2022 高考英语语法填空综合强化 42 (各地名校最新高考模拟真题) (2022·四川成都·三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或号内单词的正 确形式。 China is in the middle of a boom in rural tourism as city residents escape the country’s ____1____ (rapid) expanding urban centers to head out to small communities and farms for a taste of the simple life. And the tourism industry couldn’t be ____2____ (happy). With international tourism all but impossible due to ____3____ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a demand for domestic alternatives isn’t ____4____ (surprise) , especially as China is home to 55 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. But Chinese tourists aren’t just heading to their country’s historic and natural wonders; some ____5____ (seek) something a bit different. In posts to Chinese social media site Weibo, one user named Ancailie said after spending a day watching rice grow ____6____ eating home-grown food, she was “much more delighted”. Chinese-owned Trip. com Group, one of the world’s largest online travel ____7____ (agency), said rural tourism trips in China had increased year-on-year ____8____ more than 300%. The trend is so ____9____ (profit) that Trip. com is planning a “five-year action plan” to promote rural tourism. Zhou Mingqi, founder and general manager of Shanghai Tour Guide Enterprise Management Consulting, said Chinese people were getting tired of lives in big cities. “There is a need ____10____ (experience) a different kind of life to change a lifestyle on the weekend,” he said. (2022·宁夏中卫·三模)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号 内单词的正确形式。 China has landed on the moon three times, and even managed ____11____(bring) one of its robotic lunar explorers back to Earth. China National Space Administration ____12____(complete) a key step toward landing on Mars on Wednesday when Tianwen-1, the spacecraft ____13____(send) in July, 2020, began its orbit around the red planet, according to state media reports. By accomplishing this feat, China completed ____14____(it) first successful journey to another planet in our solar system. The spacecraft was also ____15____ second to arrive at Mars in two days, ____16____(follow) a United Arab Emirates’ probe(航天探测器) that began orbiting the neighboring world on Tuesday. Tianwen-1 left Earth in 2020’s summer, taking advantage of a time ____17____ Mars and Earth were closest to each other during their journeys around the sun. That allowed a ____18____(relative) short transit(通行) between the two worlds. The probe sent back pictures of the red planet ____19____ a distance of tens of millions of miles. But while the _____20_____(arrive) at Mars was a new milestone for China’s space program, it would face multiple challenges in the future. (2022·安徽马鞍山·三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词 的正确形式。 With five thousand years of creative efforts, the Chinese cuisine has become increasingly popular. Modem China enjoys a worldwide reputation as the “kingdom of cuisine.” The endless variety natural materials ____21____ methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled in the world, which may account for the ____22____ (universe) popularity of Chinese restaurants and cooking overseas. The three key elements, by ____23____ Chinese coking is judged, are known as “color, aroma and taste.” They are achieved by combining a series of delicate ____24____ (activity). Visitors to China are often surprised when a typical diner for a table of eight people ____25____ (consist) of cold and hot dishes, with soup and steamed rice. Often beer and wine ____26____ (serve) as well. When toasting each other, people usually dry up their gasses ____27____ (convey) the message that they are sincere and joyful. ____28____, it is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a little instead of emptying the glass. While the custom strikes a foreign visitor as ____29____ (particular) strange, it shows one key aspect that fine food and good drink, _____30_____ (take) in the company of good friends, make up one of our supreme pleasures in life. (2022·河南·模拟预测)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的 正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上。 The official Beijing Olympic mascot (吉祥物), Bing Dwen Dwen, is a cute panda in a transparent astronaut suit with a rainbow ____31____ (surround) its face. When the Bing Dwen Dwen ad first appeared, its creator, a professor at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, could hardly have predicted the popularity of the mascot. It ____32____ (describe) as “out of this world ugly” by some people. However, most people fell in love with it ____33____ (direct) they saw it. Twitter—a platform t

doc文档 专题65 语法填空综合强化42(各地名校最新模拟真题)-2022年高三英语一轮复习之语法填空

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