Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball——Section A 1a-1c 一、单项选择题 1. —_____ your friend _____ a baseball bat?—I don't know. A. Do; have B. Does; have C. Does; has 2. The art festival is very _____; we like it very much. A. interesting B. busy C. difficult 3. — What's your favorite _____?— Playing basketball. A. fruit B. sport C. subject 4. —Let's watch TV. —That sounds _____. Let's play games. A. interesting B. relaxing C. boring 5. I don't play sports. I only _____ ball games on TV. A. see B. watch C. look 6. It's _____ for me to play soccer, I like it very much. A. easy B. difficult C. boring 7. —How do you like Li Yundi?—A cool guy. His music _____ really beautiful. A. tastes B. sounds C. looks 8. Children often find their _____ everywhere in their homes. A. goal B. fun C. history 9. —Can you play _____?—Yes, my father is a ping-pong coach. He teaches me. A. ping-pong B. a ping-pong C. the ping-pong 10. We can't do it because it is very _____. A. easy B. difficult C. heavy 二、语法填空 Hi! My name is Kitty. I am 12 years old. I want to be a dancer. Every day, I dance __1___ two hours. A healthy diet (饮食) is very important (重要的) for a dancer. I want to have __2___ (lot) of energy (能量) to dance. It's good __3___ me to keep healthy. I __4___ eat sweet food like cakes or candies for meals. There is too much sugar (糖) in __5___ (they) and they are bad for my teeth. They give me energy, __6___ they are not healthy. I usually eat fruit and vegetables __7___ I want to be healthy. A dancer needs to have healthy __8___ (habit), too. I like to play sports very much. ___9__ weekends, I ___10__ swim or play tennis. 三、据短文内容,将正确图片的选项填入表格内 There are some balls on the desk.The pingpong ball is Jim's.He likes playing pingpong very much.Lily's favorite sport is soccer.She does well in it.What about the basketball?It's Mike's.He likes playing basketball.John doesn't like basketball;he likes tennis best.Mary likes all the ball games, but she likes badminton best.She often plays with her father. 根据短文内容, 将正确图画的选项填入表格内 Name Favorite(特别喜欢的) sport Jim 1.____________ Lily 2.____________ Mike 3.____________ John 4.____________ Mary 5._________ ___ 四、任务型阅读。 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (选项中有一项是多余的) Hello,I am Sandy.I am a middle school student (学 生).I'm in Class Nine.1.______ They are Maria,Martin and Selena. And we are in the same class Maria likes playing tennis with our classmates after school.2.______ She has five tennis balls and a volleyball.3.______ The tennis balls are in the box. And the volleyball is under her bed. But she doesn't have a basketball. She thinks it is difficult Martin likes playing sports. It's interesting for him. 4.______ He has two volleyballs,two soccer balls and five ping-pong balls. What about Selena? 5.______She says it's boring. But she likes reading(阅读)books. It's fun and easy for her. She always goes to the library with her sister on weekends(周 末). A. Where are they? B. She doesn't like playing sports. C.I have some friends at school. D. We play games after class. E. He likes to watch sports programs(节目) on TV. F. She thinks it's relaxing. 一、单项选择题 1-5 BABCB 6-10 ABBAB 二、语法填空 1. for 2. lots 3. for 4. never 5. them 6. but 7. because 8. habits 9. At 10. either 三、据短文内容,将正确图片的选项填入表格内 1~5 DACBE 四、任务型阅读。 1.C 2.F 3.A 4.E 5.B

doc文档 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball Section A 1a-1c 练习2022-2023学年人教版七年级英语上册

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