2022 年初三年级测试 英 语 第一部分 单项填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A, B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 1.I’m sorry that I made you get into a difficult ________. A.mess B.humour C.lecture D.situation 2.The lady is so worried about her son in the waiting room that a bottle of water went from one of her hands to ________. A.other B.the other C.others D.the others 3.About _________ of my classmates have been to Beijing. A.three fourth B.three fourths C.third fourths D.three quarter 4.—I want to get my phone repaired, but the man told me it would cost 1200 yuan. —What? Why don’t you buy a new one? The prices of phones are much ________ than before. A.cheap B.cheaper C.low D.lower 5.Huai’an Marathon took place on April 18 and CCTV-5 covered it ______. People all over the world watched it. A.alive B.living C.lively D.live 6.— It’s ________ your promise to be absent from Julie’s party. —Yes. But I have to prepare for my report next week. A.for B.against C.with D.from 7.Billy says we ________ stay in his house as long as we don’t make a mess in it. A.must B.need C.can D.should 8.When she was asked about that terrible night, her voice shook as she spoke about the person who _______ her. A.attracted B.attacked C.contacted D.connected 9.Can you tell me how often these flowers _________? A.require watering B.require watered C.are required watering D.are required to water 10.Though things are going smoothly now, scientists are still in doubt ________. A.that people with the virus can be cured B.where did the virus come from C.if the virus is influenced by the weather D.how many people had caught the virus 第二部分 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。 As husband, Jeff, stood on the busy New York city street trying to stop a taxi, I tried to protect my daughter from the cold December wind and rain, put my head down and kissed her tiny face. Sad and wet, my husband 11 his try to call a taxi. I knew the feeling. Just after my daughter Katie’s birthday, we were told that she had a brain illness. Since that moment, Jeff and I felt like runners in a race where the finish line kept moving. We knew Katie was running out of time. It had taken months before we finally had a name for the illness, but 12 a few doctors in the world knew how to check it. Now as we finally found an excellent doctor to 13 our girl, we were in a strange city in the cold rain. Just at that moment, a middle aged woman stopped her car and said, “Pardon me? May I offer you a ride?” 14 we could say anything, she continued, “Really no trouble for me. Just get in.” It was then that I noticed her thick Irish accent(口音), which 15 me up like hot soup. She encouraged us to be happy before she left. We simply said, “Thanks! Roosevelt Hospital, please.” As we got in her car for the ride. “Are you going 16 the baby?” she asked us. I nodded my head, holding back my 17 . At the hospital, we thanked her many times for the 18 . As the woman hugged me, I noticed her face was wet with tears. After three more visits to New York and two more brain surgeries, Kate is cured. But the 19 of the Irish Angel was like a bright ray of light that appeared in our 20 days. My family would never forget that angel. 11.A.gave out B.putin C.gaveup D.put away 12.A.quite B.nearly C.only D.almost 13.A.save B.meet C.protect D.change 14.A.When B.Before C.After D.As 15.A.picked B.warmed C.took D.woke 16.A.without B.to C.with D.for 17.A.tears B.anger C.smile D.surprise 18.A.seat B.umbrella C.car D.ride 19.A.height B.voice C.weight D.advice 20.A.busiest B.luckiest C.darkest D.happiest 第三部分 阅读理解(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分, 满分 24 分) 请认真阅读下面短文. 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选顶。 A There’s a well-known saying in the film Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolate; you never know what you’re gonna get.” It’s the same with blind boxes. Each of these small, sealed ( 密 封 的 ) boxes contains one of many toys in a series. The buyer doesn’t know which one they’ve gotten until they open the package. In recent years it becomes big business in China. During the Double 11 shopping day, Pop Mart, a leading blind box company in China, sold 55,000 Labubu dolls on Tmall in just 9 seconds, according to a Tmall report. One reason for their popularity is the appealing ( 诱人的) appearance inside the boxes. They’re like small cartoon characters. They can be placed anywhere in your home as a decoration. But another, perhaps more important reason people like them is the fun of being surprised. “The most interesting th

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