如何写出一篇优秀的读后续写(Continuation writing) 新高考读后续写分值 25 分,写作难度较大,考生如何在 35 分钟内写出一篇 优秀的读后续写呢?一篇优秀的读后续写具备哪些特征? 一、合乎逻辑且简洁的情节(plot) 读后续写的选材是来源于国外记叙文本, 主要是我们俗称的 心灵鸡汤 (chicken soup for the soul)类文本。情节设定需要注意两点: 一是要符合逻辑,不要太离奇,不能让读者去脑补才能想通你在写什么。 二是必须简洁,必须确保阅卷老师一眼就能明白你在说什么。复杂的情节必死 无疑!标新立异必死无疑!这是因为学生不具备用英语写出复杂情节的能力, 一旦复杂,就必然导致虎头蛇尾,开头洋洋洒洒,最后结尾没地方写或者匆匆 了事。如何体现简洁?譬如浙江高考真题写过我遇到一只狼,我如何脱险? Just then Tom threw a stick at me and in split seconds I caught it, swinging it at the wolf. To my relief, the wolf turned around, terror in eyes. ( 你不要纠结狼怎 么就这样轻易转身害怕离开,只要你能建立一种可能的因果就 OK 了)。 二、鲜明的主题(theme) 主题特别重要,通常要在结尾点明主题或升华主题,也就是故事直接的结 果或状态对现在或者未来产生的影响。这种影响必须体现正确价值取向和高尚 的情感态度,彰显和传递社会正能量,弘扬人性的真善美。 读后续写的主题都 是在分析文章里的 problem/conflict/emotional change 后才能得出来,不要无 病呻吟, 关键是情感共鸣。可以没有漂亮的词汇,但一定要有美丽的灵魂。 比 如 2020 年山东高考卷是炸爆米花帮助邻居的故事。如果情节设定是 Mrs. Meredith 直接给 Bernard 一家钱,那就是失败的,因为不符合我们的育人理念 “授人以鱼不如授之以渔”的价值取向。 西方(尤其是美国)的社会文化,对文学有很深刻的影响。大概可以分 为:校园文化、家庭文化、节日文化、聚会文化、交友文化、冒险文化、体 育文化、宠物文化等。每一种文化对应相应的写作主题。 校园文化体现在教师对学生的教导、鼓励和关爱、学生对老师的尊敬、 同学之间互帮互信等。还有校园组织的各种活动比如音乐节、体育节、书画 展等,体现参与、竞争、提高审美的主题。 家 庭 文 化 体现在夫妻之间的爱与陪伴、信任和理解,父母对孩子的尊 重、关爱、安慰,孩子的独立,还有对孩子的错误的教育方式,兄弟姐妹之 间的相处等。 节日文化体现在礼物挑选、家人团聚、出门旅行等,基督教的节日还与 慈善和帮助有关,因此圣诞节这天遇到弱者是必须伸出援手的。 聚会文化更是如此,尤其是毕业舞会和庆生会,美国人交友主要通过聚 会,围绕聚会又会产生很多有意思的内容比如考验朋友、晚会创意、聚会礼 物的选择等。 交友文化体现在患难见真情、不离不弃、从误会到变成好友等。 冒险文化更多体现了个人英雄主义。回顾浙江这几年的高考续写内容, 一开始很多都是和这个文化有关的。譬如 Jane 树林里过夜、人熊搏斗、人狼 搏斗等。 体育文化体现在各种比赛活动的竞技精神,可以说体育文化渗透到日常 生活的方方面面,围绕体育会有团队精神、坚持不懈、自信等主题。 宠物文化体现在宠物譬如狗,就是家庭的一个成员,不折不扣的成员 。 主题包括爱和陪伴等。 1 主题呈现的常见句型有: (1) 强调句 It was... that sb. realized that- 从句 例如: It was on that day that Mike realized that one’s lucky charm was nothing but his diligence. (2) 倒装句 Not until... did sb. realize/notice that-从句 as(表示“虽然”)引起的倒装句 例如: Cold as the rain was, great warmth filled his heart like never before. (3)虚拟语气 I felt so lucky because I would have lost a lifelong friend if I hadn’t greeted the stranger--Will. (4)感叹句 由 What/How 引起 例如: How grateful I am for the notes that brightened my gloomy days and kept me pursuing my initial teaching ideal! (5)通过人物(主角)对话呈现主题 例如: As they were leaving, the mother hugged each of us and whispered, “You're our angels and it's your love that warms us up! ” 2 主题呈现还可以通过下列动词或形容词来体现: (1)意识 Honestly, I had never realized before that a small action could make such a difference. It was Ricky who taught me that. (2)提醒 Many years later that photo of a sick little girl is still in a frame in my shop, always reminding me to show kindness to those who really need it. A small act of kindness does generate great blessings, even lighting up the gloomy world someone deeply sinks in. Since then, I have been reaching out to those in need, just like the Mexican family, paying the kindness forward. (3)记忆 The show has ended, but the memorable experiences and happiness it left will never fade. (4)最...... They showed me sincere gratitude from the bottom of their hearts. In fact, I had never felt better before. No new bicycle could have made me feel as good about myself as I felt that day. I kept the $20 bill in a box as if it were the most precious wealth I had had. Since then, it has been reminding me to help those in need, just like the Mexican family, paying the kindness forward. 三、时间衔接过渡自然(非常重要) 1 使用副词: immediately 立刻,马上 instantly 立即,即刻(= soon) shortly 马上,立刻〔尤指知道某事即将要发生〕 2 使用句型结构: upon + n. / doing 一做某事 cannot wait to 迫不及待去做 before (很棒的一个词!) 未等某人做某事或者某人还没来得及做某事,常 见:before sb knew what was happening; before sb could say / ask / reply / think as soon as/the moment +从句,主句;no sooner...than=hardly...when...“一…… 就……” That was when sth. happened. 就在那时,发生了某事。 Everything settled / Everything ready, 主句. 一切完成/就绪后,…… It 句型: It didn’t take long before sb did sth. 没过多久,某人开始做某事 3 使用介词+that: At that(听了这话), Jenna and Jeff almost jumped to their feet, joy in eyes. With that(说完), he rushed out. 佳句欣赏: In the next few frozen seconds, ... It suddenly dawned on Carter that what he did just now was just like ... No sooner had they painted the unique car than their Mum called them to have dinner. Before leaving, she hugged her husband tightly, and then said goodbye to him. Each time she got home, Mark would tell her he was really proud of her amazing progress. Soon we were busy preparing gifts for our unexpected guests. The next hour saw me decorating it with .. Not until we returned home did I put it on the table in the kitchen and hid behind the door 四、恰当的动作情感描写 考场上时间有限,建议采用极简写法。具体说就是 :动一动、看一看、 说一说、感一感。 Action——动一动(手、腿、头) He shook his head. But I still held out a five-dol

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