八下选词填空期末复习专项练习 10 篇 第一篇 latest, asleep, for, yourself, other, later, although, even, real, warmer, wear, once When we think of paper, we think of newspapers and books. But there are many 1. half of the world's paper is used 2.   uses. Only   books and newspapers. Paper is very good for keeping you warm. You have perhaps seen homeless men 3.   on a large number of newspapers. In Finland, it is sometimes -40℃ in winter. The farmers wear paper boots(靴子) in the snow. Nothing could be 4.  . Each year, more and more things are made of paper. We have had paper cups and plates for a long time. But now we hear those chairs, tables, and 5. shoes, you can 6.  7.   paper hats, paper dresses, and paper raincoats. When you have used them  , you throw them away and buy new ones. The 8. in, but 9.  beds can be made of paper. With paper boots and   use of paper seems to be paper houses. These are not small houses for children to play  , big houses for people to live in. You can buy a house with three rooms for about 500 dollars. You can put it up by 10.   in a few hours, and you can use it for about five years. 第二篇 umbrella, themselves, washed, on, important, cried, Where, relaxed, like, for, alone, happy When an elephant calf is born, it stands quickly 1.   its feet. It drinks milk from its mother for a few years. The mother elephant teaches her calf how to use its trunk. She teaches it many things. The mother elephant is very 2.   to an elephant calf. Elephants travel a lot. Sometimes they have to cross rivers. A calf can be 3.   down a river. Or it can fall into a hole. When a calf is separated from its mother or its mother has been killed, it becomes an orphan. In the wild, an elephant calf needs its mother. It can't live without her, or it can get sick. Some people, called keepers, take care of the orphan elephants in a park. The keepers take care of the elephants until they can take care of 4.  . Then, the keepers take the elephants back to the wild. In the park, the keepers need to teach an elephant calf how to feed. To make it more 5. rest its trunk against a huge blanket, which feels a little  6.  its mother. In the wild, an elephant calf will go under its mother to find shelter from the sun. At the park, the keepers put an  7. them. 1/7  , they   over One day, the keepers found Dika. He was all 8. taken care of, but he 9.  . The keepers took Dika to the park. He was   for his mother. It was a long time before Dika was happy again. Dika was ten years old before he could live in the wild, again. Many years later, he came back to the park. He had some wire around his leg. He needed the keepers to help him. Orphan elephants don't forger 10.   they were cared for. 第三篇 for, writing, national, what, age, years, After, found, decided, went Henry Jackson is a reporter of a 1.  2.   something interesting about him. Henry went to our school and is now a reporter for a national newspaper. He 3. newspaper at the 5.  6. 7.   newspaper. I talked to him recently and have  to be a reporter when he was 14. He started  4.  articles for the school   of 15. He became the editor(主编)of the paper when he was 17. He   to university and wrote for the university newspaper. Then he got a Job with a small newspaper.  about two years, he started working  8. four   9.   a National newspaper. He has worked for them for   now. Henry liked our school. He thinks that successful people know  10.  they want to do when they are quite young. 第四篇 toys, regarded, sleep, memory, crayons, own, childhood, soft, with, yard Everyone likes their childhood and wishes to go back there. I also have a wonderful 1. There are many sweet   2.   in it and I want to share some 3.  .   you. During my childhood I lived with my family. I have an elder sister and a younger brother and we used to play a game called " 4. sale". It means "selling" old things like old toys, clothes, books, 5.   etc. in the front yard and we "bought" it with cards instead of money. We had so much fun. Like other children, I also played a lot with many 6. crazy about their toys. I 7. 8.   two cute toy bears in my childhood and they were my favorite. They felt so   and comfortable that I fell 9. I  10.   during my childhood. Children are always   with them every night.   them as my best friends then and I didn't share them with anyone. Whenever someone touched them, I would cry loudly. This is my childhood. Do you have any kind of sweet memories l

doc文档 选词短文填空期末复习专项练习10篇-2021-2022学年外研版英语八年级下册

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