上海市部分地区 2022 届高三二模英语试题分类汇编 完形填空专题 2022 届上海市静安区高考二模英语试题(解析版) Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Against all our wishes , advertising works, which is why, even in hard economic times, Madison Avenue is a $34-billion-a-year business. And if Martin Lindstrom, a marketing consultant is correct, trying to ___21___ the advertisement is about to get especially hard. 83% of all forms of advertising principally ___22___ only one of our senses: sight. Hearing, however, can be just as powerful, though advertisers have taken only limited advantage of it. Historically, ads have relied on slogans(广告语)to catch our ear, ___23___ everyday sounds — a steak sizzling(发嘶嘶声), a baby laughing and other sounds we can't help paying attention to. Weave these everyday sounds into an ad campaign and we customers may be ___24___ to resist them. According to Lindstrom, the everyday sound that is most impressive, both in terms of interest and ___25___ feelings, is a baby laughing. The other high-ranking sounds are also powerful — the sound of a car engine or a soda being poured. In all of these cases, it doesn’t need an experienced advertisement designer to invent the sounds, associate them with meanings and then play them over and over until the subjects ___26___ them. Rather, the everyday sounds already have meanings and thus can cause a kind of ___27___ : hunger, thirst or happy expectation. Some TV ads have already given viewers close-up shots of meat with sizzling sounds. And retailers are ___28___ . Lindstrom is now consulting with clients, intending to pipe the sound of filtering coffee or fizzing soda into the drink department or that of a baby laughing sound into the baby-food section. Of course, this doesn’t mean that advertisers can just press the audio button ___29___ and consumers will come eagerly. Indeed, sometimes customers flee. In the early years of cell-phone use, the ringtone (铃音) of a famous cell phone brand was recognized by many people in the U.K., but soon it became widely ____30____ . That, Lindstrom says, was partly because so few users observed cell-phone manners and ____31____ accidents kept happening in places like movie theaters. The computer start-up sound has taken on the similarly negative ____32____ , because people so often hear it when they’re restarting the computer after it ____33____ . In these cases, manufacturers themselves may as well revise the bothersome sound or ____34____ it entirely. Lindstrom's experiment also shows that people respond to a sound better when it’s ____35____ . If nothing else, smart marketers may at least keep the volume low. 21. A. tune out B. admit to C. depend on D. take over 22. A. evaluate B. spoil C. engage D. portray 23. A. classifying B. ignoring C. challenging D. representing 24. A. sensible B. selfish C. powerless D. pleasant 25. A. hollow B. positive C. violent D. foreign 26. A. infer B. reject C. internalize D. perform 27. A. consumption B. reaction C. favor D. spread 28. A. following suit B. cooling down C. losing heart D. taking risks 29. A. on guard B. with ease C. under way D. in reality 30. A. disliked B. observed C. represented D. enveloped 31. A. objective B. temporary C. mysterious D. annoying 32. A. association B. agreement C. tip D. symptom 33. A. responded B. revived C. crashed D. persisted 34. A. replace B. rescue C. balance D. refund 35 . A. optional B. random C. specific D. faint 2022 届上海市金山区高考二模英语试题(解析版) Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Loans at public libraries fell dramatically during the pandemic (疫情), while website visits rose. If the service is to ____41____ further cuts, it needs users. Libraries are romantic yet plain places. The romance is that of reading, and the wealth of human imagining and learning that is ____42____ in them. The plain side of libraries is more ____43____. This is the world of buildings, shelving, books, library cards, computers—and people with bodies that ____44____ space as well as minds that can be opened. It would be hard to find anyone who actively ____45____ libraries, and question the principles of self-improvement that they stand for. But when it comes to ____

doc文档 2022届上海市部分地区高三二模英语试题汇编:完形填空专题

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