Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading 一.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1.Mr King ________(注意) a bird sitting on the roof of his house(房顶). 2.shouldn't leave your child in the house ________(单独). 3.It ________(使惊奇) me that Sally can sing so well. 4.A stone ________(击中) his head when the man was walking on the road. 5.Nancy spoke in such a ________(低的) voice that nobody in the room could hear her. 6.Our city is really beautiful. You can see lots of flowers on both ________(边) of the road. 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 7.My dog is very lovely. It often does ________(amaze) things. 8.You are lucky, Linda. You didn't hurt ________(you). 9.All the doors are ________ (lock) from the outside. 10.Alice drank something strange in the bottle and found that she became small enough ________(go) through the door. 11.When I got to school, I found the front door ________ (close). 12.Andy saw some boys ________(play) basketball in the playground just now. 13.weather report says it will be ________(sun) in the following two days. 14.Tony's uncle has a few ________(watch). They are wonderful and expensive. 三.从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个短语只能用一次) jump down, stand up, get away, pass by, go through 15.Tom was writing at his desk when the doorbell rang. He________________ and went to open the door. 16.Jim walked very quietly. Nobody heard him when he________________. 17.The woman is too fat. She can't ________________ the small door. 18.The boy was tired of living in that small town. He wanted to________________ from it. 19.Bob________________ from the ladder(梯子) and broke his leg. 四.句型转换 20.He opened the box with a knife. (改为同义句) He ________ a knife ________ ________ the box. 21.You can't leave your little sister at home alone. (改为同义句) You can't leave your little sister at home ________ ________. 22.It took Amy about two weeks to read the book. (改为同义句) Amy ________ about two weeks ________ the book. 23.To my surprise, I met a friend of mine here. (改为同义句) I ________ ________ to ________ a friend of mine here. 24.We met at__the__school__gate__yesterday__morning. (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ ________ ________ you ________? 五.根据汉语意思完成句子 25.他醒来后发现自己独自躺在床上。 He ________ ________ and ________ ________ ________ in bed. 26.那名警察追着那个穿黑衣服的男人进入了一所老房子。 The policeman ________ ________ that man in black ________ an old house. 27.我看到一个穿红衣服的女孩站在路的另一边。 I saw a girl in red ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ of the road. 28.我向窗外看,看到了一个长头发的女孩正经过。 I looked out of the window and ________ a girl with long hair ________ ________. 29.米莉从包里拿出一支钢笔递给了杰克。 Millie took a pen ________ ________ her bag and ________ it to Jack. 六.单项填空 (  )30.Mrs White often feels ________ when she lives ________ in a ________ village. A.lonely; lonely; alone B.alone; lonely; alone C.lonely; alone; lonely D.alone; alone; lonely (  )31.—Tom, it's dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign. —Oh, I ________ it. Thank you. A.didn't notice B.won't notice C.don't notice D.am not noticing (  )32.traveller ________ his map to make sure he was not lost. A.looked after B.looked up C.looked for D.looked down (  )33.There are two holes ________ the front wall and a map of China ________ the back wall. A.in; on B.on; in C.in; in D.on; on (  )34.When I passed the zoo, I noticed some monkeys ________ bananas in the tree. A.eat B.to eat C.eating D.eats 七.完形填空 I’m always busy with my work. And I don’t ___1___ a vacation quite often. Last month my cousin ____2___ me and said, “Hey, Eddie. Let’s go to Montreal for our vacation! You are always ___3____.” His words really hit me. I was always ____4___ and stressed out (筋疲力尽), so I decided to take a short vacation with him. We stayed in Montreal ____5___ eight days. Montreal was great and we ____6___ ourselves there. The people there were friendly ____7___ the weather was nice. We went ____8___ every day because I like swimming. After that we often had delicious ___9____ in the restaurants. We also played soccer with others once a day. I ___10____ many friends there. After eight happy days in Montreal, we went back to Toronto. ( )1. A. find B. play ( )2. A. heard B. tried ( )3. A. driving B. walking ( )4. A. tired B. sad ( )5. A. in B. for ( )6. A. lost B. helped ( )7. A. and B. but C. bring D. take C. had D. visited C. working C. relaxed C. on D. happy D. with C. enjoyed C. if B. swimming C. camping ( )9. A. habits B. health C. grades B. played D. hated D. so ( )8. A. hiking ( )10. A. made D. sleeping C. laughed D. shopping D. food D. bought 八

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