2022 年仁爱版英语八年级下期末复习 Unit 5--Unit 6 易错题精选 一、单项选择 1. As the whole world knows,Taiwan lies_ the southeast of China. A.at B.in C.to D.on 2. We’d better follow the seven-step hand-washing method_____healthy. A.keep B. keeping C. to keeping D. to keep 3. Peter,could you please help me______this math problem? -OK,Let me have a try. A.look up B.find out C.work for D.work out 4. Hi,Linda,When will your school sports meeting begin? -As soon as we____the exams. A.finish B.will finish 5. The weather is and D. are finishing me. A. pleased;comforts B.satisfied;comforts C. pleasing;comforts 6. I’m C. finished D. good;comfort of watching TV and with exercising. A.bored;tired B. tired;boring C. tiring;bored D. tired;bored 7. When I get home, I you and I hope B. will call;when I call you,you can answer my call. B. will call;so soon as C. call;as soon as D. call;when 8. —The Wandering Earth is _________ wonderful _________ I want to watch it again. — I agree with you. A.so; that B.such; that C.too; to D.as; as 9. — Are you free this weekend? — Sorry, this weekend is quite ________ for me. I have many things to do. A.relaxing B.hungry C.helpful D.full 10. —Did you go to the park yesterday? —No, I didn’t. I went to the museum by shared bike, ________. A.instead B.instead of C.anyway D.although 11. We are not sure ________ he will come here tomorrow or not. A.that B./ C.if D.whether 12. How will you feel when ____? A. you happen bad something B. you will happen something bad C. bad something will to you D. something bad happens to you 13. The man refused to say sorry to me, ____ it was his mistakes. A. because B. when C. after D. even though 14. Tom misses his brother very much and he is looking forward ____ him. A. to hear from B. hearing from C. to hearing from D. heard from C. How often D. How long 15. —____ is it from here? —It’s about five minutes’ walk. A. How far B. How soon 二、完形填空 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把 答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 What's a smile?What does a smile1_like?Does anyone know the answers?But I can say it’s like a flower with a pleasant scent(香味)Our smile can make people get 2 to see something ins you.That's the power of smile. What’s the best way 3 into a room full of people by yourself?The answer is simple:____4something very important with you----a smile. 5 smile 6 a smile when you are among strangers is the best way to invite them to get to know you. a message that you are 7_ and easy to___8____. It tells people that you have s easy- going look.So 9 let a smile show what a great person you are? Let people see that your smile doesn’t stop at your mouth.It goes all the way to your heart. Being happy,smile! Being_10_,smile! Like a flower, smile! ( )1.A.be B.get C.feel ( )2.A.too close B. close enough C.enough close ( )3,A. to enter B.enter C.to walk ( )4.A.Take C.Get ( )5.A .Putting B.Wearing ( )6.A. puts B.Think B.gives C.Put C.sends D.see D.walk D.Find D.Wear D.lets D.far ( )7.A.angry B.friendly C.lonely ( )8.A.get along with B.get up ( )9.A.What about B.Why don’t ( )10.A.excited D.nervous C.come up D.come with C.Why not D.Why B.disappointing C.pleased D.sad 三、完成句子 1. Mrs. Chen hopes she’ll get along well with her workmates. Mrs. Chen hopes ____ ____ along well with her workmates. 2. The baby didn’t cry any longer as soon as he saw his mother. The baby ____ ____ cried as soon as he saw his mother. 3. His dream will be realized if he works hard.(改为同义句) His dream will if he works hard. 4. It’s one and a half hours’ ride from my home to the Central Park.(对划线部分提问) is it from my home to the Central Park? 5. 花时间来照看老人对我们来说是有益的。(完成译句) good for us to spend time for old people. 6. We enjoyed ourselves in the zoo of Beijing. (改为同义句) We _________ _________ in the zoo of Beijing. 7. We spent one and a half hours finishing this notice. (改为同义句) We spent one _________ and a _________ finishing this notice. 8. Tony didn’t get to school on time because it rained heavily.(同义句) Tony didn’t get to school on time________ _______the heavy rain. 9. 当你处于困境的时候,你可以向老师求助。 When you are___________ _____________, you can ask your teacher for help 10. The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.(改为同义句) The boy is _____ young _____ go to school. 四、短文填空 据下列短文内容,在短文后的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词, 含缩略词。 Li Xiang, a junior 2 student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because there was something

doc文档 期末复习Unit 5--Unit 6易错题2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册

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期末复习Unit 5--Unit 6易错题2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册 第 1 页 期末复习Unit 5--Unit 6易错题2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册 第 2 页 期末复习Unit 5--Unit 6易错题2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册 第 3 页 期末复习Unit 5--Unit 6易错题2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册 第 4 页 期末复习Unit 5--Unit 6易错题2021-2022学年仁爱版八年级英语下册 第 5 页
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