Unit 6 Outdoor fun Integrated skills & Study skills 一.根据句意及音标或汉语提示,写出正确的单词 1.Do you know how man learnt to make paper from ________ /wʊd/? 2.Were mobile phones popular in the nineteenth ________ /'sentʃəri/? 3.The factory will be closed down over a 3year ________ /'pɪəriəd/. 4.________/ɪ'tæliən/ pizza is very popular in China. 5.Jiangsu ________(省) is a rich place and many people go there to work. 6.We all became ________(激动的) when we saw Lin Shuhao visiting our school. 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 7.The man is famous for ________(draw) beautiful pictures. 8.Suzhou ________(become) famous for its gardens about 1,000 years ago. 9.The ________(China) began to make kites over 2,000 years ago. 10.Could you use bamboo ________(make) kites? 11.The story happened in the ________(twenty) century. 三.从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次) dynasty, west, in history, Italy, call, from then on, mobile phone, be ready 12.France is a ________________ country. It has many places of interest. 13.I am not interested in eating ________________ food. I think Chinese food tastes better. 14.I think that Stephen Hawking is the greatest scientist ________________. 15.Everything ________________. Let's begin our dinner. 16.Peter joined the Handinhand Club last September. ________________, he made more and more friends. 17.The girl ________________ Millie comes from Australia. 18.I don't think students should use ________________ at school. 19.Kite flying became a very popular activity in the Ming and Qing ________________. 四. 根据汉语意思完成句子 20.蔡伦发现了一种造纸的新方法。 Cai Lun ________ a new________ ________ ________ paper. 21.上周我爸爸用木头做了一张桌子。 My father ________ a table ________ ________ wood last week. 22.潍坊从那时起就以制作风筝而闻名了。 Weifang ________ ________ ________ making kites ________ ________ ________. 23.恐怕在河里游泳是危险的。 I'm ________ that________ ________ ________ to swim in the river. 24.记得明天把你的家庭作业带到学校来。 ________ ________ ________ your homework ________ school tomorrow. 五.单项填空 (  )25.China is an ancient Eastern country ________ a history of more than 5,000 years. A.has B.with C.have D.of (  )26.The story was really ________, and everybody was ________ about listening to it. A.excited; interesting B.excited; interested C.interesting; excited D.exciting; interested (  )27.Jiangyin is famous ________ Huaxi Village and Zhu Ting is famous ________ a volleyball player. A.as; as B.as; for C.for; as D.for; for (  )28.Boys and girls, remember ________ swim in the lake in summer. It's dangerous! A.not B.not to C.don't D.didn't (  )29.If the word “herself” is on page 958 in a dictionary, “hurry” on page 1002, then “hole” may be on page ________. A.945 B.956 C.976 D.1007 (  )30.—Do you believe that paper is made ________ wood? —Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made ________ paper. A.from; of B.from; from C.of; from D.of; of (  )31.Wang, can I go to play football with my classmates as soon as school is over? —________ We have to prepare for the coming Art Festival together. A.Why not? B.I hope so. C.I'm afraid not. D.Of course. (  )32.—________ you ________ to Nanhu Park a week ago? —Yes. We had a good time there. A.Do; go B.Did; go C.Did; went D.Do; went 六.完形填空 Today is Sunday. We have __1__ lessons. We go for an outing and have a picnic. Our teachers join us __2__. When we __3__ the destination(目的地), we are very __4__ to see the beautiful scenery. There is a bamboo grove(竹林) around the grassland.There is a small river __5__ the bamboo grove. Some naughty boys are playing with water. In our picnic basket, there are __6__ food, such as rice, potatoes, corn, bread, eggs and meat. Now everyone__7__ busy collecting firewood(木柴). By the river Mary and Bob are teaching some classmates how __8__ hamburgers. Peter is carrying water with buckets(桶). Michael is cutting potatoes on a board __9__ a knife. It's getting dark. The stars in the sky seem bright. Everyone enjoys the food. __10__ happy we are! (  )1.A.any B.some C.no D.not (  )2.A.either B.too C.also D.as well as (  )3.A.arrive B.reach at C.arrive in D.get to (  )4.A.interesting B.exciting C.excited (  )5.A.in front of B.in the front of C.to the front D.to the front of (  )6.A.a kind of B.all kind of C.many kinds of D.many kind of (  )7.A.was B.are C.were (  )8.A.to making B.to make C.make D.surprising D.is D.made (  )9.A.by B.with C.in D. for (  )10.A.What B.How a C.What a D.How 七.阅读理解 Running Running is good for fat people because it will help them lose weigh

doc文档 Unit6 Integratedskills&Studyskills课后达标练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册

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Unit6 Integratedskills&Studyskills课后达标练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 1 页 Unit6 Integratedskills&Studyskills课后达标练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 2 页 Unit6 Integratedskills&Studyskills课后达标练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 3 页 Unit6 Integratedskills&Studyskills课后达标练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 4 页 Unit6 Integratedskills&Studyskills课后达标练习2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语下册 第 5 页
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