Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.完形填空专项 A I was in the most beautiful city in the world, but I only wanted to go back home. It was an amazing week for my husband and me. Months ago, when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London, I expressed my  1 to go to Europe together with him. Then we asked our mother to  2  our two children and started off. During the week, we  3  London and Paris. All these were beautiful places we expected to see before. We really  4  ourselves.  On our last night in Paris,  5  we enjoyed the night view of the Eiffel Tower, my husband called home. Our mother  6  the phone. In a second, my husband’s face turned pale and he looked so worried. I could feel something  7  happened. “What’s wrong?” I asked. He didn’t answer and  8  to listen. A few minutes later, he said  9  to me that Tony, our seven⁃year⁃old son, had fallen off his bike and  10  his leg. He must be sent to the  11  at once. At that moment, Paris suddenly lost its charm(魅力). “I don’t want to be here! I  12  be here! I should be home  13  my kids!” We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airport... Finally, we got home. We rushed(冲) into our  14  bedroom. Seeing our two children, I suddenly realized the truth: there is no  15  sight in the world than your children’s faces that greet you at home. ( )1.A.question B.wish C.step D.place ( )2.A.look after B.talk with C.wake up D.find out ( )3.A.showed B.played ( )4.A.helped ( )5.A.after B.since C.though ( )6.A.shouted B.finished C.wrote ( )7.A.ugly B.useful ( )8.A.looked B.continued ( )9.A.hardly B.clearly ( )10.A.danced B.broken C.thrown D.opened ( )11.A.hospital B.school C.playground D.bank ( )12.A.can’t ( )13.A.towards B.enjoyed B.needn’t B.with C.visited C.found D.talked D.took D.because D.answered C.right C.kept D.terrible D.stopped C.sadly D.happily C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t C.under D.from ( )14.A.children’s B.parents’ ( )15.A.quieter C.children’ B.richer D.parent’s C.sweeter D.wider B A family had a very old organ(风琴), but the family members had forgotten 1  to play it. The organ was covered with dust(灰尘) since  2  tried playing it. The organ was very big and took up(占据) much  3 . One day, the family finally decided to throw this organ away while cleaning their house. They said, “This is  4 . Why should we keep it?” So they took it out and threw it on the road. When they just  5  their house, a young man started to play the organ. Time stopped. The whole traffic stopped. People stood around the young man and they  6  everything, only listening to the beautiful music. The young man played for about an hour. When the music ended, the family regretted having  7  the organ and wanted it back. But the young man said, “It isn’t yours. An instrument(乐器) belongs to the one who can play it.  8  I didn’t play the organ, how would you know its value(价值)? So I am the real   9 !” And of course the people around  10  with the young man. All of them thought the family should  11  the organ. In the end, the organ went to the young man.  12 , the young man was a famous musician. He often gave   13  around the world. An instrument belongs to the one who can play it.  14 , a chance belongs to the one who is well prepared for it. Honor(荣耀) belongs to the one who has made a great  15 . So are you ready for your “gifts”? ( )1.A.why B.what ( )2.A.everybody B.anybody ( )3.A.time B.space ( )4.A.useless B.unusual ( )5.A.got ( )6.A.forgot B.finished C.realized D.imagined ( )7.A.bought B.collected C.thrown D.invented ( )8.A.So B.If ( )9.A.owner B.fan ( )10.A.argued B.agreed ( )11.A.give up B.give out B.arrived C.when C.nobody C.sunshine C.broken C.reached C.Because C.prince C.competed C.take in D.how D.somebody D.force D.magic D.returned D.Although D.servant D.compared D.take out ( )12.A.Sadly B.Suddenly ( )13.A.answers B.invitations ( )14.A.Luckily ( )15.A.rule C.Actually C.inventions B.Recently B.promise D.Hardly D.performances C.Similarly D.Differently C.mistake D.achievement C The small town of Cateura has always been known for one thing in Paraguay—it is on the country’s largest landfill(垃圾填埋场). The town has a  1 of about 25,000. As the  2  goes, one man’s trash(垃圾) is another man’s treasure. Every day, people in the town look for  3  things from the landfill. Cateura is a poor town and there are many problems.  4 , there is hope for the children there.

doc文档 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.完形填空专练2021-2022学年人教版英语八年级下册

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