主题二十三 资源和能源(Resources and Energy) 一直以来,资源和能源都被大家关注。人类对资源和能源的浪费、破坏以及不合理食用,造成了部分 资源和能源的短缺。因此,在这一章中,我们就重点来谈谈这些问题,谈谈如 何采取更有效的措施来保护资源和能源。 一.主题词汇 be familiar to in one's point of view depend on protect... from cut off pose a problem the fatalness of a good servant do experiments keep dankness away from us become safer 二.有用句型 1. What's more, we can make full use of solar energy. Not only does it produce endless power by converting sunlight to electricity, but also it is environment-friendly. 2. On the other hand, we human beings must protect our earth or the consequence( 后果)will be so serious that we will probably no longer exist on the earth! 3. Electricity lights the streets and buildings as well as warms people and animals. 4. It is hard to imagine what our life would be like without electricity. 5. For example, we should form the habit of saving water, and never leave water running unnecessarily. 6.Whenever we leave rooms, be sure that electrical appliances are turned off. 7.Keep “recycle" in mind. Next time you dump the wastes, recheck the rubbish and divide them.You might find something that may well have potential usage in the future. 8.Action speaks louder than words. The essence of saving energy is our working together to make the world a better place for us and our future generations.。 三.模拟试题 请以"Electricity is a good servant,but a dangerous one”为题写一篇短文。 Questions for reference: a. Is electricity a good servant or a dangerous one? b.Why or why not? c.How to use electricity properly? 要点分析 1.从正反两个方面来阐述你的观点。 2.举例要具体、切合实际。 3.时态可选用一般现在时。 写作素材 I.有关正面论述的 1. Electricity brings to thousands of households not only brightness, but also all kinds of entertainment. 2. Electricity also keeps electrical machines working. 3.With neon lights on, our city looks much more attractive at night. 4.Electricity promotes economic, agricultural and industrial development. II.有关反面论述的 1. For example, accidents caused by using electricity carelessly are happening around the world. 2. If we don't use electricity carefully, it will cause bad things, even our lives. III.建议性句子 1. To protect ourselves from being hurt, we should first take some preventive measures such as checking circuits regularly, keeping power strips away from damp places and so on. 2. We should cut off the power supply immediately if we are in danger. 3. If someone unfortunately gets an electric shock,we should not touch him directly. IV.小结性句子 1. Electricity is a good servant, but a dangerous one. 2. Electricity is a very familiar to all of us. It is very useful.3. How to make full use of electricity and let it become safer still poses a problem for all of us. 4. All in all, electricity is very useful, and the fatalness of it depends on how we use it. 例文 Electricity is a good servant, but a dangerous one. It is very familiar to all of us.It is very useful. It brings to thousands of households not only brightness, but also all kinds of entertainment. Electricity also keeps electrical machines working.It promotes economic, agricultural and industrial development. However, each coin has two sides. It is dangerous as well. For example,accidents caused by using electricity carelessly are happening around the world. To protect ourselves from being hurt, we should first take some preventive measures such as checking circuits regularly, keeping power strips away from damp places and so on. Moreover, we should cut off the power supply immediately if we are in danger. All in all, electricity is very useful, and the fatalness of it depends on how we use it. 四.写作操练 1.节约用水,人人有责。请以“An incident of saving water”为题写一篇短文,请你分享一则事例来说明这一 道理。 An incident of saving water One day after school, Li Ming turned on the tap in the toilet and splashed water here and there on the ground. Li Dong happened to pass by when Li Ming played a joke on him by splashing water on him and made him all wet. Li Ming was afraid that Li Dong would publish him so he ran away without turning off the tap. When Li Dong saw this,he went over and turned off the water.He was angry because he thought water shouldn't be wasted. Then he went to the classroom and wrote a notice, reading “Save water".He put it up on the wall near the tap.After a while,Li Ming went back and saw the notice. He felt sorry for what he had done.From this experience,Li Ming and others seeing the notice know saving water is very important. 2. 为什么说电是我们的好仆人呢?请以“Electricity is a good servant.”为题写一篇短文,说说其中的理由。 Electricity is a good servant Electricit

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