Unit 8 I’m watching TV Section B(1a-1e)教学设计 教学目标 1. 掌握本节的重点单词、短语、句型。 2. 通过独立思考和小组合作,能熟练运用现在进行时描述人们正在做的事。 3. 养成热爱活动和与别人交流的习惯。 教学内容 1. 掌握词汇:pool, shop, supermarket, man, library, read 2. 学习用 Is she / he doing ...? Yes, she / he is . No,she / he isn’t . 谈论正在进行的动作。 重点难点 1. 熟练拼写和运用单词:pool, shop, supermarket, man, library, read 2. 掌握和运用下列句型: Is she / he doing ...? Yes, she / he is . No,she / he isn’t . 教学思路 在教学过程中,关注学生的生活实际和生活体验,让其贴近实际、贴 近生活、贴近时代,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践 独立思考、合作探究,实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。 教学准备:多媒体 教学过程 1. Leading in 情景导入 (1) Watch the video and talk about what the characters are doing. 欣赏电影片段, 让同学们讨论电影上的人物都在做什么。 The purpose of this step: To lead in the new topic and get the Ss to be interested in this lesson. (目的是导入新课并激发学生们的兴趣) (2) Show students some pictures and talk about the characters in the pictures with the present progressive tense. 教师出示几张图片,要求学生就图片内容进行问答。 如:—What is he \ she doing ? ----He \ She is ... --- Where is he \ she ?--- He \She is watching TV at home . 然后要求学生就图片中的内容,用完整的句子进行介绍。 The purpose of this step: To develop students’ ability of observation and expression. (目的是培养学生的观察能力及用英语表达的能力) 2. Teach 1a and 1b. 教学 1a , 1b(1) Complete the form according to the pictures.利用多媒体将书 中图片展现出来,根据图片所展示的内容完成表格。 (2) Pair work 根据 1a 的图片,两人一组完成对话。A. Is the man swimming in a river ?B. No, he isn’t . He’s swimming in a pool. 3. Guessing game 猜一猜 The purpose of this step: To practice the present progressive tense and arouse students’ interest in learning. (目的是练习现在进行时态,激发学生们的学习兴趣。) 4. Teach 1c,1d and1e 教学 1c,1d,1e(1) Play the tape and write down the place you here.教师播放录音, 第一遍要求学生跟读并写出所听到的地点。 (2) Listen to the tape again and then write down the activities you here. 教师播放第 二遍录音,学生写出所听到的活动。 (3) Pair work 两人一组,相互询问: --- Is Alice playing basketball? --- No, she isn’t. She’s... 练习现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 The purpose of this step: To improve students’ listening and speaking ability . (目的是提高同学们的听说能力。) 5. role-play 模仿秀 Ask and answer with the present progressive tense.小组成员间 模仿打电话,用现在进行时态进行问答。 6. Give a report 综合语言运用能力提高 Who is the best reporter? The purpose of this step: To cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of using language.(目的是培养同学们的综合语言运用能力。) 7. Exercise 当堂检测 8. Summary 总结 The purpose of this step: To develop the Ss’ ability in summing up knowledge. (目的是培养同学们总结知识的能力。) 9. Homework 作业的布置 Review what we have learned today. 复 习 本 课 所 学 知 识 点 。 The purpose of this step: To consolidate what we have learned today.(目的是巩固今天所学的知识). Part 7. Blackboard design 板书设计 Unit 8 I’m watching TVSection B 1a—1e ---- Is she / he doing ...? ---- Yes, she / he is . No,she / he isn’t . ---- What is he \ she doing ? ----He \ She is ... 附练习 Unit 8 I’m watching TV 评测练习 I.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词(10 分) 1. He is c______ the room. 2. My parents like reading n_______ after lunch . 3. I think w_______ clothes is boring. 4. Susan and Mary are t_____ on the phone. 5. – What’s the girl doing ?- She is u______ the computer. II.句型转换(10 分) 1. He cleans his room every day.(用 now 替换 every day) He _______ _______ his room _______. 2. I’m doing my homework.(改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ _____ ______ homework? 3.They are flying kites over there.(就划线部分提问) ______ ______ they ______ over there. III. 单项选择(10 分) 1. --- What is Tom doing ? --- He _____ the computer. A. use B. is useing C. is using 2. His father is _____ a newspaper. A. looking B. seeing C. reading 3. The girls _____ in the classroom. A. sings B. singing C. are singing 4. The girl often talks_____ the phone with her mother . A. to B. on C. with 5. The students are _____ the teacher. A. listen to B. listening to C.listening

doc文档 Unit 8 I’m watching TV Section B(1a-1e)教学设计2020-2021学年鲁教版英语六年级下册

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Unit 8 I’m watching TV  Section B(1a-1e)教学设计2020-2021学年鲁教版英语六年级下册 第 1 页 Unit 8 I’m watching TV  Section B(1a-1e)教学设计2020-2021学年鲁教版英语六年级下册 第 2 页 Unit 8 I’m watching TV  Section B(1a-1e)教学设计2020-2021学年鲁教版英语六年级下册 第 3 页 Unit 8 I’m watching TV  Section B(1a-1e)教学设计2020-2021学年鲁教版英语六年级下册 第 4 页 Unit 8 I’m watching TV  Section B(1a-1e)教学设计2020-2021学年鲁教版英语六年级下册 第 5 页
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