady from the left in the photo is my favourite teacher. (six) 3. Jessie cooked a meal for her big family by______on New Years Eve. (she) 4. Shirley is an early bird. It was_____for her to be late for school today.(usual) 5. Fortunately, no one was______hurt in the earthquake several weeks ago.(serious) 6.The ____of Al(人工智能) will enable us to learn more about our brains.( develop) 7. I will never____the days I spent with my host family in Britain. (forgetful) 8. As we all know, a_______ driver is always a danger to the public.(care) 答案:1stamps 2sixth 3herself 4unusual 5seriously 6development 7forget 8careless 二 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成 下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 1. I was glad to receive so many _________ from my friends at my birthday party.(card) 2. The old man was too weak to get to his apartment on the _______ floor.(five) 3. The three-year-old boy can’t do it by ________. We should give him a hand.(he) 4. With the help of my teachers, I think I can _______ in the entrance examination.(success) 5. Confucius(孔子)was a ________ man and a great education as well in Chinese history.(wisdom) 6. Jack ________ helped the injured girl get up, and sent her to the hospital immediately.(gentle) 7. The ________ of the modern computer is one of the greatest contributions(贡献)in human history. (invent) 8. These questions are so difficult. It’s almost ________ for us to finish them in less than five minutes. (possible) 1. cards 2. fifth 3. himself 4. succeed 5. wise 6. gently 7. invention 8. impossible 三 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成 下列句子) (共 8 分) 1. It's reported that two __________ happened in the town on the same day. (robbery) 2. My mother said to my classmates, "Make __________ at home, please." (you) 3. This is the __________ time for me to see the film Murder on the Orient Express. (two) 4. To begin with, some __________ ideas for a story are necessary. (base) 5. The article will probably be about how to __________ comic strips. (product) 6. We are going to celebrate the __________ of the New Year with a party in a club. (arrive) 7. I haven't heard from my pen friend __________ , so I'm a bit worried about her . (recent) 8. The teacher asked us who was the first European to __________ America. (cover) , 1. robberies 5. produce 2. yourselves 3. second 6. arrival 7. recently 4. basic 8. discover 四 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成 下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共 8 分) 1. We wish every one of _________ a bright future after graduation. (we) 2. Playing seek and hide is part of my _________ memory. (child) 3. Many terrible traffic accidents happen because of _________ driving. (care) 4. The volunteers give food and clothes to the homeless in _________ weather. (freeze) 5. More and more _________ will see the royal wedding ceremony in the town. (visit) 6. We know that it is _________ of students to cheat in exams. (honest) 7. It’s better to _________ fresh air outdoors after staying indoors for a long time. (breath) 8. Ann spoke the most _________ of all the students in the school speech contest. (accurate) us, childhood, careless, freezing, visitors, dishonest, breathe, accurately 五 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下 列句子,每空格限填一词) (共 8 分) 1. Mr Black is one of the most famous _______ in that five-star restaurant. (cook) 2. He first learnt to express _______ through movement at Tim’s dance class. (he) 3. The actor who acted in the TV series last night became famous in his ______. (forty) 4. The _______ to Hainan Island has been cancelled because of the heavy snow. (fly) 5. It’s cold today. Please _______ the milk in the microwave oven before you drink. (hot) 6. O. Henry’s stories often have unexpected endings. They are_______ welcomed. (wide) 7. The farmer was very _______ to the doctor because he saved his wife’s life. (thank) 8. A good teacher can help you _______ your talents and develop them as well. (cover) 1. cooks 2. himself 3. forties 4. flight 5. heat 6. widely 7. thankful 8. discover 六 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句 子,每空格限填—词):(共 8 分) 1. Mike’s hobby is playing basketball. ____is li

doc文档 2020届九年级上海中考英语复习专项练习:3.正确形式填空

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2020届九年级上海中考英语复习专项练习:3.正确形式填空 第 1 页 2020届九年级上海中考英语复习专项练习:3.正确形式填空 第 2 页 2020届九年级上海中考英语复习专项练习:3.正确形式填空 第 3 页
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