江苏省南通市 七年级第二学期 期中冲刺卷二 2022.3.29 一、单选题(本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分) 1.There is ________ Apple Mobile store in our city. It's _______ north of our school. A. a; the B. an; the C. an; / D. a; / 2.--There is a(n)_______at the gate of the school. Do you know what it is about? --Oh. It says we can go to get COVID-19 vaccine (接种新冠疫苗) . A. photo B. order C. information D. notice 3.--What would you like to drink? -- I don’t mind. __________— whatever you have got. A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything 4.--Hold the knife in one hand and pick up an apple with your_______hand. Just like me! --Let me try. A.another B. the other C. other D. other 5.Hurry up! We’ll be late. I don’t want to________the start of the film. A. miss B. get C. catch D. lose 6. — Who is at the door? — I’m not sure. A deliveryman(快递员)or ______ wanting to sell his new products(产品). A. everybodyB. something C. somebody D. nobody 7.The bush fires in Australia lasted for a few months._______ animals died. A. A fewmillions B. Three millions C. Million of D. Millions of 8.—Millie, take some bread with you, _______ you ______ hungry on the way. —Thanks, Mum. A.and; will feel B. and; won’t feel C. or; won't feel D. but; won’t feel 9.Beijing is about 1088.2 kilometres _______ Nantong. We can go there by train or by plane. A. away from B. far from C. far D. away 10. Ms. Lin is friendly. When I walk ______ her shop, she always says hello to me. A. cross B. across C. pass D. past 11.—Would you like to have_______ ham? —_________, I’m full. A. any more; Yes, please B. some more; No, please C. more any; Yes, thanks D. some more; No, thanks 12. He _________ homework right now . He can finish it tommorrow. A. needn’t to do B. doesn’t need to do C.needn’t doing D.doesn’t need do 13. Why not ________ an English Club to practice ________? A. to join; speaking B. join; speaking C. join; to speak D. to join; to speak 14. Daniel’s school is __________ the east of the town and ________ the south of the hospital. A. in; in B. to; to C. on; to D. in; to 15 .—Thanks for helping me clean the room. —_________. A.That’s right. B. All right. C. My pleasure. D. With pleasure. 二、完形填空(本大题共 15 小题,共 15 分) One day a very rich family in Guangzhou went on a trip to the countryside. The father wanted to show his son how 16 people lived, so they spent a day and a night 17 __the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their 18 , the father asked his son, “My dear son, how was the trip?” “Very good, Dad!” “Did you see how poor people lived?” the father asked. “Yeah!” “And 19 did you learn?” The son answered, “We have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden and they have a creek (小河) that has no end. We have very expensive 20 in the garden and they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard, yet they have the whole horizon (地平线).” 21 the little boy finished, his father was speechless. His son added, “Thank you for ___22 me how poor we are!” 23 it true that it all depends on (取决于) the way you look 24 things? 25 you have love, classmates, teachers, schools and a positive attitude(态度) 26 life, you’ve got everything! You can’t buy any of these things, 27 still you can have all the material possessions (财富) you can imagine. But if you are poor of spirit, you have 28 ! Attitude is everything! It’s very 29 to make a decision to have a good, positive and productive attitude 30 ! 16. A. many 17. A. in 18. A. trip 19. A. who 20. A. flowers 21. A. When B. much B. on B. countryside C. rich C. over D. around C. Guangzhou B. how D.poor family C. what B. lamps B. While D. poor D. which C. tables D. plants C. Before D. As soon as 22. A. show B. showed C. showing D. to show 23. A. Isn’t B. Don’t C. Won’t D. Shan’t 24. A. for B. in C. at 25. A. If B. When C. As 26. A. in B. on C. with 27. A. and 28. A. everything B. then B. nothing 29. A. important B. impossible 30. A. everyday B. every day D. with D. Whether D. towards C. but C. something C. interesting C. one day D. after D. anything D. satisfied D. some day 三、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30 分) A Six months ago. Jack came to China to study. He has heard that Yangzhou is famous for its gardens. And he plans to visit some gardens in July, so he has collected information about them online as follows: The Slender West Lake. named National AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010, includes the Great Rainbow Bridge, the White P

doc文档 期中冲刺卷二 2021-2022学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册

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