(2019)必修一 Unit 2 Word list 1 castle visa empire emperor path architect brochure soldier statue tomb 1. castle n. 城堡;堡垒 2. visa n. 签证 3. empire n. 帝国 n. 皇帝 4. emperor n. ⼩路; 路线;道路 5. path 6. architect n. 建筑设计师 7. brochure n. 资料(或广告)手册 8. soldier n. 士兵;军人 9. statue n. 雕塑;雕像 10. tomb n. 坟墓 Exercises: 1.The s_______ of these heroes are big as life. 2. The v_____ is for 14 days, extendable to one month. 3. The p_____ follows the course of the river. 4. The a________ is drawing up plan for the new building. 5. You'll find this style of _________(建筑) all over the town. 6. The b________ should give you a good idea of the hotel.. 7. The Roman E_______ was divided in the fourth century AD. 8. He was killed by a single shot from an unseen s_________. 默写 中文 n. 城堡;堡垒 n. 签证 n. 帝国 n. 皇帝 n. ⼩路; 路线;道路 n. 建筑设计师 n. 资料(或广告)手册 n. 士兵;军人 英文 n. 雕塑;雕像 n. 冒险; 奇遇 n. 坟墓 Word list 2 arrangement source 1. arrangement 2. source .  3. site     4. flight .  5. accommodation    6. destination 7. civilisation 8. credit  9. view  10.sight  site flight accommodation destination civilisation credit view sight n. 安排;筹备 n. 来源;出处 n. 地点;位置;现场 n. 空中航行; 航班;航程 n. 住处;停留处;膳宿 n. 目的地;终点 n. 文明;文明世界 n. 借款;信用; 称赞; 学分 credit card 信用卡 n.视野;景色;看法 n. 景象; 视野; 视力 Exercises: 1.Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new s_______ of energy. 2.Before the night falls, we'd better find our a______________ to spend the night. 3.We finally arrived at our d_____________. 4.I want to book a direct f__________ to London next week. 5.Top scientists and building experts from all over the country were invited to work out how to protect historic s_______ in Beijing. 6.You must pass the examination to get c______ for the course. 7.Since Britain banned smoking in public,groups of people smoking outside office buildings has become a common s______ in London. 8.You'll get a fine v________ of the town from the top of the hill. 9.Are you clear about the a_____________ for tomorrow? 10.It's exciting to discover traces of earlier c___________. 默写 中文 英文 n. 安排;筹备 n. 来源;出处 n. 地点;位置;现场 n. 空中航行; 航班;航程 n. 住处;停留处;膳宿 n. 目的地;终点 n. 文明;文明世界 n. 借款;信用; 称赞; 学分 n.视野;景色;看法 n. 景象; 视野; 视力 Word list 3 apply recognize admire pack rent package contact transport hike request comment take control of make up check in check out vi. &vt.申请;请求 vt.  应用; 涂(油漆、乳剂) 1. apply apply for 2. recognize  vt.  辨别出; 承认; 认可 3. admire  vt. 钦佩; 赞赏 ; 欣赏 4. pack vi. & vt. 收拾(行李) vt. 包装 n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包 5. rent vt. 租用;出租 vi.  租用;租金为 n.  租金 6. package  vt.  将…包装好 package tour 包价旅游 n. 包裹; 包装盒 7. contact  vt. 联络;联系 type 8. transport  9. hike  10. request   11. type  12. comment  n. 联系;接触 vt. 运输;运送 n. 交通运输系统 vt. 徒步旅行 vt.  去……远足 n.  远足; 徒步旅行 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求 n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vi. & vt. 打字 n. 类型; 种类 vi.& vt. 发表意见;评论 n.议论;评论 Exercises: 1. I a_________ her when I first met her and I still think she's excellent. 2. C__________your doctor if the cough persists. 3.A man named Peter r___________ his lost bag and took it away. 4.Her strange behavior caused a good deal of c__________. 5.She r________that no one be told of her decision until the next meeting. 6.A large number of people have a______ for the job. 7. If the weather's fine, we'll go h_______this weekend. 8. What blood t_____ do you have? . 9. Most of us use public t_________to get to work. 10.The r_____is £ 300 per month. 11.I decided to p______ a few things and take the kids to my Mum's. 12.A large p______ has arrived for you. 默写 中文 英文 vi. &vt.申请;请求 vt.  应用; 涂(油漆、乳剂) 申请 vt.  辨别出; 承认; 认可 vt. 钦佩; 赞赏 ; 欣赏 vi. & vt. 收拾(行李) vt. 包装 n. (商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包 vt. 租用;出租 vi.  租用;租金为 n.  租金 vt.  将…包装好 n. 包裹; 包装盒 包价旅游 vt. 联络;联系 n. 联系;接触 vt. 运输;运送 n. 交通运输系统 vt. 徒步旅行 vt.  去……远足 n.  远足; 徒步旅行 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求 n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请 求 vi. & vt. 打字 n. 类型; 种类 vi.& vt. 发表意见;评论 控制;接管 n.议论;评论 构成;形成 登记 结账离开 Word list 4 amazing amazed powerful unique narrow official economic flat other than 1. amazing adj. 令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 2. amazed adj. 惊奇的; 惊喜的 3. powerful adj. 强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的 4. unique adj. 唯一的; 独特的 5. narrow adj. 狭窄的 vt&vi. (使) 变窄 6. official adj. 官方的; 正式的; 公务的 n. 官员;要员 7. economic adj. 经济的;经济学的 8. economy n. 经济;节约 adj. economical 经济的;节约的 9. flat adj. 平坦的;扁平的 n. 公寓;单元房 10. other than 除……以为 Exercises: 1.If you want to explore the n_________ alleys (胡同) of old Beijing, you'd better use the pedicab (三轮车). 2.It is illegal for a public o_________ to ask people for gifts or money in exchange for favors. 3.The local culture is u_________to the other parts. 4.It contains a p___________drug which affects mosquitoes (蚊子)

doc文档 Unit 2 单词复习分类清单加练习 2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册

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