中山市迪茵公学七下 U1-U8 知识点专练卷 姓名:_________ 班级:_________ Unit 1 知识点: 1. play + the + 乐器名词 e. g. play the piano/violin 2. play + 球类、棋类 e. g.play chess/basketball/soccer 3.want to do sth. 想要做某事 4. be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事 be good with sth. 对某事有办法,be good for sth. 对某事有好 处,be good to sb. 对某人好 5. talk/say/speak/tell 辨析:talk to/with 和某人说话,tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事,tell sb. To do sth. 告 诉某人做某事 ( )1. She likes playing ________ piano; her brother likes playing ________ basketball. A.the,a B.a,the C. /,the the. / ( ) 2.--________ he do well in English? -- No, he ________ good at it. A. Does, doesn't B. Is, is C. Does, isn't D.Is,doesn't ( ) 3. Little Mary can draw ________. Her drawings are very ________. A.well, good B.good,well C. good, good well. well ( ) 4. Playing sports is good ________ your health. A.with B. for C.to D. at ( ) 5. -- Can you speak English? -- ________. But I can speak Chinese. A. Yes. I can B. No, I can C. No, I can't Yes, I can't ( ) 6. Mrs. Lee ________ us an interesting story every day. We like her very much. A.tell B.talk C. talks tells ( ) 7.Jim, can you ________ me a story ________ English? A.speak,speak B.tell,with C.say,.use D. tell,in ( ) 8. Which clue do you prefer to join, the chess club ________ the dancing club? A.so B.but C. or D. for ( ) 9. My friend Lisa sings well, and she is ________ good at playing the violin. A.and B.but C.or D.so ( ) 10. He is ________ now. so he has a lot of time. A.interesting B.free C. busy D.cool Unit2 ( ) 1. Tim ________ late for school. He always the first to come to school. A.is never B.never is C.is always D.always is ( ) 2. --When do you go to school? --I go to school ________ Monday ________ Friday. A. from, for B. from, on C. on, to D. from. to ( ) 3. The child doesn’t need any help. He can ________ himself. A. dress B.put on C. wear D. D D. D. D.in ( ) 4.It’s a difficult ________ for Alice because she has much ________ to do. A. job,job B.work,work C. job, work D. work, job ( ) 5. I have breakfast at a quarter ________ seven. Then I go to the office at seven forty. A.to B. past C. for D. at ( ) 6.Though she eats ________, she does ________ exercises, so she is thin. A.lots of, a lot B. lot of, a lot of C. a lot, a lots of D. a lot, lots of ( ) 7.We have the first class ________ a quarter to eight. A. on B.in C.for D. at ( ) 8.Amy can get ________ well with anyone, she is good at ________ friends. A.at, make B.on, making C. at, making D. on, make ( ) 9.--Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi’an?--________ is OK. It’s up to you. A.both B.all C. either D. neither ( ) 10. Rita is a good girl and she ________ twice a day. A.brush teeth B.brushes teeth C.brush teeth D.brushes tooth Unit 3 知识点: 1.by +交通工具=take/ride +冠词+交通工具 2.get to/arrive/reach 辨析 3.take/spend/pay/cost 辨析 4.How far/How long/How soon/How often 辨析 5.It’s adj. for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是……的。 ( ) 1. She often ________ a bike to the school. A. takes B rides C. by D.on ( ) 2. -- ________ did you come here? -- ________ air. A. How, By B. How long, By C. How, Take D.How far, By a ( ) 3. ________ do you ________ the transportation in your town? A. What, think B. How, think of C. What, think of How, think about ( ) 4.It ________ me ________ hour to get to school. A. take,an B. spend, an C. takes, a D.takes, an ( ) 5. I can't find my keys. I might ________ them at home this morning. A leave B. forget C. lose D.want ( ) 6. It is not easy for this English boy ________ stories in Chinese. A telling B. tells C. to tell D.tell ( ) 7. I ________ New York two days ago. A. arrived at B. arrived in C. arrive at D.arrive in ( ) 8.The ________ boy can play chess with his grandfather. A. six years old B.six-years-old C.six-year-old D.six-years ( ) 9. You can find the bus stop ________ the library ________ the club. A either, of B between, and C.from, to D.in, and ( ) 10.--________ your father go to work every morning? -- He rides his bike to work. A.What does B.How does C.What is D How is D. Unit4 知识点: 1.arrive in +大地点,arrive at +小地点 2.listen/hear 辨析,listen 强调动作,hear 强调结果 3.bring 带来,take 带去 4.remember to do 记得去做某事/remember doing 记得做过某事 5.be strict with sb. 对某人严格/be strict in sth. 对某事严格 ( ) 1.--Let’s ________ some music! --OK. How about the songs by Blackpink? A. listen to B. come on D. think of ( ) 2. Lucy, come to my bedroom and ________ some water to me. A. buy B. keep C. take bring C talk to D. ( ) 3. Don't arrive late________ class. You must ________ time. A. for, be on B. for, on C. to, be on D

doc文档 Unit1-Unit8专练广东省中山市迪茵公学2021-2022学年七年级下册英语

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