take 相关词组 take a vacation = have a vacation 度假 take a rest = have a rest 休息一下 take a bath = have a bath 洗澡 take a shower = have a shower 淋浴 take a look = have a look 看看 off 短语总结  put off 推迟;延期 take off 脱掉;起飞 set off 激起;引起 get off 下车 turn off 关掉(电灯,收音机等) break off 中断别人的谈话;断绝,结束 give off 发出[光、热、气味等] go off 发出响声 run off 迅速跑掉 out 短语总结  sell out 售完 carry out 执行 come out 出版,出现,显露,结果是 put out 伸出, 扑灭 run out(of)用完 break out 逃出,突然发生,(战争)爆发 die out 消失,灭绝 查明,了解 find out 找出, work out 算出 hand out= give out 分发;发放 look out 当心;小心 make..[成品]...out of...[材料] ...某物由...制成 help sb. out 帮助某人解决困难 bring out 使显现;弄明白;查出;衬托出 drop out 中途退出 work out 算出;产生某种结果;制订出 hang out 闲逛 up 短语总结  clean up 打扫干净 eat up 吃完 turn up(声音)调大 use up 用完 put up 粘贴 hurry up 快点 stay up(late)熬夜 捏造 bring up 抚养 cut up 切碎 grow up 长大 stand up 站立;起立 get up 起床 call sb. up 给某人打电话 wake up 醒来 dress up 盛装,打扮 make up 编造, shut up 闭嘴 think up=come up with 想出;提出 mix up 混合 show up 出席;露面 look up 查阅(字典) take up 占据; 着手做,开始做… be up to …由…决定  give up + doing sth.放弃,投降 put 短语总结 put away v. 放好,整理 put on v. 穿上, 把...放在上 粘贴;举起 put off v. 推迟, 拖延,扔掉, 脱掉, put up v. put into v. 把...翻译成  put out v. 放出, 伸出, 生产;扑灭 with 短语总结 agree with 同意 disagree with 不同意 be strict with 对 … 要 求 严 格 come up with 提 出 ; 想 talk with sb.和某人交谈 to begin/start with 一 开 始 … 出 compare… 1 with catch up with 把 … 和 … 赶 上 … 做 比 较 deal with =do with 处理;解决 fill…with 用…装满… be filled with 充满,装满 (have a) fight with…和…打架 be angry with… 生…的气 be busy with 忙于… help sb. with sth.帮助某人某事 make friends with 和…交朋友 play with 和…玩 get on/along well with 与 ……相处融洽 end up with 以...而结束 What's wrong with you? =What's the matter with you?你怎么了? way 短语总结  by the way 顺便 in/by this way 通过这种方式 on one’s way to…在某人去…的路上 (get)in the way 挡路;阻碍 be halfway to doing sth.在做…的半路上 in a way 在某种程度上;有点儿; the way to do sth.做…的方法 【重点句型】 1. What about doing sth ? by 的用法 a. 介词 prep. (指交通等)乘; 例:The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。 They went to Shanghai by plane. 他们坐飞机去上海。 b. 表示做某事的方式、方法 结构:by+V-ing How do you study for a test? I study by making word cards. 3.It’s +adj+ (for sb) to do sth It’s too hard (for me) to understand spoken English. 4. The more you read, the faster you’ ll be. 5. find it + adj + to do sth 例:I find it easy to learn English. 6. What do/does+sb. + think of sth. ? 例:What does Wu Yu think of this festival? 7.感叹句结构(P56) How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 谓! What (a/an)+名+ 主 + 谓! 例:What an interesting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is! 8.sb. suggest+ 从句(虚拟语气:should+V ) 例:The clerk suggests they go to the museum. 9.She is a sixteen-year-old girl.=She is sixteen years old. 10.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事(主动语态)Mother allows me to watch TV every night.  be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态) LiLy is allowed to go to America. 11.get their ears pierced 穿耳洞  让/使(别人)做某事  get sth. done(过去分词) 2             have sth. done  I get my hair cut. == I have my hair cut. 12. enough 足够   形容词+enough 如:beautiful enough 足够漂亮 enough+名词 如:enough food 足够食物 enough…to  足够…去做… 13.系动词用法:系动词+adj 常用的系动词有:look, feel, be, become, get, turn, smell, taste, stay(保持), kept 等。连系动词除 be 和 become 等少 数词可接名词作表语外,一般都是接形容词。  例:They are very happy. He became a doctor two years ago. She felt very tired. The grass turns green. 14.there be sb./ sth. doing 例:There is a cat eating fish. There must be something visiting our home. 15.prefer 的用法 【1】prefer A to B、A 与 B 相比较,比较喜欢 A 【2】prefer doing A to doing B,A 与 B 相比,比较喜欢做 A 【3】prefer to do A rather than do B,A 与 B 相比,比较喜欢做 A 【4】词组 prefer not to do “不愿意做……” 16.(1)suppose:猜想;假设 suppose that 表示“猜测;假设”,that 可省 (2)be supposed to do sth 被期望做某事,应该做某事。相当于 should 和 ought to 【练习】You are supposed _____ hands when you meet for the first time. A. to shake B. shake C. shaking D. shook 17.In Switzerland, it’s very important to be on time.分析:it 是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。 例:To clean the blackboard is your job.=It’s your job to clean the blackboard. 18.the+序数词+最高级+N 第几(大/长/高…) One of the/形容词性物主代词+Ns 谓语用三单 例:He is now one of the best students in his class One of my best friends is a doctor. One of his most expensive pens has been lost. The yellow river is the second largest river in china. Mount Qomolangma is the first highest mountain around the world. 【重点短语辨析】 1. used to do sth. 过去常常做… get/be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于…   be used to do  被用于做…(被动语态) be used by 由(被)…使用(被动语态) be used as … 被当做…使用(被动语态) 3 be used for doing 被用于做…(被动语态) 2. be made of 由...制作/制造(材料):在成品中能看出原材料 be made from 由...制造/制成(材料):在成品中看不出原材料

doc文档 2022年中考英语短语积累和单元知识点

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