人教版九年级英语单元课时考点突破必刷题(全册) Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! 课时 1 Section A (1a-2d) ▲noise pollution 考点 1 活学活用:pollution/polluted 1.The Chinese government has done a lot to control plastic_______ (污染)in big cities. ▲Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up! 考点 2 联想串记:play a part in/play a role in 2.每个人都应该在环保方面发挥作用。(play) Everyone should_______ _______ _______ the environmental protection. ▲Well, to cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. 考点 3 联想串记:cut down/cut up/cut off 3.You spend too much time on your mobile phone. You are supposed to_______ the time you spend on it. A. cut off B. cut down C. cut up D. cut in 4.The boy's legs were badly hurt in a car accident and the doctor had to_______ them. A. cut up B. cut out C. cut off D. cut down 考点 4 易混辨异:instead/instead of 5.Li Lei didn't play computer games last weekend. _______ he worked as a volunteer in an old people's home. A. Instead B. Certainly C. Though D. Gradually ▲There are other advantages of bike riding. 考点 5 活学活用:advantage/disadvantage 6.-Why do so many Canadian companies want him to work for them? -He can speak both English and French. It's certainly his_______. A. decision B. condition C. advantage ▲So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! 考点 6 联想辨异:different/difference/make adifference/ be different from 7.-The teenagers clean up the city park every Saturday. -Sometimes small things can make a_______. A. promise B. conversation C. difference D. discussion 8.我的生活方式和你的截然不同。 My lifestyle is quite_______ _______ yours. 答案: 1.pollution 2. play a part in / play a role in 3.B 点拨:用短语辨析法。cut off 切掉;cut down 减少;cut up 切碎;cut in 插嘴。由第一句“你在手机上花费的 时间太多了。”可推测下句的建议是“减少”时间。故选 B. 4.C 点拨:考查动词短语的辨析。句意为“那个男孩的腿在车祸中严重受伤,医生只好切掉它们”。cut up 意为 “切碎”;cut out“剪裁;剪下”;cut off“切掉;切断”;cut down“砍倒;缩减”。根据句意可知用 cut off.故选 C. 5.A 点拨:考查副词的辨析。句意为 “李雷上周末没有玩电脑游戏。相反,他在一家养老院做志愿者 ”。 Instead“相反,而是”;Certainly“当然”;Though“尽管”;Gradually“逐渐地”。前后句之间有转折含义,故选 A. 6.C 点拨:用词义辨析法。decision 决定;condition 条件;advantage 优势;优点。“他能说英语和法语”是他的优 势,故使用 advantage. 7.C 点拨:用固定搭配法。Make a difference(to)是一个固定短语,意思是“起作用;有影响”。句意为“-这些青 少年每周六都打扫城市公园。-有时很小的事情都能发挥作用”。 8.different from 课时 2 Section A (3a-3b) This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. 考点 1 思维导图:not only...but also...等易混连接词组 either...or... not only...but also.. 易混连接词组 neither...nor... both...and... 1,John is good at doing sports. He_______ climbs mountains_______ plays soccer at 8:00 every Sunday morning. A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. both; and 2.-What's the weather like in Kunming, Lucy? -It's_______ hot_______ cold. So Kunming is called" the Spring City". A. neither; nor B. not only; but also C. either; or D. both; and 3.Tik Tok is_______ popular with young people_______ popular with the old nowadays. A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. too; to 考点 2 联想串记:harm/harmless/harmful/be harmful to 4. Smoking is harmful to our health.(改成同义句) Smoking_______ _______ _______ our health. ▲Many believe that sharks can never be endangered because they are the strongest in their food chain. 考点 3 联想串记:danger/dangerous/endanger/in danger 5.用 danger 的适当形式或含 danger 的短语填空 Though this kind of tiger is_______ by pollution, it's still very_______ to go near them. Keep far away from them, or you'll put yourself_______. 6,Now many wild animals are in_______ (dangerous).We should protect them. ▲The number(s) of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years. 考点 4 联想辨异:the number(s) of/a number of 7.In our city there_______ a number of cars and the number of them_______ growing larger and larger. A. are; is B. have; is C. is; are 答案: 1.B 点拨:用句意分析法。句意为“约翰擅长运动。每周日早上 8 点,他要么爬山,要么踢足球”。题干语境提 示 at 8:00,在同一时间点不可能同时做两项运动,故选 either...or...“要么····要么。。。。。”,故选 B. 2.A 点拨:用短语辨析法。句意为“-露西,昆明的天气如何?-既不热也不冷。因此昆明被称为“春城'”。 neither. nor...既不也不;not only...but also...不但··而且·;either...or...或者··或者··;both...and...不仅···而且。 根据“So Kunming is called 'the Spring City””可知昆明的天气既不热也不冷。 3.C 点拨:考查连词辨析。neither...nor 表示“既不·也不。。”;either...or 表示“或者···或者·..”;not only...but also 表示“不但····而且·”;too...to 表示“太·而不能··.”。句意为“现在抖音不仅在年轻人中受欢迎而且在老年人中也 受欢迎”。故选 C. 4.does harm to 点拨:do harm to 和 be harmful to 具有相同的意义,意思是“对······有害”。 5.endangered; dangerous; in danger 6.danger 点拨:句意为“现在许多野生动物都处在危险中。我们应该保护它们”。分析句子可知,介词后面需要跟一 个名词作宾语,dangerous 的名词形式是 danger, in danger 处在危险中,固定短语,故答案是 danger. 7.A 点拨:用主谓一致法。句意为“在我们城市里有大量的小汽车,而

doc文档 Unit 13单元课时必刷题2022-2023学年人教版英语九年级全册

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