山东省部分学校 2021-2022 学年高二下学期第一次(3 月)月考英语试题分类汇编 阅读理解 山东省济南市第一中学 2021-2022 学年高二下学期 3 月月考英语试题 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A YICCA 2021 - An International Contest of Contemporary Art The aim of the competition is to promote enrolled artists, and give them the chance to join the international market of contemporary art. AWARD AND PRIZE YICCA provides networking opportunities for the artists, who can • win a cash prize: Euro 3000,00 money prize to the first selected Euro 1000,00 money prize to the second selected • promote their art through a variety of channels: Exhibit their selected artworks in an exhibition space, determined by competition. Improve the relationship between finalists and critics, gallery owners, public and private art institutions that will have access to this important exhibition. Have maximum visibility through the advertising campaign that will follow the competition and all its stages. DATES AND DEADLINES January 11, 2021: Beginning of subscriptions April 30, 2021: Subscriptions deadline - Last Call! May 10, 2021: Notification of winning artworks Judges’ final decision will lead to a selection of 18 artists that will participate in the final exhibition. All kinds of art works are accepted, including video, installations and performances. All works will be presented by a picture or a video that must be followed by a description of the work. All works must be available for the final exhibition and have to be artist’s property. The contest is open to all artists or groups of artists and professionals from any country. There are no special qualifications required for entry. All information about terms and conditions of subscription is published on the official website: www.contest.yicca.org For more information about this opportunity for artists, please visit the Event Website. To register please complete the registration form on the official website. 1. What can the contest winners get? A. A cash prize. B. A certificate of award. C. A chance to attend a TV show. D. An interview with gallery owners. 2. When will the result of the contest be announced? A. On May 10, 2021. B. On April 10, 2021. C. On April 30, 2021. D. On January 11, 2021. 3. What is the requirement of the entries? A. They must be videos or performances. B. They have to be submitted by posting. C. They must be accompanied by a description. D. They have to be created by professional artists. B My mother is the most important person in my life and she means the whole world to me. She was a nurse at Stony Brook University Hospital and she always took the night shift so that she could come home in time to drive me to school. She’d sleep during the day and be ready when I returned home before heading out again in the evening. This went on for 23 years. She never complained. No matter how tired she was , she always had enough energy to be my mom. She often had to work on Christmas, Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve, and sometimes Thanksgiving, which made me upset. However, before holidays she always decorated the inside and outside of our house. She’d also have cookies baking in the oven, a holiday-themed movie in the VCR, and music playing throughout our house for me. But when it was time to go to work, there was no room for debate. “Why do you have to work on this day of all days?” I’d ask sadly. “They need me, too, dear son,” she’d respond, compassion in her tone. For a long time I didn’t understand why she should care so much about those sick strangers. Recently, as my grandmother became ill, I found myself spending more time in hospitals. The scenes I saw in the hospital made me see the different side of my mother. The nurses checked heart, blood and oxygen levels, and made sure patients were comfortable. They lifted patients in and out of bed and helped them to the bathroom. Beyond their duties, the nurses displayed consideration for each patient. What I saw helped me to understand why my mother was devoted to her occupation. I was filled with more admiration for my mother. 4. Why did the author’s mother work at night? A. To earn more money. B. To take care of her kid. C. To sleep during the day. D. To attend school in time. 5. What made the author annoyed? A. Spending holidays in the hospital. B. Too much housework during holidays. C. His mother’s absence at holiday nights. D. His mother’s concern about her patients. 6. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? A. How the author came

doc文档 山东省部分学校2021-2022学年高二下学期第一次(3月)月考英语试题汇编:阅读理解

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