人教版七年级下学期期中复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分 (重点单词全覆盖) 专题 02 用所给单词的适当形式填空 150 道 考生在做此类题时,首先理解句子或者对话的意思。其次分析括号中单词的词性,联 想该单词的常见变形。然后分析句子成分,找出括号中单词在句子中做的成分。最后 将所给单词的适当形式填入相应的空格中,再读题,检查句子是否完整,表达是否准 确无误。 (1)若括号中给出动词,空格在形容词之后,则此处填名词;若空格在动词之后,要 根据空格前的动词选择相应的固定搭配,填出正确的非谓语形式。 (2)若括号中给出名词,空格设在名词前,则需要形容词形式;若空格设在 many, two, a number of 等表示复数概念的词后,要将名词变为复数。 (3)若括号中给出形容词,空格设在动词后,要用副词形式;空格设在 than 之前 much 之后,或者句中有 of the two 等比较等级的提示词,用形容词比较级;空设在 one of 之后,或者句中有 in 或 among 等最高级的提示词,用形容词最高级。 (4)若括号中给出基数词,一般是将基数词变成序数词,要注意对于 one 或 two 翻译 成“一次”或“两次”时要填 once 或 twice。 (5)若括号中给出代词,空设在动词后,用宾格形式;空设在名词前,用形容词性物 主代词;空设在 by 之后或者其他反身代词的固定用法时,用反身代词。 这类题目难度不大,重点是掌握句意,在理解的基础上把握句子时态,从而判断所给 单词的正确形式。 1.She is a writer and she always writes interesting ________(story). 2.He is hungry. He wants________(eat)a hamburger. 3.You can join the________(swim)club. 4.Li Lin likes________(play)chess with his father. 5.My mother isn't good at ________(cook). 6.There are three ________(people)in his family. 7.These are ________(we)pianos. 8.Please ________(come)to our clothes store and buy our clothes. 9.There are two ________(piano)in the music room. 10.We need a music teacher ________(teach)us violin. 用括号内所给的词适当形式填空 11.Lisa’s aunt and uncle are great ____(music) 12.I have two _____(piano) in my room . 13.We want three good _____(run)for our running club. 14.He can swim ,so he wants to help the kids _____(swim) 15.Jim likes kids very much, and he hopes he will be a good _____(teach). 16.They want some ____(violin) for the violin festival. 17.She teaches _____(our) English. 18.He often helps with sports for English--speaking students in the ______(student) Sports Center. 19.We need a teacher ____(teach) music. 20.Do you want to _____(is) in our sports meeting ? 用所给单词的正确形式填空 21.Alice always________(brush) her shoes by herself. 22.He eats breakfast ________(quick)on school days. 23.Here are your clothes. Come and get__________(dress). 24.Tom is a good runner. He likes_______(run)in the morning 25.My parents tell me I should brush my________(tooth)twice a day. 26.My father ________ (usual) has lunch in his school. 27.How many ________ (tooth) does a cow have? Do you know? 28.Scott always ________ (go) to work early in the morning every day. 29.—What do you think of the new movie? —I think it's very ________ (interest). 30.When does your brother get ________ (dress) in the morning? 用所给单词的正确形式填空 31.Who _______ (help) you with your English? 32.My brother often _______ (study) with me. 33.―What _______ your brother _______ (do) in the evening? 34.―_______ your father _______ (help) your mother do house work at home? 35.I want _______ (visit) my grandfather and grandmother tomorrow. 36.How long can she _______ (stay) at home? 37.She usually _____ (go) shopping with her parents at the weekend. 38.My sister _______ (not like) reading books. 39.How _______ (many) time does it take you to go to school? 40.He never _______ (go) to bed before twelve. 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 41.I think your __ (dream) are all great. 42.Many __ (village) leave their homes and work in cities. 43.He __ (cross) the street and goes into the supermarket. 44.Can he __ (ride) a bike? 45.The old man stops __ (walk) because he is tired(累了). 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子 46.The bike ride usually _________ (take) about half an hour. 47.Look!Here are two _________ (bus). 48.—How long does it take you ____________ (walk) to the railway station? —About thirty minutes. 49.—How about __________ (play) soccer this afternoon? —Good idea. 50.How do you usually go to your ___________ (grandparent) home? 用所给词的适当形式填空。 51.—How long does it take you to get to school? —About 20 ________ (minute) by subway. 52.How ________ Tom________ (get) to school? 53.Lots of ________ (village) never leave their village. 54.Lucy is from Qingdao, but she ________ (live) in Beijing with her family now. 55.He always rides a bike ________ (go) to school. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 56.Nina ________ (leave) for school at seven every morning. 57.Many of the students and ________ (villager) never leave their small village. 58.He ________(cross) the river to go to school. 59.It's interesting ________(take) a boat. 60.I think ________(they) dreams can come true. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.________(not put) your book here. 62.I have to ________(get) up at six o’clock. 63.She ________(not like) playing basketball. 64.Does Jack ____(do) his homework every day? 65.________(not arrive) late for school. 66.Don’t ________(eat) in the classroom, Emily. 67.The classroom is too ________(noise). 68.You have to

doc文档 专题02 用所给单词的适当形式填空150道(重点单词全覆盖)-2021-2022学年七年级英语下学期期中复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版)

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