Unit 3 Online tours Welcome to the unit Free talk What do you usually do when you are free? Do you often watch TV? What’s your favourite TV programme? What channel do you like best? Do you often play computer games? Do you know different parts of a computer? What parts of a computer are mentioned in the song? CD-ROM screen keyboard mouse Listen carefully and fill in the blanks. I know how to use a ________! computer I can use the __________ and the keyboard mouse ______. computer I know how to use a ________! And I have one in my house! Turn on the computer screen and the monitor. And look at the ______. CD-ROM Take a _________ and put it in the drive. computer My ________ is a magic machine! A. Annie, Simon’s cousin, wants to learn about the different parts of a computer. Look at the picture below and help her write the correct answers in the boxes. screen main unit keyboard mouse Guessing game: You can see words and pictures on it. screen You can use it for typing. keyboard You can use it to move the cursor on the screen. mouse What does the girl use her computer for? draw play computer games type send e-mails listen to a song read Listen carefully and fill in the blanks about what the girl use the computer for. With my computer I can draw ____! Play games and _____ ___________, read type and more and _____, Send e-mail and ____________ _______________! listen to a song And I can sing along! What can we use the computer for ? do word processing play games chat with friends send and receive emails search for information watch videos What can we use the computer for ? shop online take online courses take online tours B. Simon and Daniel are talking about the different uses of computers. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. 1. What does Simon use his computer for? To search for information. 2. How often does he use his computer to do this? Almost every day. Talk Work in pairs and talk to your partner about what you use a computer for. Use Daniel and Simon’s conversation as a model. The ideas in the box may help you. What do you usually use your computer for? Why? How often do you use your computer for this? I usually use it … Because it is… … Do Eddie and Hobo know well about the computers? Listen and answer the questions. What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like? They think it looks like a TV. Do you know what “the remote control” really is? It is a mouse. Please fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. Eddie and Hobo know n_____ othing about ooks computers. Hobo thinks the computer l_____ like a TV. Eddie a_____ grees with Hobo. He thinks ouse is the remote control. Because the m_____ the programme is b_____, oring they want to change the channel. Discussion: As a middle school student, how do you use the computer properly? Many students use the Internet to study, send emails and search for information. But many others are crazy about chatting online or playing computer games.

ppt文档 Unit3 Welcome to the unit 课件 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语八年级下册

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