期末复习之动词+名词篇 Unit 1 - Unit 12 主要内容: 1. 单词呈现; 2. 判断技巧: 3. 实践运用; 4. 复习巩固。 一、单词呈现 动词形式 (三单-现在分词-过去式) 原形 词性/释义 swim v. & n. 游泳 swims-swimming-swam v. 跳舞 dances-dancing-danced dance show talk dress brush shower 名词形式 go for a swim n. 舞蹈 on the dance floor n. 演出;节目 TV show v. 给……看;展示 shows-showing-showed v. & n. 说话;交谈 talks-talking-talked v. 穿衣服 dresses-dressing-dressed n. 连衣裙 v. 刷;刷净 a black dress brushes-brushing-brushed n. 刷子 n. & v. 淋浴 have a talk a big brush showers-showering-showered n. 淋浴器(间) in the shower work v. & n. 工作 works-working-worked exercis e v. & n. 锻炼;练习 exercises-exercising-exercised good exercise walk v. & n. 行走;步行 walks-walking-walked go for a walk taste v. 有……的味道; 品尝 tastes-tasting-tasted n. 味道;滋味 ride dream v. 骑 the taste of soup rides-riding-rode n. 旅程 boat ride n. 梦想;睡梦 a dream v. 做梦 dreams-dreaming-dreamed fight v. & n. 打架;战斗 fights-fighting-fought have a fight with practice v. & n. 练习 practices-practicing-practiced in practice sleep v. & n. 睡觉 sleeps-sleeping-slept have a good sleep drink v. 喝 drinks-drinking-drank n. 饮料 shop study rain snow go for a drink v. 购物 shops-shopping-shopped n. 商店 gift shop v. & n. 学习;研究 studies-studying-studied v. 下雨 rains-raining-rained n. 雨水 in the rain v. 下雪 snows-snowing-snowed n. 雪 20cm of snow pay v. & n. 付费 pays-paying-paid pay phone order n. & v. 点菜;命令 orders-ordering-ordered in order answer farm worry surprise n. 答案 the right answer v. 回答 answers-answering-answered n. 农场 at the farm v. 务农;种田 farms-farming-farmed n. & v. 担心;担忧 worries-worrying-worried so free of worry n. 惊奇;惊讶 a pleasant surprise v. 使吃惊 surprises-surprising-surprised 二、判断技巧:放在 主语后,动词充当谓语;放在形容词、冠词、介词、动词后可以 是 名 词 , 但 不 【技巧一】助动词后除主语外要紧跟动词; 1. I don’t swim every day. 2. Do you swim every day? 3. We didn’t show anything for others. 【技巧二】情态动词后除主语外要紧跟动词; 1. We all can swim. 2. Can you show me your phone? 3. You can talk frankly to me. 【技巧三】介词 to 后一般是动词; 1. I managed to swim to safety. 2. All right, there's no need to show off. 3. We don't often have time to talk. 【技巧四】介词 of 后跟名词形式; 1. 20cm of snow were expected today. 2. Never had he been so free of worry. 会 是 动 词 。 【技巧五】冠词、指示代词、不定代词后跟名词。 1. The show was just awesome. 2. We need some brushes. 3. Where did you buy that dress? 练习一:判断下列画线单词的词性。 1. Let's go for a quick swim in the pool. _______ I swim a mile a day. ______ 2. She's the star of the show ! _______ Her poems show great maturity. _______ 3. They talk about it endlessly. _______ My talk falls naturally into three parts. _______ 4. I sleep on the third floor. _______ I needed to get some sleep. _______ 5. They can order their requirements on line. _______ Let's take the problems in a different order. _______ 6. She started work last Monday. _______ Can you work under pressure? _______ 7. The rain kept up all afternoon. _______ It's threatening to rain. _______ 8. Need I pay the whole amount now? _______ The pay is lousy. _______ 9. This drink tastes like sherry. _______ What would you like to drink? _______ 10. That gave me a taste for reading. _______ It tastes good. _______ 新发现 1:你有什么新的发现? ______________________________________________________________________________ 三、实践运用:先判断该词在句中的词性,即作动词还是名词,再选择词形转换。 练习二:选词填空(选择恰当的单词,不用变形) A. has B. drink C.time D.on E. side Nobody likes rules but everyone 1. ______ to follow them. As a teenager you probably have lots of rules to follow. You can't be late for school and you have to do your homework. You can't eat or 2. _______ in class. At home, you have to help clean the house, and you can't go out on a school night. Adults have to follow rules, too. They have to be in the offices on 3. _______ and for some jobs they have to wear a uniform. If you drive a car, there are traffic rules you have to follow. For example, you have to drive on the correct 4. _______ of the road. You have to turn 5. _______ your headlights (车前灯) at might, and you can't park anywhere you like. 练习三:选词填空(选择恰当的单词,需要变形) everything be on ride good always smell travel one surprise Saturday, March 24th We arrived in the hot, wet city- -Bangkok ( 曼谷). This is our [ 小题 1] trip to Thailand. All the different [小题 2] make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap. and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then [小题 3] to Chiang Mai in the North

doc文档 专题01 动词和名词篇【练习】-2021-2022学年七年级英语下学期期末单元复习高分必备(人教版)

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