七年级下册英语 Unit7 Section A 巩固练习 I.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词. 1.The city (公园)is a good place to relax. 2.After school,I only want to go 3.It is (回来)home. (坏的)for us to eat junk food. 4.Can you help me with the math (难题)? 5.-Hello!May I speak to Lisa? -She is not in.Can I take a (消息)for you? Ⅱ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 6.It's (sun)today. 7.There are a lot of 8.It often (cloud)in the sky. (rain)in summer in my hometown. 9.My father is (play)basketball now. 10.Please ask your brother (call)me back. Ⅲ.单项选择 ( )11.I don't want to go through anything like that A.again ( - B.over )12.-What D.still Mr.Wang and Mrs.Wang doing? watching TV in the living room. A.is;He's ( C.too . B.is;She's C.are;They're D.are;We're )13.He is out at the moment.Would you like me to A.take a walk B.take a message for him? C.take a bus ( D.take a trip )14.It's today.I think it's going to A.cloud;rain B.cloudy;raining C.cloudy;rain D.cloudy;rainy ( )15.- . ? -Not bad,thanks. A.What's he doing B.How is he C.How's it going D.Why do you like it IV.按要求完成下列各题 16.The children are playing games.(对画线部分提问) the children ? 17.It is windy in Boston.(对画线部分提问) in Boston? 18.My parents are having a great time in the park.(对画线部分提问) parents having a great time? 19.They play sports every day.(用 now 改写句子) They sports . 20.How’s the weather in Beijing?(改为同义句) the weather in Beijing? V.完形填空(10 分) Today is Sunday.It's 21 and warm. My parents,my 22 and I are all at home. My parents don’t have to go to 23 ,and my sister and I don’t have to go to school.We are all in the yard(院子).Look!My father is 24 his bike. He often goes to work by bike.The bike 25 takes him about ten minutes. My mother is watering the flowers.The flowers make our yard very 26 .We all like the flowers. My sister is playing with a dog.It's 27 pet dog.The dog is very smart.My mother often takes the dog out 28 a walk after dinner. What am I doing?I'm drawing.I like drawing very much.I want to join the 29 club at school. It's a nice day and we're 30 in the yard. How happy we are! ( )21.A.rainy B.windy C.sunny D.snowy ( )22.A.sister B.brother C.friend D.classmate ( )23.A.sleep B.bed ( )24.A.making ( )25.A.show ( )26.A.important B.noisy ( )27.A.its B.your C.her ( )28.A.for B.with C.from ( )29.A.art B.music C.flower D.bike ( )30.A.lazy B.busy C.quiet D.young C.school D.work B.stopping C.cleaning D.using B.ride C.race D.shop C.terrible D.beautiful D.his D.of VI.阅读理解 Many people want to go to Qingdao because it is a beautiful city. It's not too cold or too hot in the twelve months of the year.In March, April and May,the weather is warm.You can see green trees and beautiful flowers everywhere in the street.In June,July and August,the sun is hot.People go to the sea to swim and play.In September,October and November,people feel cool.The tree leaves are yellow.They fall from the trees.In December, January and February,the weather is cold and many people are at home.On snowy days,people go out to watch the white snow. ( )31.What color are the trees in May? A.They are yellow. C.They are red. ( C.In September. B.In June. D.In December. )33.What's the weather like in August in Qingdao? A.It's warm. C.It's cool. ( D.They are white. )32.When can you see snow in Qingdao? A.In March. ( B.They are green. B.It's hot. D.It's cold. )34.Why do people want to go to Qingdao? A.Because the weather is hot in August. B.Because the weather in March is warm. C.Because it is a beautiful city. D.Because the weather in September is cool. VII.词语运用 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。 happy cold drink write child visit talk Dear Eric, How is it going these days?I'm having a great time 35. my uncle in Kunming, China.It's winter,but the weather here is not 36. Today is Sunday.My uncle doesn't have to go to work, 37. . he takes me and Tony,my cousin to the park. In the park,we see lots of people.Some 38. are playing games. Some old men are walking by the river.What is my uncle doing? He is 39. with his friend under the tree.They are very 40. My cousin is 41. . apple juice.I'm sitting on the grass and 42. to you.Oh,my uncle is calling me.I have to say goodbye!I miss you! Yours, Andrew 参考答案 I.1.park 2.back 3.bad 4.problem 5.message II.6.sunny 7.clouds 8.rains 9.playing 10.to call Ⅲ.11~15 ACBCC IV.16.What are;doing 17.How's the weather 18.Where are your 19.are playing;now 20.What's;like V.21-25CADCB 26-30 DCAAB VI.31~34 BDBC VII.35.visiting 36.col

doc文档 Unit7 Section A 巩固练习2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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