仁爱版英语八年级下册 unit8 topic2 话题测试(有答案) I.听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1. What should the man wear? A. Sports shoes. B. Leather shoes. C. Cloth shoes. ( )2. What is the man wearing? A. A business suit. B. Jeans. C. Formal clothes. ( )3. What should the man and the woman wear? A. Sweaters. B. Special shoes. C. Sports shoes. ( )4. What will the man and the woman do? A. Put on their shoes. B. Take off their shoes. C. Put away their shoes. ( )5. Where is the man going? A. To an evening party. B. To a sports club. C. To a business meeting. II. 听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容完成表格。短文读两遍。 Clothes Price or color Pants 6 yuan 7 Five yuan Nice bags Evening dresses for girls 10 for boys 8 yuan In 9 ar or in black Twelve yuan each 6._______ 7._______ 8._______ 9._______ 10._______ 二、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. Mr. Johnson is a writer _________ an artist. A. as soon as B. as well as C. as long as D. as far as ( )2. The two brothers look ________, but not the same. A. simple B. friendly C. similar D. handsome ( )3. ________ very important to learn English well because it is an international language now. A. This is B. They are C. This is D. It is ( )4. -Excuse me, could you tell me ________ a woolen coat? -On the second floor. A. where I can buy B. where can I buy C. when can I buy D. when I can buy ( )5. I think it is right ________ you ________ a sult to go to the party. A. to; wear B. for; to wear C. to; to wear D. for; wear 三、完形填空。 Nowadays , almost all junior students wear school uniforms which attract ( 吸 引 ) a growing number of attention. As a student, we know that 1 school uniforms is very normal. Because wearing school uniforms can let us show good 2 and save a lot of time to study. On 3 hand, the school uniforms can make the students tidy. But the school uniform style is old-fashioned (过时的) 4 the color is too dark. That will make us upset and 5 , so we want to show our own styles. Besides, the school uniform is expensive but poor quality( 质 量). 6 , the school and the teachers want us to wear school uniforms , but we want to wear our clothes. So, the best way 7 this problem is to wear school uniforms on school days, but we just hope that the style of uniforms is 8 we like and suitable for us. 9 my opinion, it's a good thing 10 the students to wear uniforms at school. ( )1. A.wearing B. putting on C. dressing D. trying on ( )2. A. reason B. discipline C. rule D. law ( )3. A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( )4. A. and B. but C. so D. though ( )5. A. helpful B. hopeful C. unhappy D. active ( )6. A. In a short B. In a world C. In short D. In word ( )7. A. solving B. solve C. to solve D. to solving ( )8. A. what B. how C. why D. who ( )9. A. To B. In C. On D. For ( ) 10. A. for B. of C. to D. with 四、阅读理解。(20 分) A We often see people in different offices wear different clothes. In America, a businessman goes to work in a dark suit, with black shoes, socks and a tie. A reporter goes to work in old blue jeans, a work shirt and sneakers ( 运动鞋). These two kinds of clothes are suitable for their work. If you are a college student who will leave school soon , before starting a job, you have to buy some new clothes. And you'd better have a look at “what everyone else is wearing” in the office. On certain ( 某 种 ) kinds of business occasions men wear only suits with white shirts and dark. On others, men can wear jackets. Dressing is very important. Without it, there is no successful fashion. It would be helpful if everyone looks at himself in the mirror before leaving home every morning. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. It's very common to see people in different offices wear the same clothes. ( )2. If you are a student, you’d better know "what everyone else is wearing" in an office before working there. ( )3. Suits with white shirts and dark ties are for men on certain kinds of business occasions. ( )4. A reporter often goes to work in a dark suit. ( )5. Dressing is important for successful fashion. B 根据短文内容,将下面 A-E 五个句子分别填入文中空缺处。 It's not just women who wear skirts. 1 In Scotland, men wear a kind of skirt called a kilt (短褶裙). The kilt is their national dress and an important part of their culture. 2 It has different colors. Each family in Scotland has its own colors. Why did people in Scotland start to wear kilts? 3 One is that the kilt was made in the 1720s by an English factory owner called Thomas Rawlinson. He had a number of workers from Scotland in his factory and he thought their long clothes got in the way( 妨 4 碍) of their work. In the old days, soldie

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