班级 姓名 学号 分数 Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 单元重点单词词组短语句型精练 (时间:60 分钟,满分:100 分) 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 1.Sandy ________ (not be) often late for school. 2.One of her dressers ________ (look) very modern. 3.Our classes ________ (begin)at 7:30. 4.Many of the ________ (dance) shoes look cool. 5.I have some friends.They are ________ (real)great. 6.It takes me about five minutes ______ (walk) to the park from my home. 7.Let’s ________ (listen) to the teacher carefully. 8.I have lots of ________ (friend)at this new school. 9.Millie’s classmates and teachers all like ________ (she). 10.The girl in white skirt looks ________ (beauty). 11.My ________ (foot) are very big. 12.Wish you the ________ (good), Mike. 13.Show ________ (they) your kite, OK? 14.There are two tall ________ (build) in their school. 15.Thank you for ___________(lend) me your bike. 16.Which of the ________ (subject) do you like best? 17.We'll have a ________ (parent) meeting in the school hall. 18.I have some friends. They are ________ (real) great. 19.How many ________ (build) are there in your school? 20.The Japanese restaurant is on the ________ (nine) floor in the shopping mall. 21.Let me ________ (tell) you something nice, OK? 22.________ (not make) the boy clean the classroom today, because he doesn’t feel well. 23.—Who cooks dinner in your home every day? —My mother ________ (do). 24.It’s time for Sandy ________ (tell) us a story. 25.How often ________ the boy ________ (walk) to school? 26.They would like ________ (stay) at home, so they can watch TV all day. 27.It takes my mother one hour ________ (cook) dinner. 28.All of us hope ________ (be) a member of the club. 29.Mrs Green often ________ (dress) her daughter in warm clothes. 30.I read a lot of interesting books. Reading ________ (make) me feel great. 二、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分) 31.Can you_________(带领) me around your school? 32.Nanjing is a __________(现代的) city in China. People there are very kind. 33.My favourite subjects are _________(生物) and __________(地理). 34.Our classroom is big and ________________(明亮的). 35.Do you often write _________ (信) to your friend? 36.When you buy food, have a look at the d______________. Don’t buy it if it’s not fresh. 37.His favourite subject is __________ (生物). It’s very interesting. 38.How many _______________ (大门) does your school have? 39.Some students in my class can write ________ ( 日记) in English. 40.——Where do you come from? —— ________ (什么)? I can’t hear you. 41.There are a ___________ (少数的) people in the room. 42.We can learn a lot about Chinese ________ (历史) from this book. 43.— Can you ________ (展示) me your iPad? — Sure. 44.The students usually have a class ________ (会议) on Tuesday mornings. 45.Do you often ________ (借)books and magazines from your school library? 46.We go to Qingdao by ________ (火车) because there is no bus. 47.Our ________ (地理) teacher is very friendly. 48.There are many tall ________ (楼房) in Beijing. 49.Mr Lee asks us to keep ________ (日记) every day. 50.Their classroom is always clean and ________ (明亮的). 51.We have ________(会议)in the school hall. 52.Tom and Jim are so helpful, and we all like ________(他们). 53.There are all ________(种类)of books in the reading room. 54.There are many tall ________(建筑物)in our city. 55.Our classroom building looks tall and _________(现代化的). 56.More and more students like to keep __________(日记) of their school lives. 57.I have two story books. ___________(哪一个) would you like? 58.—Can I __________(借) your pen? —Yes, you can. 59.What’s the _______ (日期) of your birthday party? 60.This is my ___________(自己的)car, I like it very much. 三、完成句子(本大题共 2 小题,每小题 2 分,共 24 分) 根据汉语意思完成句子 61.现在几点了? ___________ the time? 62.你能带我们参观一下你们的学校吗? Can you _______ me ________ your school? 63.西蒙是我的朋友,他在校足球队里。 Simon ________ my friend. ________ is in the football team. 64.我有许多朋友,他们都很好。 I _________ many friends. __________ are all very nice. 65.你现在不能见她,她正在打电话。 You can’t see her now. She is _______ _____________ ____________. 66.埃米,请说大声些。在电话中我听不清楚你的话。 Amy, speak louder, please. I can’t ________ you well ________ ________ ________. 67.妈妈,你想要来参加家长会吗? Mum, ________ you ________ ________ come to the ________ ________? 68.这家电影院每天从早上 7 点到晚上 10 点营业。 The cinema ________ ________ ________ 7: 00 a.m. ________ 10 p.m. every day. 69.谢谢你带我们参观你的学校。 Thank you for ________ ________ ________ your school. 70.杰克住得离学校远,因此他每天乘公共汽车上学。 Jack ________ ________ ________ the school. ________ he takes a bus to school

doc文档 Unit 3 单元重点单词词组短语句型精练-2022-2023学年七年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津译林版)

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