The Hound of the Baskervilles(巴斯克维尔的猎犬) 一、作者简介 阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle,1859 年 5 月 22 日~1930 年 7 月 7 日), 生于苏格兰爱丁堡,因塑造了成功的侦探人物——夏洛克·福尔摩斯而成为侦探小说历史上 最重要的作家之一。代表作有《福尔摩斯探案集》(包括《血字的研究》、《四签名》、 《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》等)。 柯南·道尔对侦探小说的贡献是巨大的,其小说的故事结构、推理手法和奇巧的构思都给该 类题材的小说树立了范本,他是当之无愧的文学大师,他将侦探小说推向了一个崭新的时 代。《福尔摩斯探案集》可谓是开辟了侦探小说历史“黄金时代”的不朽经典,风靡全世界 是历史上最受读者推崇的侦探小说。 除此之外他还曾写过《失落的世界》等多部其他类型的小说,其作品涉及科幻、悬疑、历 史小说、爱情小说、戏剧、诗歌等。 二、故事简介 巴斯克维尔家族有一个恐怖的传说,其一位先人因为行为恶劣,被一只巨大无比的恶犬咬 死。现在的巴斯克维尔爵士离奇死去,经福尔摩斯调查是惊吓过度而死,其继承人来到此 地继承财产后也遭遇到一系列与恶犬有关的恐怖事件。 事情的原因在于,被吓死的老爵士还有一个流亡国外的弟弟,这个弟弟死后留下一个 儿子叫斯台普吞。此人为了继承老爵士的大笔遗产,利用家族的传说,偷偷养了只巨大无 比的恶犬,并在其鼻子上涂上磷,在夜色里发光,显得更加恐怖,利用这种方式吓死了老 爵士,并准备以同样的方式对新的继承人下手,这样他就可以以下一顺位继承人的身分来 继承遗产了。最终福尔摩斯通过对周围人物的调查及分析破解了谜团。 三、主要人物 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 (Sherlock Holmes) 约翰·华生医生 (Dr John Watson) 雨果·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Hugo Baskerville) 查尔斯·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Charles Baskerville) 亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士 (Sir Henry Baskerville) 杰克·斯台普斯 (Jack Stapleton) 詹姆斯·莫蒂默医生 (Dr James Mortimer) 贝尔丽·斯塔普顿小姐 (Miss Beryl Stapleton) 四、词汇 hound 猎犬 mysterious 神秘的 inherit 继承 moor 荒野 escape 逃脱 discover 发现 legend 传说 lord 庄园主 manor 庄园 cruel 残酷的 kidnap 绑架 scream 尖叫 shock 震惊 butler 男管家 violence 暴力 relative 亲戚 footprint 脚印 giant 巨大的 shiver 颤抖 lean 倾斜 heir 继承人 case 案件 reply 回答 puzzled 困惑的 missing 失踪的 decide 决定 cab 出租马车 beard 胡须 arrange 安排 disappear 消失 bitterly 怨恨地 alone 独自地 send 寄 mystery 不可思议 silent 沉默的 villain 坏人 criminal 罪犯 journey 旅行 pleasant 令人满意的 wagon 四轮马车 soldier 士兵 prisoner 犯人 local 本地的 murderer 凶手 tower 塔 rock 岩石 五、练习 1、缺词填空 My dear Holmes, I hope you are well. Here are some facts about the Baskerville case. F 1 there is an escaped prisoner—Selden—on the moor. But no one knows where he is. Last Thursday: Today Dr. Morimer and the Stapletons have lunch with us. After lunch Dr. Mortimer shows us lo the path where Sir Charles d 2 . There is a small white gate onto the moor halfway along the path. I imagine Sir Charles on the night of the murder. He leaves the house and walks down the path. He sands at the gate and sees s 3 coming across the moor. He is so frightened that he runs and runs u 4 he dies of shock. But what is he running away f 5 ? Is it an ordinary dog? Or is it the ghostly black hound—the Hound of the Bakervilles? Does Barrymore the bulter know more than he is not telling us? Last night: I wake up s 6 at two in the morning. There is someone outside my room. I get up, open my door. and look out. Barrymore, the bulter, is walking along the corridor with a c 7 in his hand. I follow him. Barrymore goes into a room and over to the window. He stands looking out of the window for a few minutes. Then he groans and blows out the candle. I go back to my room and s 8 after I hear a door opening somewhere in the house. This morning as soon as I see Sir Henry I tell him about the events of the n 9 . And together we make a plan of action. I tell you. Holmes, there are s 10 in the big dark house, but we are going to discover them 缺词填空 First suddenly died candle something soon until night from secrets 2、阅读表达 Dr. Mortimer shows Holmes a newspaper."Now, Mr. Holmes. This newspaper is the Devon Country Chronicle of May 14th. It has a short report of the death( 死 亡 ) of Sir Charles Baskerville. "He reads: "On the night of the 4th of May, Sir Charles Baskerville goes out for a walk as usual. But he does not return. At twelve o'clock his butler Barrymore, goes to look for Sir Charles. Barrymore finds the dead body of Sir Charles near a small gate which opens onto the moor. There are no signs of violence(暴力迹象)。 Sir Charles's closest relative(亲戚) is Mr. Henry Baskerville, the son of Sir Charles Baskerville's younger brother. Sir Henry lives in America." " Thank you, " says Sherlock Holmes. "Is that all? "Dr. Mortimer looks worried. "Listen, Mr. Holmes. I have got a secret that nobody else knows. " "Sir Charles was my friend and he was very worried about the hound of the afraid to walk on the moor at night. He was sure there were strange noises on the moor at night. "When Barrymore the butler finds Sir Charles's body he calls me to Baskerville Hall. There are footprints(脚印)on Sir Charles's body. " "A man's or a woman's? " asks Holmes. Dr. Mortimer looks strangely at us, and he answers: "Mr. Holmes, they are the footprints of a giant hound! " 1. When does Sir Charles Baskerville die? _____________________________________________________ 2. Where does Barrymore find the dead body of Sir Charles? _____________________________________________________ 3.What was Sir Charles

doc文档 黑布林阅读The Hound of the Baskervilles(巴斯克维尔的猎犬习题一)2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册

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