高一升高二衔接测试卷 满分 120 时间 120 分钟 亲爱的同学,祝贺你顺利完成了高中第一阶段的英语学习,或许英语你初中英语底子牢,高一的 学习轻松又快乐,那么你做好准备去迎接高二这个分水岭了吗?这套测试卷将带你提前感受高二的 考试模式,让你心中有数,加油吧,少年! 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Our city campus (校园) has lots of stores to meet your needs. Campus Pharmacy. Description: The Campus Pharmacy sells general medicines, sports goods and phone cards. Location: Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 1 Opening hours: Semester(学期):Monday to Thursday 8 am-6 pm, Friday 8 am - 5:30 pm Semester Break: Monday to Thursday 8 am - 5:30 pm, Friday 8 am-5 pm Campus Store Description: The Campus Store offers different official university branded clothes and graduation gifts. One of the shops called the Graduation Bear is very popular among students. Location: Student Quad,34 Princes St Opening hours: Semester: Monday to Friday 9:30 am - 4 pm Semester Break: Monday to Thursday 10 am-3 pm PB Tech Description: PB Tech provides computing and technology PRTECH hardware(硬件) on the city campus. It sells laptops, computers, headphones and microphones and so on. You can shop at PBTech either online or at its physical store on campus. Location: Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 2 Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9 am-5pm Closed on Saturdays and Sundays Munchy Mart Description: A convenient one-stop snack store on campus that offers different types of items, from hot 1 / 10 noodles to soft drinks and everything in-between. Munchy Mart is also the only campus provider for AT HOP card. You can also buy things from its website. Location: Kate Edger Information Commons, Level 3 Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 am-8 pm ;Friday 7:30 am-7 pm;Weekends 10 am-3pm 1. Which store is in a different building from the other three? A. Campus Pharmacy. B. Campus Store. C.PB Tech. D. Munchy Mart. 2. What do we know about the Campus Store? A. It includes many stores. B. It still needs improving. C. It is the most popular among the four. D. It opens longer than usual on weekends. 3. What do PB Tech and Munchy Mart have in common? A. They are on the same level. B. They both sell goods online. C. They are open on weekends. D. They both sell technology hardware. B Brian Boggs made what some people called the perfect chair. It was beautiful, lightweight, and, most important, comfortable no matter what your body type is. He named it the Berea Chair. Boggs was in second grade in Weaverville when his teacher gave the students some tools and told them to create a picture. Boggs impressed the teacher deeply, and she told his mom to let him take part in art classes. Within the first year he moved from the kids' classes to the adults'. “The kids' classes were for entertainment, not teaching art skills,” he said. “I was ready for skills.” Soon after, Boggs came across The Fine Art of Cabinet Making by James Krenov, the mid-20th-century woodworker who was famous for helping to make the art of handmade furniture alive again, and the clean, natural aesthetic(美学)he supported. The book cracked him open. He'd never seen furniture as art. A chair was a place to sit, and a shelf was a place to put books on. He started playing with some simple hand planes (手刨), trying to feel what it was like to create art using wood. When Boggs was in his early 20s, he went to Berea College in Kentucky, where he dropped out after a year. Boggs knew what he wanted to do. He talked with woodworkers, read what he could find and made a lot of 2 / 10 mistakes. Boggs' experimentation, along with the books and his conversations, shaped his views about wood - as something that can be pulled apart and put back together in a different shape. 4. How did Boggs feel about the kids' art classes in his childhood? A. They were boring. B. They weren't about arts. C. They didn't have good teachers. D. They couldn't satisfy his real needs. 5.How did James Krenov's book help Boggs? A. It let him appreciate furniture as art. B. It helped him find the right university. C. It taught him to make the perfect chair. D. It showed him some handmade furniture. 6.Which of the following words can best describe Boggs? A. Brave and energetic. B. Intelligent and generous. C. Determined and hard-working. D. Powerful and knowledgeable. 7.What is the text mainly about? A. Brian Bogg's influence. B. Brian Bogg's perfect chair. C. Brian Bogg's life experience. D. Brian Bogg's interest in woodwork. C The mirrors that most of us are familiar with today were invented more than 200 years ago. Some fashion and beauty

doc文档 高一下学期英语测试卷(有答案) 2020-2021学年人教版英语新高二(高一升高二)衔接

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