牛津英语 7B 期末复习专项---完型填空 完形填空(1) Dear Miss Wang, We would like to recommend Andy as __1__ new monitor (班长) . We think he is good enough to be suitable(合适的)for the position(职位). Let me __2__ you a story about Andy. It is a secret in your class. So __3__ else knows about it. The following is the story. It was Sunday that day. Andy was__4__ the way home. But he forgot to __5__ his homework home. He went back to __6__. At the __7__ crossing, he met an old man. The old man wanted to go to the hospital because his son was ill. But he didn’t know the way. Andy went to the man and __8__ the man. After Andy knew __9__ the man would go, he decided __10__ him. Andy asked the man to follow him. They came to the second crossing, the third crossing, and then they turned right. They__11__ along the street. When they got to Suguo Supermarket, they went across the street. The People’s Hospital was opposite (在 „ 的对面) the supermarket. The man’s son was very __12__ when he saw his father. The man’s son was a __13__ in Andy’s school. He taught Chinese. He thanked Andy for his help. The old man and his son looked forward to __14__ Andy again. Andy was very happy and went to the school for his homework. After that, he went back home. Andy got home late, so he told his parents about the thing he did. His parents were happy that Andy did so. Andy is good at all his lessons and he can plan everything well. He can make our class better. I am sure he can be a good __15__. Please write back soon. Yours, Wang Hua 1.A. your B. her C. our D. their 2.A. talk B. tell C. speak D. say 3.A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 4.A. in B. at C. to D. on 5.A. take B. bring C. get D. hide 6.A. hospital B. school C. restaurant D. theater 7.A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 8.A. talked with B. answered C. meant D. joined 9.A. when B. where C. what D. how 10.A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help 11.A. jumped B. ran C. walked D. pushed 12.A. afraid B. amazing C. sad D. happy 13.A. teacher B. cook C. doctor D. farmer 14.A. looking B. seeing C. watching D. reading 15.A. student B. cook C. player D. monitor 完形填空(2) The Black family come to a new big city. Mrs Black’s son, Bob, is not 1 . He doesn’t have any friends to play 2 . “Don’t worry!” says his mother. “You will soon make friends here.” One 3 , there is a knock at the door. Bob’s 4 , Mrs Black, opens it. There stands a woman with brown hair. It is Mrs White. She comes to 5 some eggs. She wants to 6 cakes. Mrs Black lends her two. In the afternoon, there is another knock at the door. Mrs Black opens it and sees a 7 standing there. “My name is Jack White,” he says. “My mother sends(送) 8 this cake and the two eggs.” “Well, thank you, Jack,” says Mrs Black. “ 9 and meet my son Bob.” Look! Bob and Jack are 10 the cake and milk. They are playing football. Now they are 11 ! Jack says, “I’m glad you live next door.” Bob says, “I must thank your mother for coming for eggs.” Jack laughs and 12 Bob, “She doesn’t want the two eggs, 13 she wants to make friends with your mother.” Bob says, “That’s a(n) 14 way to make friends. It’s an easy way, too. It can work!” So if you’re willing (乐意的) to make friends, you can always 15 1. A. happy B. free 2. A. in B. on 3. A. morning B. afternoon 4. A. sister 5. A. lend B. teacher B. borrow C. lazy C. to some ways! D. friendly D. with C. evening D. noon C. doctor D. mother C. give D. buy 6. A.do B. bring C. order D. make 7. A. girl B. man C. boy D. woman 8. A. we B. you C. us D. them 9. A. Come in B. Go away 10. A. looking B. eating 11. A. classmates B. members 12. A. tells B. says 13. A. but C. Get out C. having 15. A. see D. drinking C. friends D. brothers C. talks B. and 14. A. popular D. Come on D. speaks C. so B. poor D. or C. interesting B. find C. enjoy D. cheap D. keep 完形填空(3) It is exciting to travel to other countries. We can see many interesting things and people there. We can also 1 much delicious food there. But sometimes we aren’t so happy 2 we can’t understand the people there and it brings us much 3 . One of the best ways of understanding the people is to watch 4 they do in their free time. Most English men, women and children love 5 things, especially flowers. Visitors 6 England in spring, summer or autumn 7 see gardens all the way along the railway lines. There are flowers at the airports, in factory grounds and in gardens along the roads. E

docx文档 牛津英语7年级下册期末复习练习—完型填空(含答案)

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