双减政策 Double reduction 去年 7 月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于进一步减轻义务 教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见》,对提升学校育人水平,合理 布置作业,减轻学生的作业负担和课外培训负担等进行了明确的规定。 这一政策直接影响到了师生学与教工作的多个方面,作业布置、课后生活、学 习负担这些都是考生需要关注的热点话题。 double reduction “双减”政策 make full use of 充分利用 enhance one's quality 提升 素养 We will improve the fairness and quality of education 促进教育公平与质量提 升 ease the burden of excessive and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education 减轻义务阶段学生过重的作业负担和校外培训负担 范例作文 1 近日,教育部印发通知,要求控制中小学生的书面作业总量,合理布置不同类 型的作业。为此,某英文杂志社正在开展以 My Creative English Homework 为 主题的征文活动。请你写一篇征文,讲述自身经历,提出合理建议。 参考信息: 1. 做过的最有创意的英语作业(内容、收获) 2. 更多有创意的英语作业建议 3. .…… 参考范文 My Creative English Homework 1 Doing English homework helps us to practice and use what we've learned in class. Doing creative homework makes us more interested in English. Once our teacher asked us to write a letter to a foreigner. We were told to introduce the Spring Festival in the letter. It not only helped me improve my written skills but also provided a good chance to spread traditional Chinese culture. In my opinion, it's also a good choice to draw mind maps. It helps us to have a better understanding of the lessons. Besides, we can learn to sing English songs, since most of us love singing. In this way, our English as well as hobbies develops. I hope we'll have more creative English homework in the future. 范例作文 2 减负之后,同学们有了更多课余时间。某校英语角就“如何让课余生活更有意 义?”展开了讨论,大家各抒己见。请你根据下图提示,以 How To Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful? 为题,用英语写一篇短文。 要求: 1. 文中不能出现真实的人名、地点和校名; 2. 短文要包含提示内容,可适当发挥,使文章连景; 3. 80 词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2 参考范文 How to Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful? Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful? My schoolmates give the following suggestions. First, it's good to help our parents do some housework to show our love to them. Second, we will know more about the world by reading. Third, it is a good chance for us to get close to nature and relax ourselves. In my opinion, we can do some sports to make us stronger and healthier. What's more, we can take an active part in some social activities as volunteers to help those in need. In a word, let's make full use of our spare time and enhance our quality. 劳动教育 labour education 近日,教育部发布《义务教育劳动课程标准(2022 年版)》,明确要求劳动课程 平均每周不少于 1 课时,让学生动手实践、出力流汗、接受锻炼、磨炼意志, 从而培养正确的劳动价值观、良好的劳动习惯和品质。 fruit of labour 劳动成果 labour education 劳动教育 attend 参加 spirit 精神 labor of love 义务劳动 working capacity 劳动能力 3 He that will not work shall not eat. 不劳动者不得食。 范例作文 实施劳动教育重点是在系统的文化知识学习之外,让学生动手实践、出力流汗, 培养正确的劳动价值观和良好的劳动品质。在家里,我们进行家务劳动;在学 校,也有越来越多劳动教育课程让我们参与。 请针对以上现象,结合生活中的经历,写一篇短文。内容包括:• your opinion about this phenomenon (现象) • an experience you had • what you have learned from it 参考范文 Before we grow up and leave home one day, we need to learn many life skills. So the labour education is very important for us. Last week, we had a labour education activity. On Monday morning, our class took a bus to the labour practice base. On Tuesday we attended the lectures given by model workers. On Wednesday we took lessons of planting crops and cooking meals. We spent the whole Thursday in picking fruit, which was interesting. We went back to school on Friday. From the experience, I learned a lot of life skills and the spirit of hard work. What's more, I became more independent. 4 志愿服务 Volunteer service 今年上半年,全国多地疫情反复,除防疫工作人员外, 各行各业的人员都加入到了志愿者的队伍中,用自己的实际行动推动防疫工作 的顺利开展,保障城市秩序和居民生活。 from different fields 来自不同领域 great challenges 巨大的挑战 push forward 推进 mutual help and progress 互助进步 carry on spirit 发扬精神 make a contribution to doing something 为某事做出贡献 范例作文 某网站在社交媒体上做了一项调查,其中包括各种不同的志原服务工作。请你 用两段话写一篇短文,第一段用百分比首要介绍因表内容,第二发从因表中送 出一项你原意参加的志原服务工作,结合自己的经历,谈一谈你的想法。 要求: 1 词数不少干 80 词。 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数,参考词汇仅供参考, 3 交中不得出现直实人名、校名 参考范文 5 Volunteer service makes great achievements in our life. Recently, a survey was done among 2000 people about the kinds of volunteer work they prefer to do. Here is what we have learned from it. 50% of the people would like to take the temperature checking as their volunteer job while 600 people prefer to deliver the life supplies to different families. The number of the people who want to help with the community services is 400. It is 20% along with the other two kinds of jobs. For me, I prefer to take part in the community services. As a volunteer, I may face much more great challenges. However, I think I can help my neighbors with other volunteers from different fields. I love my community a

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