八年级下册 Unit 1 1. raise v. 养育,饲养 提高 raise one’s voice 提高声音 筹集 raise money for 为…筹钱 举起 raise up 举起 raise one’s spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气 【经典例句】 1) We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.(教材原句) 2) He raised cattle in the west when he was young.(真题原句) 3) Tom’s father died, leaving his mother to raise two sons alone.(真题原句) 4) They wanted to raise the price of the product. (真题原句) 5) Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for the disabled.(真题原句) 6) You can raise up that big case.(真题原句) 7) The good news raised my spirits. (牛津高阶) 【辨析】 raise 和 rise 都有“上升、升起”的意思,区别: 1)raise 是及物动词,主语通常为人(raised,raised) 2)rise 是不及物动词,主语通常为物(rose,risen) 2. offer v,主动提出,主动提供 offer to do sth 提供做某事 offer sth to sb = offer sb sth 为某人提供某物 【经典例句】 1) Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school days.(教材原句) 2) That company offered me a job in another city. (真题原句) 3) We offered to help him with his English.(真题原句) 4) He offered to help me.(真题原句) 3. suffer v. 遭受,受苦 suffer from 遭受 【经典例句】 1) The children there all suffer from serious illnesses.(教材原句) 2) Some of the children suffer from serious illness.(真题原句) 3) I am suffering from a headache.(真题原句) 4. serious adj,严肃的,严重的 【经典例句】 1) The children there all suffer from serious illnesses.(教材原句) 2) It’s nothing serious. She’s just tired.(真题原句) 3) His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.(真题原句) 5. express v. 表达 【经典例句】 1) This helps them express their feelings.(教材原句) 2) Can you express yourself in English?(真题原句) 6. pain n. 痛苦,疼痛 【经典例句】 1) I don’t know how to deal with this kind of pain.(真题原句) 2) My friends don’t understand my pain.(教材原句) 【习题】 7. lonely adj 孤独的 【经典例句】 1) Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely.(教材原句) 2) If you feel lonely in the new school, you can try to make some new friends.(真题原句) 3) I live all alone but I never feel lonely.(真题原句) 【辨析】 1) lonely: 情感上的“孤独”,只作形容词 2) alone:空间上的“一个人,单独”,既可作形容词,又可作副词 8. difficulty n 困难 have difficulty in doing sth 做......有困难 【经典例句】 1) They have difficulty walking or moving.(教材原句) 2) I can work out this math problem without difficulty.(真题原句) 3) I had no difficulty in getting in touch with him.(真题原句) 9. peace n 和平,平静 in peace 和平地;安静;宁静 【经典例句】 1) I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace.(教材原句) 2) War started again after eight years of peace.(真题原句) 3) All the villagers live together in peace.(真题原句) 10. hurt v 伤害,使疼痛 hurt oneself 某人自己受伤 get hurt 受伤 【经典例句】 1) He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage.(教材原句) 2) The little dog was hurt in an accident.(真题原句) 3) His left arm was hurt in an accident.(真题原句) 11. courage n 勇气 【经典例句】 1) He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage.(教材原句) 2) He showed great courage and determination.(真题原句) 3) He faced the difficulty with courage.(真题原句) 12. pay v 支付 pay for sth =spend on sth 为......付钱 【经典例句】 1) I had to pay 50 yuan for that T-shirt.(真题原句) 2) Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?(真题原句) 通关测试 I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. After the heavy rain, the river _______(rose; raised)five centimeters. 2. He offered me a cup of tea in his home yesterday. He ______ a cup of tea ______ me in his home yesterday. 3. His left leg was_________(serious) hurt in the accident. 4. I can’t _______(表达)my feelings about the true story. 5. There is a saying, “No _______, no gain.” 6. He has no children. He lives ______ (lonely)and feels very______(lonely). 7. Maths is ______(difficult)for most students, but I have no______(difficult)learning it. 8. My grandmother likes living in the countryside because it is_____(peace) 9. He had a serious accident and ______(hurt)his head. 10. Tim can’t walk, but he has a lot of _________.(courage; courages) 11. He paid 50 dollars for the ticket. He ______ 50 dollars ______ the ticket. II. 单项选择 1. As the curtain ______, the famous singer came out. The fans _______ and screamed with excitement. A. was raised; rose B. had been raised; were raised C. rose; were raised D. had risen; raised 2. New Kowloon Primary School is going to hold a charity fair (慈善活动)next Sunday. They want to A. waste money to buy clothes for poor people. B. save C. spend D. raise 3. Mrs. Liu is kind and always ______ her help to others. A. shares B. receives C. makes D. offers 4. In China, farmers are ________ from the central government’s new policies on agriculture. A. suffering B. benefiting 5. He _______to take me a ride in his new car. C. making A. suffered B. prot

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