人教版新目标七年级英语 Unit 10 阅读理解 专项练习 A Here is a menu for a fast food restaurant.The prices are in American money,called dollars and cents.There are 100 cents in a dollar. small large Drinks Main Meals(主食) Hamburger 1.80 2.30 Coca Cola Hamburger with cheese 2.00 2.50 Orange juice Chicken burger 1.90 2.40 Tea Vegetable burger 1.80 2.30 Coffee Desserts small large Side dishes Ice cream or Chocolate 1.20 1.60 Fries Apple pie (hot) 0.70 Salad Donuts or Jam 0.50 Chicken wings 1.From the menu,how much is a small hamburger?   A.One hundred and eighty dollars B.Two dollars and thirty cents C.Eighty cents D.One dollar and eighty cents 2.If you have only three dollars,what can you buy?   A.A large salad and a large ice cream B.A large chicken burger and a small cup of tea C.A small vegetable burger and a large chocolate D.An apple pie and a large hamburger with cheese 3.Jam is a kind of   . A.main meals B.side dishes C.desserts D.drinks 4.What can’t we buy in the restaurant?   A.Coffee B.Fries C.Hamburger D.Beef 5.A thirsty boy may ask for   . A.coca cola C.fries B.donuts D.a chicken burger small 0.80 0.90 0.70 0.80 small 0.90 1.00 1.30 large 1.00 1.20 0.90 1.00 large 1.10 1.20 1.60 B People drink tea.There are many kinds of tea.There is black tea.There is green tea.There is white tea.There is yellow tea.People drink a lot of tea in China.Some people drink it because it is good for them.It makes them healthy.Many people drink it because it tastes very good.It is delicious. People drink a lot of green tea in Japan.People drink a lot of green tea in South Korea,too.In Vietnam people like to drink coffee first.Then they drink tea. People drink a lot of tea in England.Every afternoon,people drink tea.It's “tea time”.English people like to drink their tea with milk in it. Many people drink black tea in the US.In the South,people like to drink sweet tea.Sweet tea is cold black tea with sugar (糖)in it. Most tea comes from China.Some tea comes from India or Sri Lanka.Kenya,Japan and Indonesia also grow(种植)tea. 1.How many kinds of tea are mentioned(被提及)in the passage? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 2.In China some people drink tea because it makes them______. A.healthy B.young C.smart D.warm 3.People like to drink coffee before tea in______. A.Japan B.South Korea C.Sri Lanka D.Vietnam 4.In England,people like to drink tea with______in it. A.sugar B.milk C.juice D.ice 5.Most tea comes from______. A.India B.Japan C.China D.Indonesia C Today is Sunday and Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen.She's making mutton noodles for breakfast.Mona comes to the kitchen and says,“Mom,here's a poem (诗歌) for you.Let me read it to you.” Mrs. Brown isn't happy.She takes the paper and puts it on the table.She says to Mona angrily,“It's time to do your homework.Go back to your room right now.” Mona feels a little sad (伤 心的).“Mom,please don't be angry,” says Mona.“It's Mother's Day today.I just want to thank you for doing everything for me.Mom,I love you very much.Now I go to do my homework.” Mrs. Brown feels very sorry.She says to Mona,“Dear,I'm sorry.Would you please read the poem for me?I need to cut up the carrots.” Mona says,“Okay,Mom.” 1.The story happens on ________. A.Saturday morning B.Sunday morning C.Saturday evening D.Sunday evening 2.Where does Mrs. Brown put the paper? A.Under the chair. C.On the chair. B.Under the table. D.On the table. 3.The word “angrily” means (意思是) “________” in Chinese. A.生气地 B.无奈地 C.兴奋地 D.微笑地 4.What does Mrs. Brown need to cut up? A.Carrots. B.Tomatoes. C.Potatoes. D.Cabbages. 5.What can we learn from the reading? A.Mrs. Brown is in her room. B.Mona is a student. C.Today is Mona's birthday. D.It's Father's Day today. D Dear Sue, I'm having a good time in Beijing.I am in a restaurant now.The restaurant is big and there are 30 tables in it.I order a bowl of noodles,some tofu and some vegetables.The dumplings here look good,and I want to order some next time.As for drinks,I order some tea.The meal will cost me 50 yuan. The food here is very good.The noodles and the tofu are delicious,and the vegetables are great,but the tea isn't very good. The people in the restaurant use chopsticks (筷子) to have meals.I can't use them and I'm learning how to use them.It is very interesting.I think it will take me a long time to finish the meal. I will go back to New York next week.See you soon. Julia 1.From the text,we can know Julia is ________ now. A.at school B.at home C.in the street D.in a restaurant 2.Julia orders __

doc文档 Unit 10 阅读理解专项练习 2021-2022学年人教版新目标英语七年级下册

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